
MSIE window.open not opening

So I'm having a popup that opens upon click on a link, but IE (8.0) doesnt want to show it. <a href="javascript:tellafriend('tellafriend.php?id=<?php echo $obj_id; ?>');">Send page</a> And this function in JS: function tellafriend(url) { popup = window.open(url, "Send page", "width=500,height=600,scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes");...

Losing ASP.Net Session in popup window from Windows Forms Web Browser Control

I'm using Web Browser Control in a windows form (vb.net) to display one of our website (ASP.NET) as a part of the windows application. Everything works fine, but when I've a popup window from the website page, I'm loosing the ASP.Net session. I've used extended version of web browser control to have Navigate2 event to catch the popup win...

Sometimes in Safari the first click isn't sent to the popup

I used different methods including "onclick" and jquery. http://sky-walker.net/temp/test.htm On Safari (for Windows at least), the first click after a popup appears (alert, prompt or confirm) isn't handled by the popup... e.g. in my test trigger a popup then hover or click on the checkbox... the first click doesn't register with the "o...

wpf popup doesn't close when focus is lost in xaml

Hi, I've written following xaml code to show a popup with the content in a expander control. all the things work ok up to the position where the popup opens when the button is clicked. but the popup wont close when I click away from it. plus as soon as I click away to close the popup my whole application seems to be freezed for a little...

Setting focus on a Popup's textInput control

I'm trying to have a popup window with an immediately editable TextInput. This means that the user should be able to type inside the TextInput once the popup is displayed. The problem is that I can't focus on the textInput. What happens is that when pressing a key for the first time, no text is inserted, only after a second key is press...

Pop window javascript in not working in IE, pls help

I have a page in which there is a link on clicking of which a pop up window needs to be displayed, this works fine in firefox, but it does not work in IE, infact it displays me http 404 error in pop window below the javascriptscript and the link with which i execute the javascript is given url: <a href="javascript:NewWindow('artworkspec...

Delay window open on click with JQuery

Here is an example page: http://vincent-massaro.com/modal/modaltest.html I am trying to have a window open with Jquery when a link is clicked, but delay the popup so that a message is first displayed before the popup happens. As you can see from the example the window.open happens not on the click, but on the fade, so this triggers a po...

Problem displaying popup ( java 1.4 )

I have a JSP with some fields. When I fill in the fields and click the send button, I have to go check that the data in database exists; if it does not, I display a popup alerting the user that the data does not exist in the database. If they choose to continue anyway it goes on the screen; if not it returns to the starting point. I'm s...

Change a default window size in browser

<form action="mail.php" method="post" target="_blank"> <textarea name="mess" cols="50" rows="5"></textarea> <input name="send" type="submit" value="Send"> </form> After pressing the button "submit", brouwser will open a new window with some text like "OK, your messagw sent to our mailbox". Can I make this "new" window NOT full...

Need a POPUP thickbox for fileupload in jquery

strong text Hi pals, I need a Thickbox or any other category of POPUP structure to Upload files to server using same and close successfully after work. If any body have good code give me ... regards Anes ...

help me please with a Popup

I have an Image and a Popup. When clicked on the Image popup should open. I started like that and now I stuck. <Image x:Name="LockImage" Source="/Lock.png"> <Image.Triggers> <EventTrigger RoutedEvent="MouseDown"> // ?????? WHAT's here? </EventTrigger> <...

Does Drupal always strip popups? How can I make it work?

Hi, I have some javascript popup works fine in html. I know how the popup works, but when Im trying to modify and use the codes in page.tpl.php, all of them always fail is drupal always strip popup? and how to make it works? thanks in advance -----added----- (i know this codes is dirty) in <head></head>: <script type="text/javasc...

Android Floating popup 'window' options?

I wish to have an 80% by 80% sized view popup, grey out the background and take focus? In essence it's a "sub" view that is model. Strategies ? ...

Value cannot be null. Parameter name: control

<cc1:ConfirmButtonExtender DisplayModalPopupID="ModalPopupExtender4" ID="ConfirmButtonExtender4" runat="server" TargetControlID="lnkremoveloc" Enabled="False" OnClientCancel="RemoveLocations"> </cc1:ConfirmButtonExtender> <cc1:ModalPopupExtender ID="ModalPopupExtender4" OkControlID="btnDisable" CancelC...

Open Popup from servlet or jsf managed bean ?

hello Is there any way to open a popup from a servlet I have an asynchronous process running , and I need to somehow notify the user when finished, without having to refresh the page any ideas ?? ...

How do i open popup window in C# ASP.Net application for Chrome? (RegisterStartupScript not working)

I have the following line of code: ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this, typeof(string), "print", "javascript:window.open('Print.aspx');", true); This opens up the popup window in Firefox and IE, but not Chrome. Normally, I would use onClientClick on the button, which works fine on all browsers. In this case, however, I have to do...

How do i open popup window in C# ASP.Net application without Chrome silently blocking it?

I can't use RegisterStartupScript('window.open...), because Chrome blocks the popup without even informing the user. I can't use "onclientclick=window.open(..." in the markup, because I have to invoke code in the button click event handler before opening the popup window. I can't expect every user of the website to add the site as an e...

how to open a new uiview like a popup?

hi all. i have a tabbar app. there is a button in one of tab. i want to open a new uiviewcontroller by animation like popup when i press the button. popupviewcontroller has a uiwebview. i want to show some web pages in popup view. i designed the popupview in IB. how can i open my popupviewcontroller with animation like FBConnect. FBcon...

How to Really start LOADING a page (in a jQuery modal/dialog window) AFTER clicking a button??

Dear folks, A question that hasn't popped here before: How to start downloading / truly loading a page (html or php) inside a jQuery modal/dialog window, AFTER a link or button is clicked? See, currently i blieve that all .load() url objects HAVE to be inside the page and load is actually just opens them, doens't really start fetching ...

Showing a taskbar baloon tip popup message in a remote computer's desktop in the LAN

Hope you all have noticed the messages that appears on the desktop as a pop up near the windows taskbar; in situations when New Windows Updates are available, when a print job is sent to a printer etc. I want to send a message to another computer in my LAN, and it should appear as a popup near taskbar as I explained above. Is there any...