
iPhone SDK UIDatePicker Modal Popup

I need to have a modal datepicker popup like the keyboard when a textfield is pressed. I have done a lot of searching but not seen anything with a complete solution, can anyone hel please? ...

Javascript: Hide Popup With Cordinates

Hi all! My problem: For example: I have a link, when I click on it a popup div is shown, and when I click on the link again then closes the popup, that's ok, but how can I do to close the opened popup box when I click anywhere else outside of the popup. I've searched a lot and I found some solutions, but those weren't enough good to me...

How to popup a new view on top of a UISplitView

I have a split view based iPad application. I need to popup a new view that takes over full screen. How do I do that? ...

Javascript - Confirmation when leaving page

Hi, I'm trying to implement a basic popup window that asks the user if they really want to leave a page, similar to what would happen on this site if I tried to close the window half way through writing this message. I realise this is something that is generally frowned upon but I have good reason for wanting to do it. I have got it wo...

ASP.NET MVC 2: How to master common update/create scenarios with popups using jQuery

I have an Index page. In the contentwrap div the overlay is rendered and popuped by jQuery. The gridcontainer shall be updated via ajax. <asp:Content ID="Content2" ContentPlaceHolderID="MainContent" runat="server"> <h2> List of Employees</h2> <br /> <div id="gridcontainer"> <% Html.Ren...

Information popup box

I'm looking for an information popup box like here on this site: Yahoo answers example Here if you hover mouse on question author or answer author usernames small nice popup box will appear, that queries some information with ajax. I need exactly the same thing... I need to display small popup box when the mouse is over the link and ca...

How to position a pop up to be in the top right part of the screen

What I want to do is to change the size of a window and create a window next to it so they are exactly next to each other. In that sense, I need to position to the new window to the top right part of the screen, the way I am doing it is not working (code is below), I need help :) function () { var viewportwidth = document.documentEl...

Creating a bookmarklet that doesn't get blocked

Goal: To create a bookmarklet that calls a remote javascript file that opens a popup window. The popup window is functionally similar to what Delicious's bookmarklet does. Background: Currently, I'm using window.open within this javascript file, however the popup is getting blocked by pretty much every major browser. The alternative s...

disable windows pop up during telent

Hi, We do telnet from Solaris machine to windows machine and run build command on windows machine. Currently we observe that during build because of some issue, process pops up "windows error message". Since no gui is attach to the process, build gets hang up and we've to re-run manually on the system. We are using "nmake" and visual ...

Popup waiting for user action in Django

In my project I have to add functionality for deleting friends from users list. When clicking on 'Delete friend' link, the following view is loaded (with the friends.id sent) : def delete_friend(request, id): friend = get_object_or_404(Friend, id=id) friend.delete() return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse('user_profile',)) ...

popup trigger not working as expected

I have two controls in a grid, an Ellipse and a Popup. The idea is that both of the controls are only displayed if the IsDirty property in a view model is true; if so, the Ellipse is green if the same view model IsValid and red if not, while the Popup displays messages if the user has the mouse over the popup. The content and bindings f...

AJAX ModalPopup

hi everybody, I have problem, please let me know how to solve this. scenario is like I have created the user control TimeSheet which has a timesheet grid and Add Activity button at the top. On click of Add Activity button a AJAX Modal Popup come up which has a ifram in it which intern display ProjectActivity.aspx page. now AJAX Mod...

How to use FBJS to popup a new browser window

My applicaiton is FBML. not FB connect. so, I can't use normal JS to popup new browser window. Is there a way to do it using FBJS? ...

Flex PopupManager Issue

I have been working with pop-up manager lately and have an inconsistency issue. This is created at application level, and then various levels are added to the application requiring the pop-up to be brought to the front. roughly 1 in 5 times the grayish haze will appear (which renders the application unusable) as with any pop-ups, b...

Post data to a new popup window without using hidden input fields

Is it possible to post data to a new window without using hidden input fields. Data can be possibly quite large. Looking at something similar to jQuery ajax type post.. except I need to post the data to a new page. ...

Displaying error message in popup JSF

How to generate popup while displaying validation error? For example for <h:inputText required="true"> if I skip and press submit button I want to display <h:message> in a popup. Is that possible in JSF 2.0 or using jQuery or any other? ...

Jquery popup plugin

I am looking for a plugin that will popup a full size image WITH HYPERLINK when user clicks the thumbnail image link. I found http://leandrovieira.com/projects/jquery/lightbox/ is useful but I can't add the hyperlink to the full size popup image. Anyone has idea where to get it or how to do it? Thanks a lot! my jquery: $('#projects a...

In-page contact form with pop-up form validation and verification

I am looking for a script to send an email. My form is coded in the page with no room for messages. I would like a script that validates the form with a popup and tells the user the email has been sent with the same pop up. Any suggestions? ...

Why does appendChild only work when I remove the docType

When I put any sort of doctype declaration like <!DOCTYPE html >, appendChild does not work.... Why? <form> <script language="javascript"> function function2() { var myElement = document.createElement('<div style="width:600; height:200;background-color:blue;">www.java2s.com</div>'); document.forms[0].appendChild(myEl...

Dynamic Pop-up Menu (Select box) in Dashcode

I'm trying to use Dashcode to create a drop-down list for an iPhone Web app. I want the list to be set dynamically based on a data source, and for the selected item to be set by a separate data source. I've figured-out how to set the parameters on the data source to get it to alter the contents, and have the data in valid JSON, but can'...