
Android AutoCompletionTextView hide popup?

Steps to reproduce: Make a AutoCompleteTextView Click on AutoCompleteTextView -> OnScreenKeyBoard is displayed. Press a few characters, AutoCompleteTextView has new characters and Popup appears. Press done. OnScreenKeyBoard hides (using InputMethodManager.hideSoftInputFromWindow) Auto complete popup is still there. If I touch the sc...

Display warning popup when leaving secure site

Refer to previous: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2365994/display-a-warning-when-leaving-the-site-not-just-the-page/3442524#3442524 I'm needing something very similar, however, instead of relying on any rel, id, or onClick designations in the html's anchor tag, I need a way for the javascript to popup a warning if it's determined th...

Controling popup open and close focus

Hi I have a popup which contains multiple elements, a list view, a text box and a button. These are operating fine, and if you use the button to close the popup it works as well, but when i tried to make the popup close when it lost focus, it closed when i clicked an element in the listview. Is there any way around this? Is the FocusMana...

url in window.open is not working in IE.

UPDATED I have a page where i upload an image to crop which opens a window with the required functionality, it works absolutely fine as per below given script, but it doesn't work with IE <script> window.open('http://mymachine/mysite/crop.php?bgimagecode1=1281439586.jpg&amp;x=728&amp;y=364&amp;id=30&amp;bannersize=1x2&amp;osCsid=','myw...

Android popup menu

Hey, I am making a android app. I have a list of items displaying. I am looking to create a popup menu just like the one that pops up when you tap the avatar of a contact in the contact list. I have tried looking threw the android reference but can not find it. has anyone created one of these popup menus? A link to the reference or ...

window.open height isn't the same in Google Chrome as other browsers

I am using javascript's window.open to open a browser window on a user click at a specified width and height (760x581), and this works correctly on Internet Explorer, Safari, and Firefox, but Google Chrome is giving me issues. In the other browsers, the height is correctly used as the height of the content, but in Google Chrome it is ma...

WPF- How can I stop a popup in a control template from closing when clicked?

The control template is for a custom control. I have seen this question: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/619798/why-does-a-wpf-popup-close-when-its-background-area-is-clicked However I could not figure out how to bind a command to an event in the control template. I tried this: <Popup Name="Popup" ...

Basic Help with SimpleModal and ASP.NET

Integrating SimpleModal with ASP.NET I want to thank Eric for producing SimpleModal and compliment the demos. It looks fantastic.. I only wish I could figure out how to use it.. (it's me, I'm missing some chromosome or something.) Sorry in advance for my noobinicity. I've seen several demos where specific functions are talked about an...

Facebook FBML popup dialog with youtube video

I am trying to put a youtube video inside of a pop dialog with fbml. The dialog works and the video plays the first time. The video does not play after the dialog has been closed. Any suggestions? <fb:dialog id="my_dialog"> <fb:dialog-title>Video</fb:dialog-title> <fb:dialog-content><fb:swf swfsrc='http://www.youtube.com/v...

SimpleModal and ASP.NET MasterPage

Integrating SimpleModal with ASP.NET and MasterPages This is a continuation of a previous thread found here. Thanks to the help I received previously the code worked in a single page and I was able to use SimpleModal. But my application has MasterPages, so I pasted it into another test form. The results are different then the test I r...

How to pop up a Window in onClick event of a link (<a>) in HTML ?

I just have a link : <tr><td align="center" height="10%"><a href="https://login.yahoo.com/config/login_verify2?.intl=in&amp;.src=ym"&gt;Mail&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/td&gt;&lt;/tr&gt; while clicking on it, it will shift to the pave http://login.yahoo.com, but I want the page open in a frame that pops up on this page & the inner display is target...

Trigger a pop up modal div after 1 minute

Hi Guys, Ive never used this site but really need some help with this one. I have this page http://bit.ly/d6WfDG and in the top left corner if you click learn more you will see my pop up div So i need to trigger this event but after 1 minute instead of using the link learn more. Also in the same breathe is it possible to validate and...

javascript and popup

I am using a a href "Click Here" link in the page and if we click it will open a pop up contact form using javascript, here i need to get the value say like "id" into that popup from the a href so that i can manipulate the contact form, <a href="javascript:showDiv('Showcase_10','<?=$mainrow[1]?>')">Click Here</a> javascript function: ...

Why Some Sites not opening in Pop Window?

I have an html page. On that page I want to open popup window. I have a link on which I have to click & open new pop up. But, it is not a new browser window. It is AJAX based popup. I do have used Queness popup & YUI dialog popup. Now, in that window I want to show an iframe which will display page related to link I have clicked. But, ...

Firing events on a popup window (ExtJS)

Hello, we're currently developing an application that makes extensive use of popup windows(*) and have run into an issue on IE (this has been reported before but I couldn't find any solution). The problem is this: our main window M opens a popup window P and keeps a reference to it. P then registers an event handler on an object in M. ...

Some wpf Font_Combobox questions

Hello folks, I have this code: <ComboBox Width="100" ItemsSource="{Binding FontList}" x:Name="fontComboFast"> <ComboBox.ItemsPanel> <ItemsPanelTemplate> <VirtualizingStackPanel /> </ItemsPanelTemplate> ...

asp:Menu hover makes "Security Information" pop up, how do I fix?

I hover over my menu and a submenu expands, then this bad boy comes accross the screen. Is there something I can do in my website to prevent this? IE6 aspx <%@ Page Title="" Language="C#" MasterPageFile="~/Templates/MyPage.master" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeFile="Tasks.aspx.cs" Inherits="UI_MyPage_Tasks" %> <asp:Content ID="Con...

ASP.NET / C# - How to pop up a page with a listbox / multi-select control and send the selected IDs back to the parent page

Hello, I want to make a pop-up page that contains a listbox-type (multiselect) control which will return the selected IDs to the page that initiated the pop-up. This is an ASP.NET web application / C# 3.5 / Latest jQuery. I understand how to make the pop-up page with the corresponding controls, but I am unsure about the best way to ap...

Avoiding a Windows Firewall popup

Hi My organisation produces a suite of Windows applications that make use of networking, and so when users run our software for the first time, the Windows Firewall (if it is running) brings up a pop-up, informing the user that our app(s) are trying to use the network, prompting the user to allow or deny access. This occurs with plenty...

Preview button action captured by popup blocker

I want one of the page adding editors on site to have a preview buttons associated with it. When user clicks preview the content gets saved and if the save is successful a page preview window is launched. The problem here is that the preview windows is blocked by browser's pop-up blocker. What can I make to "fool" the browser ? I was t...