
C#: How can I move my controls on a win form in windows application freely?

C#: How can I move my controls on a win form in windows application freely? I do NOT want IDE control the position of my controls for me. Thank you ...

Floating div element

I'd like to create a div element that is "floating", not in the sense of the float property, but rather literally "float": ...

Making div fixed vertically but glued to the page's border horizontally

Hi! Can you please go to: http://www.binarymark.com/Products/ColorPickerPro/default.aspx and note the page's layout. What I want to do is to stick or "glue" some small div to the right side of the page, that is so that it's just outside of the right frame of the page. However, vertically I want the div to be fixed to a Window, that is ...

How to get rid of this sliver of white between DIVs?

I am currently having trouble getting rid of a sliver of white... Here is an example page: http://m.stackoverflow.quickmediasolutions.com/view_question.php?id=97969&amp;site=serverfault As you can see, the answers have a sliver of white stuffed between the top of the 'button' and the content. Here is some relevant code: <!-- this is ...

Easyslider not cooperating

First time I've used it. had it working but suddenly it's gone. It seems temperamental, sometimes works grand, a refresh then breaks it. It doesn't expand to the full height and screws up the positioning of the image and the corresponding copy. Any help much appreciated. See code here: http://www.bigfootwalk.com/route.html ...

The body gets displaced (and part of the content disappears) on ie7

I have been searching for a way to fix this problem for a while now. It seems something could be wrong on the javascript, or maybe it has something to do with the positioning. This page http://www.medspilates.cl/ works fine on FF, on Chrome, on Safari and on IE8, but on ie7 it doesnt, the body gets displaced to the right and the main c...

Different positioning in Firefox, Internet Explorer and Safari?

Hello, I believe this question has been asked a lot of times, and I have managed to overcome this problem before whenever it occurred. Just now, I feel stuck with it and can't find a proper solution to make it work in all browsers: it does work properly only in Firefox, while in IE and Safari its elements are somehow apart from each oth...

How to get the number of loop when using an iterator, in C++?

Dear reader, I'm working on a aplication where I draw a couple of images, like this: void TimeSlice::draw(float fX, float fY) { list<TimeSliceLevel*>::iterator it = levels.begin(); float level_x = x; float level_y = y; while(it != levels.end()) { (*it)->draw(level_x,level_y); level_y += (*it)->height; ++it; } } Though th...

UILabel automatic size and position

I want to draw a text with different colors and the only way that I've found for do it is to split every piece of string-color in differents UILabels, so currently now I have four UILabels one after another, lets say, label1, label2, label3 and label4. The problem with that is with the size and the position of every labels, I've not fou...

openWYSIWYG - dynamic positioning

I am making a webpage that has different areas that can be clicked on to change the contents. I want to set it up so that when you click on an area, an openWYSIWYG editor appears in the middle of the screen with the rest of the page greyed out. I have achieved this except for the positioning of the editor. When you click on a section I ...

Android: Placing a view in an arbitrary location

Hi. I have been trying to place a view in an arbitrary location. My aim: To overlay some rectangle of a JPG/PNG, given coordinates that relate to the JPG/PNG, with some other view, say, Gallery, or some video. I don't want to use AbsoluteLayout, as it is depricated. Therefore, I am using RelativeLayout, defining a dummy textbox as a p...

Button In FrameLayout ==> Change y? Android

I have a button in my FrameLayout. When the user selects the button i need to bring the button a little bit higher, so decrease it's y. How can i do this in code? ...

Incorrent NSTableView frame within an NSSplitView

Within my Mac app I've setup two NSSplitViews to create a Mail-style interface (with the first ScrollView used to create a vertical separator, and the second nested within the first, to create the horizontal separator). To illustrate the interface, I've created the following diagram: To illustrate the setup further, here's an annotate...

jQuery looping through open dialogs to get/update position of each

I am trying to make the jQuery dialogs stay in their position relative to the window size, so for instance: if the original viewport width is 900px and there are 2 dialogs, one at 100,100 and another at 450,200 when the window is resized to say 1200px the first dialog would be 400,100 and the second at 750,200 I currently have this hand...

jQuery .CSS won't position element to the bottom right!

I am trying to make a simple Modal Box that can be minimzed to the bottom right of the screen so i can make it into a plugin but i cant get the simple CSS to work and position itself to the bottom right! Here is all the code you can instantly paste it and see the example work. <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//E...

Image not positioning properly under floated divs in IE8

I'm trying to build a dynamic chart using images, and it looks fine in standards-compliant browsers, but in IE8 the baseline and everything below it is jumping up to the side of the chart. Anything in particular I could do to keep it in its proper place? <html> <head> <style type="text/css"> div.float { float: left; } .float i...

How to move WPF window above top of screen?

I have a window with the following: Background="{x:Null}" AllowsTransparency="True" WindowStyle="None" Dragging the window by hand beyond the left, right and bottom limits of the screen results in a predictably cropped window. However this behaviour is not the same for dragging it above the top limit. Instead of cropping, it pushes it...

jQuery: Difference between position() and offset()

What is the difference between position() and offset()? I tried to do the following in a click event: console.info($(this).position(), $(this).offset()); And they seem to return exactly the same... (The clicked element is within a table cell in a table) ...

Rails & prototype - insert a div and position it

For my rails site, when somebody attempts to delete an item, I wish to pop up a custom div (as opposed to a javascript alert box) asking for confirmation before doing so. At the moment, the way that I am doing this, is that clicking on the delete link will call a function (in application_helper.rb) as below: def show_delete_box(objec...

How to place one element exactly to the same visible position, as another ?

I have two elements "src" and "dest" "src" and "dest" are in different DOM-nodes, that can not have the same parent. I need to place "src" element in the same visible position, as "dest". "src" element must also have the same sizes, as "dest". I have following code for case, when "src" and "dest" having the same parent: src.css(...