
VS Post Build Event

I would like to implement a post build event that performs the following actions A relative path copy of the DLL output (1 file, not all the debug jazz) A register the output DLL to GAC How is this done? ...

Python script at Visual C++ 2005 build step not spawning other processes.

I have the following post-build step in a VC++ 2005 project that calls a Python 2.5.1 script: does: import os os.system('cd') # cd is just a test, could be anything The process never starts, and it's the same with any other process I try, even using or Popen instead of os.system. Does anyo...

VS .Net: Post build events for "Primary Output from <myProject>" in installer project

Hi, I'm using the following post build actions in a project, to merge a lib into my application: IF $(ConfigurationName) == Debug GOTO end cp $(TargetPath) $(TargetDir)app_unmerged.exe del $(TargetPath) "C:\Program Files\Microsoft\ILMerge\ilmerge.exe" /internalize $(TargetDir)MyApp_unmerged.exe $(TargetDir)someLib.dll /out:$(TargetDir)...

Adding a post-build event to a web site in Visual Studio 2008

I am using a "web site" in visual studio 2008, and i would like to add a post-build event which would append the build time to the web.config file. Is it possible? ...

Visual Studio Post Build Event - Copy to Relative Directory Location

On a successful build, I wish to copy the contents of the output directory to a different location under the same "base" folder. This parent folder is a relative part and can vary based on Source Control settings. I have listed a few of the Macro values available to me ... $(SolutionDir) = D:\GolbalDir\Version\AppName\Solution1\build ...

Is there a way to delete an output file in a post-build event.

I'm trying to run a post-build batch file on a .NET build that encrypts an output file, deletes the original and then renames the encrypted version to the original output filename. i.e.: Build A, then in post-build: Encrypt A->B DEL /F A RENAME B A I can't seem to delete the original output file after encryption though as it seems lik...

Two Visual Studio Post-build Event questions and MSBuild.

Hi folks, I have two questions re: visual studio 2008 and post-build events. 1) How do i dynamically list the msbuild.exe full path, to be called by the post-build event? Currently, i have the following (which works beautifully, btw):- C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v3.5\msbuild.exe "$(ProjectDir)MSBuild\MSBuildSettings.xml...

What is the easiest way to reset ERRORLEVEL to zero?

I have a post-build event that runs some commands for a c# project. The last command would sometimes cause the ERRORLEVEL value not equils to zero and then the build fails. I want to append an extra line of command to always set the ERRORLEVEL value to zero. What is the most convenient way to do that? ...

SSIS (missing) Pre-Build and Post-Build

For the warehouse work under progress, we have a single solution with multiple projects in it OLTP Database Project Warehouse Database Project SSIS ETL project After the SSIS project is built, I want to move the binaries (XML, really) from the Bin folder to "C:\AutomatedTasks\ETL.Warehouse\" and "C:\AutomatedTasks\ETL" I cannot find...

Post Build in SSIS Project

I am trying to have a PostBuildEvent in my SSIS project. This is my original .DTProj file from a test project with one test package. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <Project xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd=""&gt; <ProductVersion>10.0.2531.0</ProductVersion> <Sche...

Can a post-build step take me to a specific line of code?

I just wrote a little program which will be executed as a post-build step when I compile certain projects. This program returns 0 for success, or some number for failure. In case of failure, Visual Studio then correctly outputs: "The command [...] exited with code n." However, a single number is not always helpful. In my case, I actual...

CMake Post Build Step

Hello :) I'm trying to setup a post-build command for CMake, which I have done using the ADD_CUSTOM_COMMAND directive as stated in the CMake documentation. What I'd like to do though, is only have the post-build run if I am creating a release build of my executable. How does one accomplish this? Thanks in advance :) Billy3 ...

Is it possible to add Post Build Tasks/Steps to an ASP.NET (2.0) Website Project?

I've got this ASP.NET 2.0 project that I've been working on for a while now. Over time the project grew little by little and in the end I ended up with quite a few steps that I had to run at the end, every time I wanted to publish the project. So, I wrote a script that I can run which executes all the clean-up steps for me and which is...

How to create an asynchronous build event in Visual Studio (2008)?

I am trying to do a poor man integration with xUnit.Net from inside Visual Studio as a post build event. What I want is when I press Shift+F6 (Build the test project), after a successful build it should run xUnit.Console.exe and output the result in an html file and afterward launch the html file inside the browser. Below is what I got...

Visual studio postbuild - changing to the solution drive

In Visual Studio postbuild, I need to run a batch file. The solution is potentially on a different drive to that which Visual Studio is running from. In postbuild, how do I determine the drive letter that the solution is running from so I can change to that drive before running the batch file? At the moment, all I have is this: CD $(Pro...

Is there any standard for post build events within Visual Studio?

I am working on a VS solution that utilizes the post-build events to copy files into a deployment project that packages the files. Does anyone know if there is any best practice in how to move files around to place in an MSI? ...

Visual Studio: Run C++ project Post-Build Event even if project is up-to-date

In Visual Studio (2008) is it possible to force the Post-Build Event for a C++ project to run even if the project is up-to-date? Specifically, I have a project which builds a COM in-process server DLL. The project has a post-build step which runs "regsvr32.exe $(TargetPath)". This runs fine on a "Rebuild", but runs on a "Build" only if ...

Create Shortcuts via DOS command

I would like to know if there is a DOS-Command in WinXP to create shortcuts (to an executable). I'm looking for DOS-Command if it is available, not a batch or script file (I'm only finding batch files and vbscipts when I search online). Just to give you a background on what i'm doing, I would like Visual Studio 2005 to create a short...

Using compiler constants in build events

Is there anyway to use compiler constants in Build Events in Visual Studio - VB.NET? (especially in Post-Build events) Scenario If TEST_EDITION=TRUE is defined I want to run an executable during the Post-Build event so if it's FALSE then I'll run something else. This can be used for creating different installers for different editions...

How to add a build time to a file archive as a post-build macro?

I want to pack the project into a zip-file and have the build date time (or the current date time) as part of the zip-filename. $(TargetDir)\7za.exe a * So it would be nice to incorporate the date into the, something like Is it possible to define custom post-build macros? ...