
Cannot create multiple instances of PowerPoint

I'm working on a project where I need to use PowerPoint from C#.net. Initially, I always created one single instance. As of today, I would like to have multiple instance running. I do that like so: Type powerpointType = Type.GetTypeFromProgID("PowerPoint.Application"); object instance1 = Activator.CreateInstance(powerpointType); object...

VSTO Add-In to automatically export custom PowerPoint slide shows

One of the groups in my company works on a very large PowerPoint slide deck. Not all of the slides in this deck are relevant to everyone. The purpose of this deck is to have a singular source of material which people can pick and choose slides depending the type of presentation that is needed. The slide deck has a number of pre-define...

How do I create a set of image files from a PowerPoint file file?

I'm creating a "slideshow room" web page. The user will upload a PowerPoint file that my server will use to generate a set of .jpg image files representing the slides to present in a custom "gallery viewer". I'm an experienced Python developer but I cannot find anything useful. How can I do that? ...

Activate Ribbon Button from C# in PowerPoint

How might it be possible to activate one of PowerPoint's ribbon buttons from C# ? We want to be able to run some code in the context that is set up by pressing one of the ribbon buttons. Just running our code via the interop doesn't work. I want to be able to do something like this: Ribbon.GetControlByName(controlName).DoClick() Do...

How can I display a PPT file in a Java Applet?

I want to open and display an existing Microsoft PowerPoint presentation in a Java Applet. How can I do that? ...

Convert PPT to PNG via python

I want to convert PPT to png, or other image formats using Python. This question has been asked on SO, but essentially recommends running OpenOffice in headless X server, which was an absolute pain last time I used it. (Mostly due to hard to replicate bugs due to OO crashing.) Is there any other way, (Hopefully using Linux CLI utilitie...

Can I make a PowerPoint file expire from browser cache?

My website utilizes ASP. I have a link to a PowerPoint file within my website's file structure. The file is replaced every day with an updated version, but when users click on the link, the browser displays the cached version if they have visited before. How can I ensure that the updated version is loaded without asking the user to clear...

Convert/View PowerPoint file into/in Silverlight

I have a game of jeopardy that I made in PowerPoint and I was wondering if I could have a Silverlight application read the ppt file. Or is there a way to convert a .ppt file to a Silverlight readable format? ...

Programmatically Setting Text Shadow Properties in PowerPoint

PowerPoint has two kinds of shadows - shape and text. Shape shadows may be set by right-clicking on a shape (including a text box), choosing Format Text, then selecting Shadow or using VBA via the Shadow property on each shape: For Each Slide In ActivePresentation.Slides For Each Shape In Slide.Shapes Shape.Shadow.Size = 100 ...

Powerpoint Add-In: Add a Button to PPT to SyntaxHighlight a Textbox

I am trying to write an Add-In to PowerPoint that does basically one thing: Give users a button somewhere to click, once they click on it the currently selected TextField should get syntax highlighted. The Syntax highlighting part is easy, I'm just having a real hard time finding some good information on how to successfully interact wit...

Save PowerPoint 2007 as PowerPoint 2003 using Open Office SDK 2.0

Is there anyway to use the Open Office SDK 2.0 to save a PowerPoint presention that you created using OOXML to a PowerPoint 2003 presentation? I know if you open a 2007 file and click Save As you have the option to save it as a PowerPoint 97 to 2003 document and I didn't know if I could do this grammatically using this SDK. The reaso...

Powerpoint file can be deleted without consequence

I am working on a license management type application that copies a password protected zip file to the applications root. The user clicks a button "Open Presentation" and the zipped file is extracted into the root folder and then I use the Office interop to open the file in Powerpoint. At this point to my surprise I am able to delete the...

Launch Documents To Go app from third party Blackberry App

I was wondering if it's possible to open doc, xls, pdf, etc files using the "Documents To Go" app from a third party blackberry app. ...

Using jQuery for Effects

Ok - have been tasked with possibly an impossible (or at least a potentially nightmarish) scenario. Need to come as close as possible to reproducing PowerPoint-like effects via HTML/JavaScript (the spec is large and ugly, so I will spare you the details). Ultimately, I am looking for a solid launching point. I have used both Prototype/...

PowerPoint.Application not raising events in C#

I have a simple application written in C# and .Net 2.0 that displays several PowerPoint 2003 files in a loop. (It is going to be used for a information board in our cafeteria) The application works fine on my development machine but when I deploy it to another machine the events I have registered for SlideShowNextSlide and PresentationC...

Are there any good alternatives for Visio/PowerPoint?

Are there any good alternatives for Visio/PowerPoint for drawing architectural diagrams. Both Visio and PowerPoint are annoying to use even for some of the simplest tasks. wondering if someone out there has a better suggestion. ...

How can I get the ActivePresentation file format from PowerPoint Interop...

...for the enum Microsoft.Office.Interop.PowerPoint.PpSaveAsFileType? ...

How to cancel the close event for PowerPoint like in Word & Excel in PIA?

When Microsoft Word is closed, the close event can be canceled. The same is for Excel. But the PowerPoint close event doesn't have cancel flag. Is it possible to cancel the event in any other way? ...


Hi, I'm developing an adding for office powerpoint application. I'm trying to display a description of the object(Customized object) currently dropped on the powerpoint slide in design mode(Design mode of the powerpoint). When i click on my addin the related object description will be displayed on a tabbed window as the first tabpage. T...

Problem in adding an "addin" to microsoft powerpoint

i am using this code to add an item to microsoft powerpoint public void OnStartupComplete(ref System.Array custom) { CommandBars oCommandBars; CommandBar oStandardBar; try { oCommandBars = (CommandBars)applicationObject.GetType().InvokeMember("CommandBars", BindingFla...