
Best resource for learning about prefetching a buffer in C on Intel/AMD 64 bit

I am interested in mastering prefetch-related functions such as _mm_prefetch(...) so when I perform operations that loop over arrays, the memory bandwidth is fully utilized. What are the best resources for learning about this? I am doing this work in C using GCC 4 series on an intel linux platform. ...

subsonic preload object and child

Hi i'm looking to load a list of object with their child graph in subsonic. I know how to do it using linq to sql with dataloadoptions i have this graph product - location - prices new Select().From().Where(Product.Columns.Id).IsEqualTo(productId).ExecuteSingle(); I would like for my product object to preload location and pric...

How do I programatically disable hardware prefetching?

I would like to programatically disable hardware prefetching. From Optimizing Application Performance on Intel® Core™ Microarchitecture Using Hardware-Implemented Prefetchers and How to Choose between Hardware and Software Prefetch on 32-Bit Intel® Architecture, I need to update the MSR to disable hardware prefetching. Here is a rele...

Prefetching information in windows XP fails and abort the launching of my application

I compile my application on a windows XP SP3 machine. When it compiles, I try to lauch it, and windows replies me back with : Unable to start program 'xx'. This application has failed to start because the application configuration is incorrect. Reviex the manifest file for possible errors. Reinstalling the application may f...

How to determine SSE prefetch instruction size?

I am working with code which contains inline assembly for SSE prefetch instructions. A preprocessor constant determines whether the instructions for 32-, 64- or 128-bye prefetches are used. The application is used on a wide variety of platforms, and so far I have had to investigate in each case which is the best option for the given CPU....

Hibernate: How to eagerly fetch un-associated entities?

Java Persistence with Hibernate shows lots of examples of how to eagerly fetch associated entities, such as: Adding @org.hibernate.annotations.BatchSize to the associated class Adding @org.hibernate.annotations.Fetch to the field that references the associated class Using the "fetch" keyword in the HQL query, etc... However in my cas...

Android: Loading data and then notifying an Activity? Also documented a failed approach!

I just tried a stupid approach and it crashed my app... Basically I have an activity that has three tabs (containing three activities). Each of the tabs gets its input from an xml file downloaded off the net. Everything is fine but when I start my app, it has download the xml file and there's a "wait" time for this. I managed to get aro...

Using JavaScript, how can I prefetch another web page on my site?

I have Large.html, which is a web page that has a lot of images and javascript on it which takes a long time to load. From other pages (a.html, b.html) how can I use JavaScript to prefetch Large.html (and all of the elements on the page) so that I can get the page cached in the users browser to help speed up page loading. Would I need ...

Prefetching data in with Linq-to-SQL, IOC and Repository pattern

Hi, using Linq-to-SQL I'd like to prefetch some data. 1) the common solution is to deal with DataLoadOptions, but in my architecture it won't work because : the options have to be set before the first query I'm using IOC, so I don't directly instanciate the DataContext (I cannot execute code at instanciation) my DataContext is persis...

Are modern CPU caches optimized to deal with constant strides? Across threads?

Say I have a big array, and multiple threads reading from the array. Each thread iterates through the array by jumping a constant amount, but starts at a different offset. So thread 1 may start at element 0, then read elements 32, 64, 96, etc. But thread 2 starts at element 1, and read element 33, 65, 97, etc. (keeping in mind that an 'e...

Prefetch for Intel Core 2 Duo

Has anyone had experience using prefetch instructions for the Core 2 Duo processor? I've been using the (standard?) prefetch set (prefetchnta, prefetcht1, etc) with success for a series of P4 machines, but when running the code on a Core 2 Duo it seems that the prefetcht(i) instructions do nothing, and that the prefetchnta instruction i...

Eager loading / prefetching many-to-many without LoadOptions - Linq to Sql

I've got a situation where I need to prefetch some entities through a many-to-many relationship. So it's like the classic BlogPost <- BlogPostTag -> Tag situation. Yes, I'm aware of LoadOptions but I can't use it because it's a web application and I'm using the one datacontext per request pattern. It also seems you can't use projection...

assembler usage of prefetch commands

Hi! I'm writing some (arm) inline assembly code that works on a huge array of C structs in a loop and stores some data into another array. the processor supports the PLD prefetching command. if i'm accessing the data in successive order, is there a gain in performance if I use the prefetch command to load the startadress of the next s...

link element prefetching not working in Firefox 3.6

I am trying to test prefetching on Firefox 3.6. I'm using: <link rel="prefetch" href="hst_galaxy.jpg"/> I don't see any requests in Firebug's Net panel. When I look at the Apache2 logs, I see only the page request, nothing after. I don't see the expected X-moz: prefetch header either. I have also inspected the packets using Wireshark ...

programatically disable hardware prefetching on AMD systems

is there a way to programatically disable the hardware prefetcher on an AMD system like you can in an Intel system as discussed in this topic Specifically for the AMD Opteron Barcelona or Istanbul architecture. ...

How to close the prefetch of cache in windows?

In a C/C++ program, how to close the prefetch of each core in the Windows system? ...

Chrome pre-fetching of pages in a domain

Hi, I read in a source that chrome, when it goes to a domain, it prefetches most of the pages that might be used for that domain. As a result of this, I'm facing a problem. I have a greasemonkey script which is to be injected in every page. But what seems to happen is that the browser injects the script for the first page in a domain an...

Is it possible in Oracle SQLDeveloper to prefetch certain tables’ metadata and keep it cached locally ?

I am working on a remote database which has several master tables. the meta-data & the actual data in these tables changes rarely. When querying DB involving these tables and using certain functions (Ex: ctrl+space to auto-complete a table/column name), it takes too long to query the remote DB to fetch this data since its not cached loca...

Javascript problem when setting src for img element in FireFox - string parsing error?

I'm having problems with image's on the page. I'm using Javascript to create the elements, and in FireFox it seems the string that I'm using to set the innerHTML is not being parsed correctly. I'll see this when the server page is requested with invalid GET variables. They look like this (from the PHP script's error handler): GET[] ...

GWT code splitting strange behaviour in IE8

Hi everyone, I have a widget ( which encapsulates funcionality and implements the Async Provider pattern for code splitting. In addition, I use the Prefetching pattern so that the browser downloads the code inmediatly after it loads a Welcome screen. The problem raises in IE8. If I use the Main widget without doing prefetchin...