
Cocoa Touch - Loading AVAudioPlayer

I have this code to play a sound but the first time you play it it takes a good 5 seconds to load... How can I speed this up? -(IBAction)playSound{ //play the cricket noise NSString *soundPath = [[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:@"Cricket_Sound" ofType:@"mp3"]; audioPlayer =[[AVAudioPlayer alloc] initWithContentsOfURL:[NSURL fil...

AS3 Preloading Issue

Anyone out there can help me with this? I am facing some problem on preloading swf in Chrome and IE. It only works in Firefox. When i preload flash, Iam getting bytesTotal as 0. So when i bytesLoaded divide by bytesTotal will cause infinity. I read this article on GZIP.

iphone: "preload" a view (tab bar controller)

Basically my app loads two RSS feeds - a blog feed and a twitter stream. These are in two different views in a tab bar controller. There is also a Home view which is the default view when the application launches. Ok, so basically when you go from the Home tab to the blog or twitter tab then it takes a while to load. Fair enough, its tr...

[jQuery] Preload script file

Hi. There are numerous plug-ins to preload images, but is there a way to preload javascript? My application uses a big js file and it take about 5 seconds or so to load before the page shows... so, is there a way I can display a "loading message" while I somehow preload the script? (A sort of 'Loading...' like in Gmail) Thanks ...

Loading plist with array-->dictionaries-->dictionaries into core data?

HI, I have a plist that comprises an array of dictionaries that each contain multiple dictionaries of strings. That is I have a: MusicDataArray-->Mel ---->filename1 ---->filename2 ---->filename3 -->Bass ---->filename1 ---->filename2 I need to read this ...

load a page INCLUDING its flash movie, and displaying it when ready??

i have a website, in which there is a lightbox style iframe popup, which contains a flash clip. right now, the lightbox come up as a popup on the website, and then the flash loads [with a nice loader]. the thing is, i want to see if its possible to load this entire page in the bg, and only pop it up when the flash is fully loaded.. wh...

Javascript image preload strategy

Hi, Like many people I've been doing image preload for a long time, but not always very rationally. So I've come up with this short list of thoughts about the right way to preload images with javascript. An image preload script should be executed as soon as possible. It should be placed at the top of the HTML (in the HEAD section), un...

Preloading image gracefully in Javascript (without any JS library)?

Hello, I have an image with set src attribute. I would like to replace image, but connection with the server is slow and time that it takes to load a new image is not negligible. Is there possibility to create internal Image object, set kind of "onLoadListener" on it, load an image and then set it to original image src attribute? ...

jquery: simple image preloader + onload

hi all,, i'm trying to make a simple image-preloader for just ONE image. it should load an image and - if finished - fire an event for displaying it. what's the simplest method to do this? i only know the pure javascript solution, like document.createElement("img") - but what's the best method using jquery? what i've got so far (but d...

dynamic flash preloader

Hello! i search for a Flash-Preloader like this: it can be online, i dont want to develope it by myself, i only want a flv/swf-preloader with the option with ?file= wether online or on my server. the preloader itself should be an easy preloader with one loading ...