
Get query from java.sql.PreparedStatement

In my code I am using java.sql.PreparedStatement. I then execute the setString() method to populate the wildcards of the prepared statement. Is there a way for me to retrieve (and print out) the final query before the executeQuery() method is called and the query is executed? I Just want this for debugging purposes. Thanks. ...

How do I use pdo's prepared statement for order by and limit clauses(or can I?If not,what should I reference for a complete list of clauses where parameters can be used) ?

$sql = "SELECT * FROM table ORDER BY :sort :dir LIMIT :start, :results"; $stmt = $dbh->prepare($sql); $stmt->execute(array( 'sort' => $_GET['sort'], 'dir' => $_GET['dir'], 'start' => $_GET['start'], 'results' => $_GET['results'], ) ); I tried to use prepare to do the job,but $stmt->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_...

JPA/Hibernate and messed up named parameters

My simple query looks like this on JPQL: SELECT COUNT(r) FROM org.domain.Resource r WHERE r._parent = :parent AND r._metadata[:metadataKey] is not null But Hibernate SQL output looks like this (both for H2 and MySQL): select count( as col_0_0_ from resources resource0_, resou...

Recursion in prepared statements

I've been using PDO and preparing all my statements primarily for security reasons. However, I have a part of my code that does execute the same statement many times with different parameters, and I thought this would be where the prepared statements really shine. But they actually break the code... The basic logic of the code is this. ...

Someone please can see why the following prepared statment returns nothing?

$stmt = mysqli_prepare($link," SELECT * FROM ads INNER JOIN dept ON dept.id_dept = ads.in_dpt INNER JOIN members ON members.idMem = ads.from_Mem INNER JOIN sub_cat_ad ON id_sub_cat = ads.ads_in_Cat INNER JOIN cat_ad ON idCat_ad = sub_cat_ad.from_cat_ad WHERE ads_in_Cat = ? "); if(isset($_GET['fromSCat'...

Printing SQL Query In PreparedStatement in oracle.jdbc.driver.OraclePreparedStatement

I need to see the query being sent to Oracle from a Java program. In the PostgreSQL JDBC driver, toString() does the job, but the same does not apply to prepared statements from Oracle JDBC implementation. Any ideas how to achieve that? ...

Getting the record ID just added with mysql prepared statements

I'm inserting a record using PDO and saving the result in $result which I use as a boolean $result = $addRecord->execute(); if ($result){ //add successful } else { //add unsuccessful } I'd like to also get the record id just added. In the table, each record has an auto_incremented field called id. I tried doing this $new_id =...

Syntax for "RETURNING" clause in Mysql PDO

I'm trying to add a record, and at the same time return the id of that record added. I read it's possible to do it with a RETURNING clause. $stmt->prepare("INSERT INTO tablename (field1, field2) VALUES (:value1, :value2) RETURNING id"); but the insertion fails when I add RETUR...

PreparedStatement throws MySQLSyntaxErrorException

I have the following Java code: String query = "Select 1 from myTable where name = ? and age = ?"; PreparedStatement stmt = conn.prepareStatement(query); stmt.setString(1, name); stmt.setInt(2, age); ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(); Whenever I run the above code, it throws an exception on line 2 (where the PreparedStatement is decl...

PHP PDO MySQL IN (?,?,?...

I want to write a MySQL statement like: SELECT * FROM someTable WHERE someId IN (value1, value2, value3, ...) The trick here is that I do not know ahead of time how many values there will be in the IN(). Obviously I know I can generate the query on the go with string manipulations, however since this will run in a loop, I was wonderi...

Where to create a prepared statement with JDBC?

Consider to following method that read data from some data-structure (InteractionNetwork) and writes them to a table in an SQLite database using an SQLite-JDBC dirver: private void loadAnnotations(InteractionNetwork network) throws SQLException { PreparedStatement insertAnnotationsQuery = connection.prepareStatement( ...

Can you use a prepared statement in MySQL with "On Duplicate Key Update"?

I can't find any reference to using prepared statements with "ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE" with MySQL and PHP. Am I correct in thinking that this is not possible? -Jim ...

PreparedStatement and setTimestamp in oracle jdbc

Hi everyone, I am using PreparedStatement with Timestamp in where clause: PreparedStatement s=c.prepareStatement("select value,utctimestamp from t where utctimestamp>=? and utctimestamp<?"); s.setTimestamp(1, new Timestamp(1273017600000L)); //2010-05-05 00:00 GMT s.setTimestamp(2, new Timestamp(1273104000000L)); //2010-05-06 00:00...

Prepared statement initialized tiwice and closed once

Hi, I want to know that if a PreparedStatement object is initialized twice the way shown in code snippet below and closed only once in finally block, will it fail to close? I am not getting any error in this code but will it be a better idea to use 2 different preparedStatements instead of one. I think it fails to close the preparedSta...

PHP, MySQL prepared statements - can you use results of execute more than once by calling data_seek(0)?

Hello, I have a case where I want to use the results of a prepared statement more than once in a nested loop. The outer loop processes the results of another query, and the inner loop is the results of the prepared statement query. So the code would be something like this (just "pseudoish" to demonstrate the concept): // not showing th...

Prepared statement. Can I miss out parameter?

I use queries like "UPDATE MAILSCH.MESSAGE " + "SET IDFOLDER=?, SUBJECT=?, CONTENT=?, CREATIONTIME=?, AD_FROM=?, AD_TO=?, STATUS=? " + "WHERE IDMESSAGE=?"; May I miss out IDFOLDER without changing query? ...

PreparedStatement.setString() method without quotes

I'm trying to use a PreparedStatement with code similar to this: SELECT * FROM ? WHERE name = ? Obviously, what happens when I use setString() to set the table and name field is this: SELECT * FROM 'my_table' WHERE name = 'whatever' and the query doesn't work. Is there a way to set the String without quotes so the line looks like t...


Hello. I have a Java application and I want to use SQL database. I have a class for my connection : public class SQLConnection{ private static String url = "jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/table"; private static String user = "postgres"; private static String passwd = "toto"; private static Connection connect; pub...

Variable amount of columns returned in mysqli prepared statement

I have a situation where a dynamic query is being generated that could select anywhere from 1 to over 300 different columns across multiple tables. It currently works fine just doing a query, however the issue I'm running into in using a prepared statement is that I do not know how to handle the fact that I don't know how many columns I ...

MySQL: How to consume/discard the result of a query?

I have a stored procedure which executes an optimize table statement for every table in a DB. Those optimize table statements are prepared statements of course (they have to be built at runtime) and I need to call that procedure from PHP using ext/mysql API. Unfortunately, ext/mysql does't support doing such thing because optimize table...