
Batch Update fails - Rollback operation

I've created a PreparedStatement and have added a couple of data in a bactch PreparedStatement ps = conn.PreparedStatement("INSERT into table (a, b) values (?, ?)"; ps.setInt(1, 1); ps.setInt(2, 2); ps.addBatch ps.setInt(1, 4); ps.setInt(2, 5); ps.addBatch Now when I execute ps. I get the result, now lets say ps fails, then I want...

mysqli prepare statement using select failing for some unknown reason

Why is this failing? I am connected to the correct db, and keys is definitely there. //verify key against key list in database if ($prep_statement = $db->prepare("SELECT id FROM key_list WHERE keys=?")) { $prep_statement->bind_param('s',$key); $prep_statement->execute(); echo $prep_statement->num_rows; $prep_statement->...

Best Practices with PreparedStatements; when to and when not to...

I recently have began using prepared statements again in a web application, and I know that it is discouraged to use prepared statements for all the transactions. What I do not know is when it is best to use prepared statements or not. I have read of when to use and not use them, but none of the examples really tell best practice of usi...

PHP MySQLi prepared statements store_result()

Can anyone tell me why my scripts will run out of memory (allocating over 16MB) for a prepared statement that shouldnt need even close to that? The only way I can fix it is by running store_result() before i run bind_result() I am assuming that by using store_result() it tells the script exactly how much memory the statement needs and i...

How to execute an insert stored procedure using PDO and PHP form variables?

Good Evening All, I'm very new to PDO prepared statements and need some guidance/gentle nudges. I've created the following MySQL stored procedure: -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Routine DDL -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DELIMI...

Prepared Statement with Select? Possible?

Hello, is it possible to use prepared statements with the SELECT command? I wrote in C++ following code: sqlite3_bind_int(this->ppGetStmt, 1, id); int rc = sqlite3_step(this->ppGetStmt); //sqlite3_result_int(this->ppGetStmt, &value); sqlite3_reset(this->ppGetStmt); The SQL statement looks like following SELECT value FROM test WHER...

Using SQL function in parameterized statement

Considering this query: insert (a, b, update_time) values (1, 1, now() - interval 10 second) Now, I need to convert it to a parameterized statement: insert (a, b, update_time) values (?, ?, ?) The problem is you cannot use SQL function in the parameter. How do I write this kind of code? ...

Do prepared statements slow down program conspicuously?

I am writing a software that requires me to prepare statements and set the values, execute the query and get results within a loop. This loop might have over 7,000 cycles. If I use simple statements rather than prepared statements, will the execution speed change greatly? Here is the pseudo code Prepare Statements Get a list from some...

php pdo: bindValue or BindParam doesn't modify the prepared statement.

Hello. Using latest php in order to create a function that adds a row to table user. class targil_db { private $_pdo; public function __construct() { // username: root password: <blank> database: targil $this->_pdo = new PDO( 'mysql:host=;dbname=targil', 'root', ...

Run an unprepared statement with Zend Db

Hi, I am trying to use a LOAD DATA INFILE statement with a ZF 1.10.6 application. However, the Mysqli adapter reports that Zend_Db_Statement_Mysqli_Exception: Mysqli prepare error: This command is not supported in the prepared statement protocol yet in /xxx/library/Zend/Db/Statement/Mysqli.php on line 77 So I can't use ...

JDBC: default holdability of a ResultSet

Hi, is there a defined default for the holdability of ResultSet, if Connection.setHoldability() is never invoked or a holdability is never specified during the creation of a statement? I could not find anything in the JDBC api docs - so is it implementation specific? Thank you. ...

PHP - Prepared statements error, what's wrong?

So here's the codeblock: $query = "UPDATE users SET ?=? WHERE ?=?"; $type = "s"; $type .= substr(gettype($valname), 0, 1); $type .= 'i'; if ( $smtp = $this->conn->prepare($query) ) { $smtp->bind_param($type, $colname, $valname, 'id', 40); $smtp->execute(); ...

Is there any cleaner way to do this? (Prepared SQL queries in Qt C++)

I'm using QSqlQuery::prepare() and ::addBindValue() for my queries in a Qt project I'm working on. There's a lot of repeated code and though I think that's the "right" way, I wanted to make sure. Perhaps someone has alternative ideas? Example: QSqlQuery newQuery; newQuery.prepare("INSERT INTO table " "(foo,bar,baz," ...

SQL Prepared Statment to Create Table

I wanted to know of some way to create table on the fly based on user input(SQL Prepared Statement) CREATE TABLE ? ( First_Name char(50), Last_Name char(50) ) What should i put in place of question mark ...

PHP/PDO: use simple prepared statement with query return/affected rows?

I am new to PDO objects and cannot find a single piece of documentation that will help me. Say I got a simple code to delete a row: $count = $dbh->exec("DELETE FROM fruit WHERE colour = 'red'"); That will return affected rows, but how would I use prepared statements with that? Can use use $dbh->prepare AND $dbh->exec or query !? ...

How to find the offending insertion from a BatchUpdateException?

When I have a BatchUpdateException as the result of a unique constraint violation is there a way for me to determine which record in the batch insert is in violation? For example let's say I'm performing a batch insert by calling PreparedStatement.executeBatch() and I catch the BatchUpdateException which has as it's cause "ORA-00001: un...

PHP/PDO: Prepared statements don't work when creating a table?

When I am using a PDO prepared statement, and use it to plug in a table name to the query it fails, a quick example: $stmt = $dbh->prepare("CREATE TABLE ? (id foo, int bar,...)"); $stmt->execute(Array('table_foobar')); All it does is replaces ? with 'table_foobar', the single quotes don't allow creation of the table for me! I end up ...

php pdo prepare in a function returns

Somehow my execute statement says the object has no member "execute". What is wrong? class EdlSqliteDb { const SQLITE_DRIVER = "sqlite:"; var $dbh; var $qIndex = Array(); // function EdlSqliteDb($dsn) { try { $this->dbh = new PDO(self::SQLITE_DRIVER . $dsn); } catch (PDOException $e) { echo "Erro...

java.sql.SQLException: Missing IN or OUT parameter at index::4 error occurs with preparestatement

strInsertQuery="INSERT INTO SYNPACKAGEFREEUSAGEMAPPING (PACKAGEID,SERVICEID,PRIORITY,MAPPINGID,ATTRIBUTEVALUE,FREEUSAGE,UOM,PARAMSTR1,UNITCREDITPOLICYDETAILID) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)"; newPstmt=newCon.prepareStatement(strInsertQuery); newPstmt.setString(1,strProductId); newPstmt.setString(2,strUPGServiceId); ...

How do I set a full date & time sql using java, and not just the date?

I am trying to set a timestamp in my database using java, however in my table all I get is the date, and no time (i.e., looks like "2010-09-09 00:00:00"). I am using a datetime field on my mysql database (because it appears that datetime is more common than timestamp). My code to set the date looks like this: PreparedStatement ps = c...