
How to log values that Hibernate binds to prepared statements?

How can I make Hibernate log the values it binds to prepared statements? If I set property hibernate.show_sql=true I get following kind of logging: insert into tablename (field1, field2) values (?, ?) I'd like also to know what values are bound to question marks. I am using Hibernate ...

Is it possible to 'prepare' a Propel 1.4 Criteria so it can be used efficiently inside a loop?

I'm using symfony 1.3 with Propel 1.4. I need to use a prepared query that will be used inside a loop changing the values of bound parameters. Is it possible to do this with Propel 1.4? I want to retrieve results as objects so don't want to use raw SQL if I can help it. ...

How do I make a prepared statement?

How can I make an prepared statement of this one? Statement stmt = con.createStatement(); long lastid = getLastId(stmt); // create a SQL query String strQuery = "INSERT INTO studenten " + " (id, naam, adres, postcode, plaats, geboren) " + " VALUES (" + (lastid+1) + "," + "'" + contact.getNaam() + "'," +...

A prepared statement, `WHERE .. IN(..)` query and sorting — with MySQL

Imagine we have a query: SELECT * FROM somewhere WHERE `id` IN(1,5,18,25) ORDER BY `name`; and an array of IDs to fetch: $ids = array(1,5,18,25) With prepared statements it's adviced to prepare one statement and call it multiple times: $stmt = $mysqli->prepare('SELECT * FROM somewhere WHERE `id`=?;'); foreach ($ids as $id){ $stm...

In Java, how does PreparedStatement work for the following query

I have a query like the following and was wondering what kind of SQL is produced by batching a PreparedStatement. INSERT INTO table1 (id, version, data) VALUES (?, ?, ?) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE = IF(table1.version > table2.version,,, table1.version = IF(table1.version > table2.version, t...

Java PreparedStatement Syntax

Is this the correct syntax for a prepared statement in java: INSERT INTO table (id, version, data) VALUES (?, ?, ?) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE data = IF(version > values(version), data, values(data)), version = IF(version > values(version), version, values(version)) I am looking for the best way to insert or update millions ...

Get number of rows,were updated with PreparedStatement

How to get how many rows updated with PreparedStatement? .getUpdateCount() returns 0. For executeUpdate got error: error occurred during batching: batch must be either executed or cleared my code: updTrans = dataSource.getConnection().prepareStatement("update..."); updTrans.setInt(1, Integer.valueOf(transaksjonstatusid)); ... updTran...

How do I turn the following INSERT into a prepared statement so that its secure?

Hi everyone, I'm trying to get my head around prepared statements. Basically, I would do a insert like so normally: $sql = ' INSERT INTO customers (customer_first, customer_last, customer_address, customer_email) VALUES (' . mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['customer_first']) . ', ' . mysql_real_escape_strin...

debugging sqlite

is there a way to see what the resulting 'showStatement' is after sqlite3_prepare_v2 and sqlite3_bind_xxx ? Running this query : SELECT * FROM shows, locations WHERE (shows.day_id = 1) AND ( IN (6,7,15,19,23,66)) AND (shows.location_id = ORDER by locations.sort_order runs perfect in SQLite Manager and in ...

How to check if there are results with Prepared Statements...

Hi there, In the past I would do something like so: $sql = 'SELECT * FROM customers WHERE customer_email="' . mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['customer_email']) . '" '; $res = mysql_query($sql); // if there are no hits... if(mysql_num_rows($res) == FALSE) { Today I am doing the same thing however with prepared statements: ...

What is the simplest way to return a ROW as well as loop through the ROWS with PDO?

If I am doing an old query to return a row I would do something like this: $sql = 'SELECT id FROM table WHERE email="' . mysql_real_escape_string($email) . '" LIMIT 1'; $res = mysql_query($sql); $row = mysql_fetch_array($res); echo $row['id']; How do I do that with a Prepared Statement? I can get this far... $stmt = $dbh->prepare("...

What does a question mark represent in SQL queries?

While going through some SQL books I found that examples tend to use question marks (?) in their queries. What does it represent? ...

How to get the number of batches in preparedstatement?

I think this must be easy. There must be some method for this. This is what i want:- PreparedStatement ps = ... ps.addBatch ( ); ps.addBatch ( ); ps.addBatch ( ); ( "totalBatches: " + ps.someMethod() ); ps.executeBatch ( ); result will be: totalbatches: 3; If there is no such method then how to do this? ...

PDO prepare statements: Do we need to escape?

public function receiveDomainNames($keyword) { try { $stmt = $this->_dbh->prepare("SELECT d.someField FROM domain d WHERE d.someField LIKE :keyword"); $someField = '%'.$keyword.'%'; Do we need to escape $keyword on this case? On php manual we can read: If an application exclusively uses prepared statements, the develop...

Does using preparedStatement mean there will not be any SQL Injection?

I have read that to prevent SQL Injection one must use PreparedStatement. Does that mean if i am using perparedStatement then no one can perform SQL Injection in any of my page? Is it foolproof against SQL Injection? If not then please give some example to demonstrate this. ...

Is Android's SQLiteStatement (prepared statement) thread-safe? I.e. is "bind*, bind*... execute" atomic?

I'm wondering whether prepared statements in Android (instances of SQLiteStatement) are thread-safe. In particular I'm asking with regard to the following scenario: In a ContentProvider you create a pre-compiled insert statement during onCreate. Then, in the overriden insert method you make use of this statement by binding a set of para...

Retrieve (or simulate) full query from PDO prepared statement

I stumbled upon this question from two years ago. Is there a way to get the raw SQL string executed when calling PDOStatement::execute() on a prepared statement? For debugging purposes this would be extremely useful. The winning answer states that [...] You can also get what you want if you set the PDO attribute PDO::ATTR_...

Does the compiled prepared statement in the database driver still require compilation in the database?

In the Oracle JDBC driver, there is an option to cache prepared statements. My understanding of this is that the prepared statements are precompiled by the driver, then cached, which improves performance for cached prepared statements. My question is, does this mean that the database never has to compile those prepared statements? Does ...

Anyway to preview prepared SQL statements in PHP using OCI?

Curious as to whether or not you can prepare a statement, bind it, and then preview the generated SQL as followed (the oci_preview_sql function is a place holder): // Glorious declaration of a non-specific query $statment = oci_parse($handle, "SELECT x FROM y WHERE variable = :value"); // Bind up some variables oci_bind_by_name($statem...

Get the last entries using GROUP BY

I'm having problem with GROUP BY. It returns the first entry it could find, but I would like it to return the last entry. Is that possible? Here is my query (prepared query): SELECT stamp_user, stamp_date, stamp_type FROM rws_stamps WHERE stamp_date >= ? GROUP BY stamp_user ORDER BY stamp_date DESC My table looks like this: What I...