
sqlite3 preparing, binding and reseting statments

Hi there, Can someone put more light on the functions: sqlite3_reset(); sqlite3_clear_bindings() I understand that I can use sqlite3_prepare() to translate sql string to native byte code which engine understands. Therefor the engine does not have to translate it every time when it is used. I can also parametrize such prepared state...

PEAR DB prepare/bind values

Just can't seem to print the binded values without executing the query. Looking to debug the query before execution. Any tips? I know I'm overlooking something simple, ugh... $field1 = 'one'; $field2 = 'two'; $field3 = 'three'; $fields = 'SET '; $fields .= 'field1 = ?, '; $fields .= 'field2 = ?, '; $fields .= 'field3 = ? '; $vals[] =...

Query from PreparedStatement

Is there any way to get the Oracle query from PreparedStatement .I know its not possible as such I can't use log4jdbc or p6spy as it is a secured application and using this will create bigger problems..toString won't work as I am using Oracle? I can't change PreparedStatement to Statement either. ...

Executing a prepared PDO statement with the like clause

I am new to PHP, and am trying to learn to use PDO to connect to a test MySQL db. I have the following: try { $db = new PDO('mysql:dbname=MYDBNAME;host=MYHOST', 'USERNAME', 'PASSWORD'); $query = "select * from books where ? like '%?%'"; $stmt = $db->prepare($query); $stmt->execute(array($searchtype, $searchterm)); } c...

Why does SQLite give a "database is locked" for a second query in a transaction when using Perl's DBD::SQLite?

Is there a known problem with SQLite giving a "database is locked" error for a second query in a single transaction when using Perl DBD::SQLite? Scenario: Linux, Perl DBI, AutoCommit => 0, a subroutine with two code blocks (using the blocks to localize variable names). In the first code block a query handle is created by prepare() on a s...

No server-side prepared statements using MySQL Connector/J

From what I understand, MySQL 5.1 supports server-side prepared statements. Therefore the following code should prepare the statement once, and execute it 10 times: Connection conn = ds.getConnection(); PreparedStatement stmt = conn.prepareStatement("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM users WHERE user_id=?"); for (int i=0; i<10; i++) ...

Prepared Statement: Call to member function on non-object.

public function endGame($result) { $sql = "UPDATE games SET result = ? WHERE id = ?"; $stmt = $this->db->prepare($sql); $stmt->bind_param("si", $result, $this->currentGame);//Error here $stmt->execute(); $stmt->close(); } mysql> describe games; +-------------+-------------+------+-----+---------+----------------+ |...

Postgres/PHP PDO::PDOStatement->bindParam() to character(1) field

I have code similar to the following: $data['someField'] = (isset($_POST['someField'])) ? 'Y' : 'N'; $stmt = $db->prepare("INSERT INTO public.someTable (someField) VALUES (':someField');"); $stmt->bindParam(':someField', ($data['someField']), PDO::PARAM_STR, 1); $db->beginTransaction(); $stmt->execute(); $db->commit(); The field is a ...

How to get scalar result from prepared statement?

Is it possible to set the result from a prepared statement into a variable? I am trying to create the following stored procedure but it is failing: ERROR 1064 (42000) at line 31: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'stmt USING @m, @c, @...

ebook with mysqli prepared statement

Have somebody some info about ebook witch cover mysqli and prepared statement ... I want it for print not online tutorial... ...

PHP prepared postgres query fails with:"could not determine data type of parameter $1"

Hello everyone. I currently have to implement a query on a postgres database using a prepared statement. My current code looks like this: $arrFilter = array("", ""); $result = $db->prepare("select_music", "SELECT * FROM tblmusik WHERE lm_titel LIKE '%" . "$1" . "%' AND lm_text LIKE '%" . "$2" . "%'); ( db->prepare() just executes p...

UPDATE query with prepared statements

Having problems with and update query i keep getting Warning: Crud::update() [crud.update]: Property access is not allowed yet in crud.php on line 60 This is my code $stmt = $this->mysql->prepare('UPDATE links SET title = ?, url = ?, comment = ? WHERE id = ?'); $stmt->bind_param('sssi',$title,$url,$comment,$id); $stmt->execute(); ...