
Can't bind string containing @ char with mysqli_stmt_bind_param

I have a problem with my database class. I have a method that takes one prepared statement and any number of parameters, binds them to the statement, executes the statement and formats the result into a multidimentional array. Everthing works fine until I try to include an email adress in one of the parameters. The email contains an @ ch...

inserting datetimes into database using java

Hi, I am wanting to insert a datetime into a MySql data base using Java and a prepared statement: Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance(); PreparedStatement stmnt = db.PreparedStatement("INSERT INTO Run " + "(Time) VALUE (?) "); stmnt.setDate(1, new java.sql.Date(cal.getTime())); stmnt.executeQuery(); N...

Using prepared statements with JDBCTemplate

Hi. I'm using the Jdbc template and want to read from the database using prepared statements. I iterate over many lines in a csv file and on every line I execute some sql select queries with it's values. Now I want to speed up my reading from the database but I just can't get the Jdbc template to work with prepared statements. Actually...

Avoid MySQL multi-results from SP with Execute

Hi, i have an SP like BEGIN DECLARE ... CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE tmptbl_found (...); PREPARE find FROM" INSERT INTO tmptbl_found (SELECT userid FROM ( SELECT userid FROM Soul WHERE .?.?. ORDER BY .?.?. ) AS left_tbl LEFT JOIN Con...

Is it expensive to hold on to PreparedStatements? (Java & JDBC)

I'm trying to figure out if it's efficient for me to cache all of my statements when I create my database connection or if I should only create those that are most used and create the others if/when they're needed.. It seems foolish to create all of the statements in all of the client threads. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated....

Can I get the full query that a PreparedStatement is about to execute?

I'm working with PreparedStatement with MySQL server. example: String myQuery = "select id from user where name = ?"; PreparedStatement stmt = sqlConnection.prepareStatement(myQuery); stmt.setString(1, "test"); stmt.executeQUery(); ResultSet rs = stmt.getResultSet(); How can I receive the full SQL query that is about to be executed ...

What characters are NOT escaped with a mysqli prepared statement?

Hey everyone, I'm trying to harden some of my PHP code and use mysqli prepared statements to better validate user input and prevent injection attacks. I switched away from mysqli_real_escape_string as it does not escape % and _. However, when I create my query as a mysqli prepared statement, the same flaw is still present. The query p...

LOCK TABLE as a prepared statement?

Does it make sense to prepare a LOCK TABLE statement? I'm not really concerned about efficiency here, because it would only execute once a transaction and at most a few times a minute. I'm more wondering if the concept is meaningful. I'm using the PostgreSQL JDBC driver, if it matters. ...

Batch Inserts And Prepared Query Error

Ok, so I need to populate a MS Access database table with results from a MySQL query. That's not hard at all. I've got the program written to where it copies a template .mdb file to a temp name and opens it via odbc. No problem so far. I've noticed that Access does not support batch inserting (VALUES (foo, bar), (second, query), (thi...

best practice for implementing a Search-Function via prepared statements.

I'm trying to implement a Search-Function using c++ and libpqxx. But I've got the following problem: The user is able to specify 4 different search patterns (each of them optional): from date till date document type document id Each of them is optional. So if I want to use prepared statements I would need 2^4 = 16 different prepared ...

There is no real 'prepared statement' in rails?

When we use ActiveRecord, we can use: User.find(:first, :conditions=>["name=?", name]) It looks like ActiveRecord are using 'prepared statement', but after looking into the code, I found ActiveRecord just use String.dup and connection.quote() to adjust the content to build a sql, not like Java. So, there is no real prepared statment ...

mysqli prepared statements and mysqli_real_escape_string

I'm currently using the mysqli php extension. Traditionally I have used mysqli_real_escape_string to escape user input. However I am looking at changing over the code (hopefully in as few steps as possible) to use prepared statements. I want to be clear on this - provided I use prepared statements to bind all of my variables, can I be...

java PreparedStatement

How to set value for in clause in a preparedStatement in JDBC while executing a query. Example. mPreparedStatement = connection.prepareStatement("Select * from test where field in (?)"); If this inclause can hold multiple values how can I do it.Sometimes I know the list of parameters beforehand or sometimes I don't know beforehand.Ho...

PDO positional and named parameters as part of the same prepared query?

I'm learning the ropes with PDO. Here is my sql (the number of parameters that can appear in the WHERE is variable). SELECT ID, title FROM table WHERE something = ? ORDER BY :sort :dir LIMIT :start, :results Here is my code: $query = $conn->prepare($sql); ...

MySql Connector prepared statement only transfers 64 bytes

I am using the MySql Connector C++ to store a JPEG image from a file into the database. I am using the prepared statement. After execution of the prepared statement, only the first 64 bytes of the file are copied into the database. My research of examples show that no iteration is necessary and the examples assume that the prepared ...

php prepared stmt problem- update data at each result loop

what if I want to update data via prepared stmt each query loop, but why fails. the error msg is "All data must be fetched before a new statement prepare takes place " $link = mysqli_connect("localhost", "admin", "", "test"); if (!$link) { die('Connect Error: ' . mysqli_connect_error()); } //field_1 is PK if ($stmt = mysqli_prepa...

Prepared Statements and JDBC Drivers

Hi, I have the below questions on Prepared Statements in Java. Is it beneficial to use Prepared Statements when the SQL Query does not have any Where clause ? Assume a simple query Select * from tablename; It is said that the Prepared Statement is compiled once and only the values are substituted the second time. Hence it is faster as...

Does prepared statement prevent SQL-Injection here

Hi all, The code below is from SAMATE Reference Dataset. I used it to test a static analysis tool. As you can see the code should prevent SQL-Injection both by using a sanitization method as well as using a prepared statement. Since SCA tools cannot know custom santitzation methods, the will not detect that the allowed method is used t...

Prepared SQL query time vs regular query time

I know, from whatever I've read, prepared statements are faster since pre-compiled cached version is used for recurring queries. My doubt is : Exactly where time is saved? I see, only the time taken in preparing a query could be saved. Even prepared statements have to do database search and so no time is saved there. Am I wrong? ...

Clever way to add the same parameter to mulitple locations in a prepared-statement

I have a JDBC query like select * from table1 where col1 between x and y union all select * from table2 where col1 between x and y union all select * from table3 where col1 between x and y I'm using a prepared-statement and am wondering if there is a cleverer way to set x and y without saying setDate(1, x);setDate(2, y);setDate(3, x);...