
Print barcode which has high scan rate

Hi all, I did like to print a barcode using C#. I want the barcode to have a given height and width. I did download a free 3 of 9 barcode font and used Font barcodeFont = new Font("Free 3 of 9", 17, FontStyle.Regular); e.Graphics.DrawString("*"+label.Lpn+"*", barcodeFont, Brushes.Black,new RectangleF(166,235,115.16f,61)); to pri...

How can I escape code-like things in a Perl string?

Hi, this code: $i=1; while($i<3) { print << "EOT"; def px$i = new E(user) if (!px$i.hasErrors()) { println "${px$} / ${px$} OK" } EOT $i++; } produces the error: Can't call method "px" without a package or object reference at line 3. How can I "escape" the if ? Thanks....

c++ sending image to printer , (PRINT) .

Hello , this is code which i use to make image. Bitmap bitmap; bitmap.CreateBitmap(715, 844,1,1, NULL); CDC memDC; memDC.CreateCompatibleDC(NULL); memDC.SelectObject(&bitmap); CString SS="Sun Goes Down"; memDC.TextOutA(1,2,SS); CImage image; image.Attach(bitmap); image.Save(_T("C:\\test.bmp"), Gdiplus::Image...

IE8 Printing coloured table?

I have a (XHTML)page that contains a table with some cells, and some of the cells are grayed, but when i print the document in IE 8 all cells are white what am i doing wrong? Is there some way to force IE to print the document as it is rendered? ...

How do you print a Sql Report from a Stored Procedure

Using SQL 2008, how do you print a report from a stored procedure? Or alternately, how can you print a Sql Report from .Net Compact Framework (3.5)? ...

Print image in .Net winform

I am trying to allow my users to print the current page they are on in our WinForm program. First I take a screenshot of the app and save it to disk. Then I kick off a PrintPreviewDialog and load it in there. That all works, except for the fact that it goes off the page! I can't figure out how to change or allow the user to change th...

Can't get VS2010 RC to print in color

Is it just me or will VS2010 RC not print code in color? I have tried everything I can think of to no avail, everything prints monochrome. I have the latest drivers for my printer VS2008 prints color just fine (As do other apps) I tested printing in high quality color, normal and ink saver modes. Class Diagrams DO print in color making ...

Word 2007 Application.ActivePrinter does not get set when default printer is a network printer.

I am trying to use some Word 2007 automation where we give the user the ability to select a printer to print to and compile a word document. We give the ability to print locally or on a network printer. Network printers are specified in the code by their fully qualified path (printername + port if there is one). The problem is in Window...

C# Printing and Threading

I have a need for users to be able to scan a series of items and for each item print off x number of labels. I am currently trying to use a background worker to accomplish this but I have run into a problem where they are scanning items so fast and there are so many labels to print for each item the background worker chokes. This is ho...

Creating something printable in C#

Hi everyone, Just wondering if anyone could tell me of a simple way to create files for printing? At the moment I'm just scripting HTML, but I'm wondering if there isn't some easier way of doing it that would give me more control over what it being printed? Something along the lines of an Access printout, or Excel printout - where I cou...

How to generate and print large XPS documents in WPF?

I would like to generate (and then print or save) big XPS documents (>400 pages) from my WPF application. We have some large amount of in-memory data that needs to be written to XPS. How can this be done without getting an OutOfMemoryException? Is there a way I can write the document in chunks? How is this usually done? Should I not ...

Is it better to define css for all @media in one css file?

As this article suggesting or different external CSS for different media would be better option? in terms of maintainability, site performance. ...

Lisp simple question

Hi! I have some not understanding actions from gnu clisp Suppose, I have some code like (let ((x "Hi!"))(print x)). If I execute it from console (like, clisp fileName.lisp) I see Hi! But, when I execute it from interpreter, I see this text twice. Why? Help me, please. ...

How do you save a plot in Octave 3.0.5 if it has latex in it?

My school has Matlab but I can't use it at home so I am trying to learn Octave. I am having trouble saving plots as png files so I can put them in a report. I read you can use print("filename.png") to save the plots, but I am getting some kind of error I am assuming is due to using latex in my labels I am using xlabel('\omega') Error ...

Windows Spooler Events API doesn't generate events for network printers

the context i use Spooler Events API to capture events generated by the spooler when a user prints a document ie. FindFirstPrinterChangeNotification FindNextPrinterChangeNotification the problem When I print a document on the network printers from my machine no events are captured by the monitor (uses the fuctions above) Notice E...

Looking for a Pdf Printer to use in a Docx -> Pdf Conversion Service

I'm not sure if this is possible but as I was looking for a way to convert docx -> pdf serverside (Aspose is a bit expensive), I wondered if I could do this by printing my document to a Pdf Printer. Altho, I would need a decent one then, as it shouldn't show dialogs when trying to print ofc. Does anyone know if: This is possible Ther...

Encoding Problem In PrintDocument When Using Dot Matrix Printer

Hi, I have prepared a text to print with dot matrix printer. The text contains turkish characters like ü,ğ, etc. When I send this text to the dot matrix printer with .net' s PrintDocument class, the turkish characters on the printed document does not appear correctly. But when I send the same text to Laser printer, there is no problem...

jquery: print out hidden element

hi all, i'm using the jQuery Print Element plugin for printing but i think it's a general css issue: how can i print out a hidden element? (with css set to display:none;) when trying, i'm gettin only a plain sheet. is there any solution? thanks ...

Why is this flowdocument table always printing 2 columns

I have a ListView in my WPF app that is bound to a collection of tasks to perform (A to-do list). I want the user to be able to print their list and have created the following code based on the MSDN guidelines. (This my first foray into printing) public FlowDocument GetPrintDocument() { FlowDocument flowDoc = new FlowDocument(); ...

Fake the src of an iframe for printing to avoid "about:blank"

I'm creating a hidden iframe specifically to be used for printing in IE6. Here's a basic outline of the code with some HTML population cut out: $('body').append('<iframe id="printIFrame"></iframe>'); $("iframe#printIFrame").attr('style','position:absolute;width:0px;height:0px;left:-500px;top:-500px;'); $("iframe#printIFrame").load(fu...