
save plot into image file in matlab: difference between saveas and print

Hi I wonder when saving plot into image file in matlab, what is the difference between saveas and print? In what cases both can be used and in what cases only one can be used? Thanks and regards! ...

Problem linking and printing in parent iframe

I have a page with 3 iframes: Header, Pictures, and footer: The look U can see it here: <script Language="javascript"> function printfile() { window.frames['pictures'].focus(); window.frames['pictures'].print(); } </script> | </head> <body> <div id="wrapper"> <div id="header"> <iframe i...

Are there any thead limitations that make it not print on each page in Firefox?

I have a table that has a <thead>, a <tfoot> and a <tbody>. It is supposed to print the thead and tfoot on each page in theory, but for some reason the thead does not if it contains certain elements together. This works: <thead> <tr> <td colspan="3">This works</td> <tr> <tr> <th colspan="2">column 1</th> ...

Printing an iframe and surrounding content when iframe is larger that a printer's paper size

I have an application on one domain that displays content from another application from a different domain. The iframe gets dynamically resized similar to the method described here to prevent the iframe from having any scroll bars in it. The problem I'm having is that when the page is printed, if the iframe is bigger than a printer's pap...

Can I print UTF-8 encoded files from Linux command-line?

enscript doesn't support utf-8 and the only other suggestion I've seen is to use lpr: lpr -o document-format=text/utf8 file_to_print but that gives an "Unsupported format" error. (Ubuntu 9.04 / GNOME Terminal 2.26.0) ...

format printing

How to format printing stmt in python? print"---------------------------------" print"client:mount-point:logfile:status" print"---------------------------------" print clientname,mntpt,logfile,status Currently it prints something like this : --------------------------------- client:mount-point:logfile:status -------------------...

Socket Printing issues: PHP/Toshiba B-SA4TM

Hi, we're having this toshiba barcode printer. I'm not sure whether this problem is hardware or php related. When we send a ° (degree-sign) it prints a € (euro-sign). I also tried brute-forcing iconv(): $a = array("UTF-8", "ASCII", "Windows-1252", "ISO-8859-15", "ISO-8859-1", "ISO-8859-6", "CP1256", "cp850"); foreach ($a as $enc){ if ...

Printing elements out of list

Hi, I have a certain check to be done and if the check satisfies, I want the result to be printed. Below is the code: import string import codecs import sys y=sys.argv[1] list_1=[] f=1.0 x=0.05 write_in = open ("new_file.txt", "w") write_in_1 = open ("new_file_1.txt", "w") ligand_file=open( y, "r" ) #Open the receptor.txt file ligand_l...

Java out.println() how is this possible?

I've seen some code such as: out.println("print something"); I tried import java.lang.System; but it's not working. How do you use out.println() ? ...

javascript, applet and printers

I found a couple of questions about this, but didn't find a solution. I'm trying to write an applet so a web application can print silently documents. The idea is to provide a Javascript function which calls an applet method passing the document it wants to print. The applet just looks for the local printer an send the job. The applet i...

Printing double variable contents

I tried following code snippet and output is surprising me: #include <stdio.h> #include <math.h> int main() { double num; unsigned char ch; ch = 19; num = 1.0E+20 ; num += ch * 1.0E+18; printf("E18 = %lf \n",num); printf("E18 = %e \n",num); ...

WPF: How to paginate FrameworkElement?

I have a stack panel which serves as a template for previewing an auto genereted document (which is actually a bunch of items bound to the various child panels). Now I have to enable the export to PDF and printing, which I have already done by using DocumentPaginator, though one problem still exists and that is, how to correctly paginate...

linux piping ( convert -> pdf2ps -> lp)

Ok, so I can print a pdf doing: pdf2ps file.pdf - | lp -s But now I want to use convert to merge several pdf files, I can do this with: convert file1.pdf file2.pdf merged.pdf which merges file1.pdf and file2.pdf into merged.pdf, target can be replaced with '-'. Question How could I pipe convert into pdf2ps and then into lp though...

How to get the PrintDocumentImageableArea for a given PrintQueue without going through PrintDialog?

From MSDN (link): The type PrintDocumentImageableArea has no public constructor. Hence, the variable documentImageableArea must be declared and assigned to Nothing and only then passed to the method. This method displays a PrintDialog requiring input from the user. After the user has selected a printer, paper size, an...

redirect prints to log file

Okay. I have completed my first python program.It has around 1000 lines of code. During development I placed plenty of print statements before running a command using os.system() say something like, print "running command",cmd os.system(cmd) Now I have completed the program. I thought about commenting them but redirecting all these un...

IE7, print bug?

If you take a look at: And take a look at the print preview, you can see after 3 pages i moves all text to the right??? Cant quite wrap my head around it, and never seen the bug before - It works perfectly in FF, and IE8 ...

Print Preview Control used in a custom Print Preview Dialog.

I have successfully implemented printing and print preview for my app using the PrintDocument, PrintDialog and PrintPreviewDialog classes of .NET. However my app uses a toolkit to improve the appearance of the standard .NET controls. There are versions of most .NET controls in the toolkit, but none for the Print controls. Therefore to ...

Send document to printer from web page

I have a webpage that activates a print job on a printer. This works in the localhost environment but does not work when the application is deployed to the webserver. I'm using the PrintDocument class from the .net System.Drawing.Print namespace. I'm now assuming the printer has to be available to the application on the remote server?...

How can I print a web page on a server?

Suppose I develop a web page using the cool Google visualization API, and it does everything the user wants. They can the parameters, look at the graphs, and print the page to get a reasonable-looking report. All good. Now suppose I want to do the same thing server-side. For example, say we need a set of report generated at a specific t...

Printing with an Eclipse RCP program

Hi, I am looking for a good, standard way to generate "output" in my RCP programm and print it. This should work as it works on Windows, Mac OS and Linux with the standard print dialog. I am aware of the Birt project, but I could not find any hints about how to implement it within a RCP programm and how to invoke the standard print dia...