
How can I modify SpreadSheetGear's PrintPreview window (.NET)?

Spreadsheetgear provides ability to create PrintPreview window - using WorkbookView.PrintPreview(). But it seems impossible to modify that window. That function returns void and there are no properties to control the visual content of that window. Please, say me I'm wrong.... Have I missed something? ...

How do I print an IFrame from javascript in Safari/Chrome

Hi, Can someone please help me out with printing the contents of an IFrame via a javascript call in Safari/Chrome. This works in firefox: $('#' + id)[0].focus(); $('#' + id)[0].contentWindow.print(); this works in IE: window.frames[id].focus(); window.frames[id].print(); But I can't get anything to work in Safari/Chrome. Thanks ...

Print a text file without any interaction with print dialogue & page setup.

u can set font name & pitch for known windows notepad. setting margins & etc. & then print file with /p switch. but many other properties such as orientation has no desired behavior. any idea for this problem? such as vbscript, using api or dll or ... ...

C++, win32, gdi Printing: DrawEdge does not reach as far as DrawText?

I am trying to print (using a printer, on paper, not on a screen) lines and text, using the the function DrawEdge and DrawText ( and They work quite fine, however, when I try to reach the bottom of my paper (about 35 milimeter awa...

What is best practices for printing from a WinForms application?

I am looking for best practices in regards to printing from a WinForms application. What are the pitfalls? What layout techniques work? Would it be easier to use WPF for printing (MSDN WPF Printing Overview)? In my particular case, I have an existing WinForms application that needs to be extended with printing functionality. The pro...

Do you print hard copies of requirements, design documents and code?

I like to print out software requirements so I can easily mark them up, sketch UIs, etc. Do you print out requirements and design materials ahead of time or just view them digitally? What features make for the ideal "programmer's" printer? Laser or Inkjet? B&W or color? USB or Ethernet connector? Duplex? Availability of generic ink c...

XPS Document Print Tiling

Currently I have an XPS document whose width is too large for the paper. I would like it to print the clipped off contents on additional pages. I have not been successful at finding a setting to accomplish this. Any ideas for a solution? ...

Default Layout Orientation when printing XPSs using the WPF XPS Viewer

Is there a way to set the Default Layout Orientation when printing XPSs using the WPF XPS Viewer? My fixed document XPS has its page orientation set to Landscape, the Page Media Size has a width that is longer that its height and it displays correctly in the Viewer as Landscape. Its just that when you hit the print button the Print Dial...

python 3.0, how to make print() output unicode?

I'm working in WinXP 5.1.2600, writing a Python application involving Chinese pinyin, which has involved me in endless Unicode problems. Switching to Python 3.0 has solved many of them. But the print() function for console output is not Unicode-aware for some odd reason. Here's a teeny program. print('sys.stdout encoding is "' + sys.std...

Does IE print [table]header and footer properly (css settings)?

I need to prepare print css style for some page. It's possible to have footer on every printed page? I tried the code, I've found on the web: display:block;position:fixed; bottom:0px; but it works only in Firefox. I can try to fix it with table, but in Q. here: CSS: Repeat table headers in print mode is info, that it doesn't work ...

Printing from an embedded system

We are making a lab instrument using an ARM9/RTOS system. The client has asked about printing simple reports from the ARM9 system. In this case, we have USB Host support in the RTOS. I'm thinking about printing bitmaps in generic PCL, hoping that will cover the widest range of printers. Is there a better way to approach this? I'm assumi...

Getting hard-copy of programming books?

Hi all, I have quite a few programming e-books, and while they're useful, I don't find myself using them very much. I think this is because they are in digital format and take up my screen, and overall I would prefer a physical book. Are there any services out there that will print a pdf file for me in a nice book-ish fashion? I suppos...

getting innerHTML from asp:Table control

I would like to capture the "innerHTML of a asp:Table control from a button click. i.e. webforms page has an asp:Table control that is dynamically populated at run time. I need a quick/dirty print button to print the contents of the table. Ideally, I'd like to just have a simple way to grab the markup of the rendered table to squirt to a...

Printer Friendly Pages With a Header on Every Page?

I'm working in a J2EE environment with a web app that displays large amounts of tabular data. We want to be able to print these tables with each page displaying the header and footer. I understand some browsers support this through the thead,tbody,tfooter tags, but the users are using IE6 only. A row is normally only one line but on o...

IE7 DIV border printing problem

I have a web page that renders the same in IE7, Firefox, and Safari - except when printing. IE7 appears to allocate too much space for borders when printing. In the example below, the box heights plus borders should add up to the same height in the 2 columns. I set the borders to 10px to exaggerate the problem. I hate CSS hacks, and so...

C# file Printing as per PDF or Excel or Word or Note pad file Template

i want to print from C# as per PDF or Excel or Word or Note pad template ...

How do I keep Netbeans from printing line like this // <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc=" UML Marker "> when printing code?

I am trying to keep Netbeans from printing statement like this // <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc=" UML Marker "> // #[regen=yes,id=DCE.B7E25FE1-C10B-ED91-77... // </editor-fold> without deleting them from the code. ...

How do you enable word wrap in vim when printing

I wanted to print a simple text document and make sure words wrap on word boundaries. I tried both set linebreak and set wrap but when printing, it just breaks on the right column in the middle of words. Is this possible for printing? ...

Javascript Event Handler for Print

I am trying to alter style at print-time: Is there an event in javascript that you can listen for for when file>>print is called? What is it? Also - is there a handler for when printing is finished? What is it? or if there is a better way to do this with some other means, such as style sheets, how do you do that? ...

Why is my hidden process still visible?

I'm printing a document by creating a System.Diagnostics.Process object and then setting the StartInfo verb to "print", then calling the process Start() method. I want this print process to be hidden, so I'm setting CreateNoWindow = true and WindowStyle = ProcessWindowStyle.Hidden. But the application (Word or Acrobat) still appears dur...