
How to design prism EventAggregator?

Pattern of pub-sub events is that the publisher should not know or care if there are any subscribers out there, nor should it care what the subscribers do if they are there (from Brian Noyes' blog) What are the best practices to using EventAggregator in Prism? Currently I have few modules which are loosely coupled and wo...

Silverlight 3 - PRISM - Retrieve and Load Module Definitions using WCF - Possible?

We are starting to use Silverlight 3 and PRISM and are successful to load modules by reading from a XAML file. However, I would like to be able to read those definitions from a database table using a WCF call. I have the WCF call returning data, however WCF is called asynchronously and I cannot get this to work using any of the sta... Examples for Prism MVVM In Silverlight

Hey guys IM Looking at Implementing MVVM in Silverlight. Kind of new to Silverlight and I'm Definately new to MVVM Pattern. I get it all But I want A set of small Prism VB.Net MVVM exmaples if that makes sense. Anyone have anything ...

Where to put the calls to WCF or other webservices in MVVM?

I'm building Silverlight applicaitions using Prism and MVVM. When calling WCF services on your own server, or even external webservices like the Bing api, would this be done from the Model? or from the ViewModel, thus making the service the Model? ...

Silverlight PRISM, creating a behavior

Hi Guys, I've been trying to create a basic behavior in my PRISM based silverlight project. Something like the problem I am having is that the OnAttached() and OnDetaching() methods of the behavior get called fine but when I set up my event hand...

Localization in Prism WPF App

I'm looking for the best way to localize a Prism 2 WPF app that might have several modules ported to Silverlight 3. Has anyone successfully localized a Prism 2 WPF app with several modules? ...

Using Silverlight MVVM with Prism/Unity, and need to detect when view is closed.

I am writing an app using the MVVM (Model-View-ViewModel) pattern and am leveraging the Prism and Unity bits from the Microsoft P&P team. I have a View with a list of items. These items are contained with an ObservableCollection in the ViewModel to which a listbox in the View is databound (the ViewModel is set as the DataContext of the...

TypeLoadException was Unhandeled in Prism - Composite Application Guidance

Hi, I am trying to study PRISM , and how to use it , and for that I am following video tutorials. Anyway, the problem is in my App.config file, which defines the container and the types. I wrote it as following: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> <configuration> <configSections> <section name="unity" type="Microsoft.Pract...

Best logging approach for composite app?

I am creating a Composite WPF (Prism) app with several different projects (Shell, modules, and so on). I am getting ready to implement logging, using Log4Net. It seems there are two ways to set up the logging: Let the Shell project do all of the actual logging. It gets the reference to Log4Net, and other projects fire composite events ...

ADO.NET DataServices with Prism

I've start using prism with silverlight 3, but, we are trying to implement it to work with ADO.NET DataServices. The "DataServiceQuery" query type required to use with Silverlight, requires a Asyncronous call to be fired after the query. This will break ous Prism Pattern by what I can see. Any ideas to get only the data of the query to u...

Where should the data be stored in MVVM?

I've got this Silverlight Prism application that is using MVVM. The model calls a WCF service and a list of data is returned. The ViewModel is bound to the View, so the ViewModel should have a List property. Were should I keep data returned by a WCF service in MVVM? Should the List property be calling into the Model using its gette...

Someone know example of silverlight implementation with repositories?

I'm trying to implement a Silverlight infrastructure with Prism, Ado.Net Dataservices and Repository Patterns but having some problems, what I want to know is, if there's out there an working example of this. ...

Silverlight 3 different behavior between browsers

I have a silverlight project that runs normally, its just a listbox that retrieivies some value. This project run correctly in Internet explorer but do not runs correctly in Safari 4 or Firefox 3.5.... Does silverlight have some difference in terms of behavior that can vary from browser to browser? Here's the error that happens in the n...

Using scatterview as a region with Prism throws an exception

Hi all. I'm playin around with Surface and I'm trying to use a scatterview as a module region. <s:ScatterView cal:RegionManager.RegionName="{x:Static common:RegionNames.MainRegion}"></s:ScatterView> What happens is that when I run the app, a exception is thrown. With a litle reflection I got to the place where the exception occours: ...

Prism - Conditional navigation

I'm using Prism for navigation in my Wpf application. I have a few modules, and each of them is registering themselves in a main menu through common commands sent using the IoC container in the bootstrapper. The menu entries are bound to common commands for navigation - which will open the correct view in some Region. All is based on rec...

Prism Event Aggregation - subscriber not triggered

I'm working on implementing an event aggregation with Prism. I have a few modules, and I want each of them to subscribe to events that tells them when they are requested. I started out doing an all plain example with both subscribed and publisher in the shell. No problems there. Now; when I move the subscribers out to my modules they don...

Silverlight Prism - Loading module(s) after successful login/dependencies between modules

I have a Silverlight Prism application that includes a toolbar module with login controls. I currently have a module in the main region set to InitializationMode.OnDemand in the Bootstrapper and can load it via ModuleManager.LoadModule() after a successful login in the toolbar module. However, this doesn't feel right as it's essentiall...

Using StructureMap to Configure Prism

I'm using Prism and the Unity IoC container that comes along with Prism. However, I'd like to use a different IoC container if that's doable. So; is it? Preferrably I'd like to use StructureMap. Note that I'm not yet familiar with StructureMap, but based on several recommendations I'd like to give it a try. The question is really how t...

Problems with debugging in Silverlight 4 using Out of Browser and WCF RIA Services

With Visual stuido 2010, it's simple to set up SL4 to debug with an out-of-browser installed app. I followed the instructions from here and everything seems to set up fine. Debugging from the browser runs the program just fine, but running from the OOB program gives a different result. After starting, the screen will go blank and then...

Seeking guidance on WPF Prism Multi display application

Hello all, I'm in the beginning stages of designing an application using Prism and have a question. In all the reference material I've been able to find, there is lots of details on creating a single screen application, but I have a requirements beyond that. I would like the have two windows showing (Multi screen), both with the exact ...