Fork and sighandlers
If I setup sighandler and then do a fork. Will the child process also inherit the sighandlers? ...
If I setup sighandler and then do a fork. Will the child process also inherit the sighandlers? ...
how do start/stop services using net stop command in c# for example Dim pstart As New ProcessStartInfo Dim path As String = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.System) Dim p As New Process pstart.FileName = path + "\cmd.exe" pstart.UseShellExecute = False pstart.CreateNoWindow = True pstart.WorkingDirectory = path pstart...
I finally discovered a way to use command line Matlab from .NET without linking: Write variables from .NET to a MAT file using David A. Zier's "csmatio" dll. Read the file from Matlab, process it and save the results to a MAT file: var process = new Process() { StartInfo = new ProcessStartInfo() { FileName = MatlabExec...
i have replaced windows shell with my application it worked perfectly, after closing my application i have to launch windows explorer with the following piece of code Code to start explorer Process.Start(@"c:\windows\explorer.exe"); Registry key i have used to replace shell HKEY_Local_Machine\Software\Microsoft\WindowsNT\CurrentVer...
Hi guys, I am looking to automate the installation of software produced by my build process. How do i automate this process - any tools, pointers will help. ...
I'm in a big organization that likes waterfall processes and need to help discourage its use at least on my project. It would be helpful if the name was more ugly, jarring and not as pretty as a waterfall, a forest or sunset. Any suggestions? ...
I'm writing a script that builds a queue of other scripts and is supposed to manage their launch. the manager script should know which child process has finished, so it can launch other scripts waiting in the queue. I added a "& echo $!" to get the Process Id of each child process. so I have my child processes Process Ids, and for now a...
They're hiring me as their "lead programmer" as they call it, but it's really a project manager position. I will be doing little or no programming, they want to outsource the programming to an Indian shop. (their call, not mine) "The Mythical Man Month" comes to mind, given their interest in outsourcing, but I'm sure there's quite a few...
I have several process writing to the same log file. How can I synchronize them? My application is a web application written in c#. ...
I start a process in c# like this: Process p= new Process(); p.StartInfo.FileName = "iexplore.exe"; p.StartInfo.Arguments = "about:blank"; p.Start(); Sometimes I already have an instance of Internet Explorer running (something I cannot control), and when I try to grab the MainWindowHandle of p: p.MainWindowHandle I get an exc...
I have a system that will generate messages sporadically, and I would like to only submit either zero or one message every 5 minutes. If no message is generated, nothing would be processed by the queue consumer. If a hundred identical messages are generated within 5 minutes I only want one of those to be consumed from the queue. I am ...
I have a web form that once filled out needs to kick off a lengthy process. Since I don't want the user sitting there waiting for it to complete, I want to kick off the task and then take the user to another page to continue working. Would doing this involve using an asynchronus process, and if so, does someone have an example of how t...
Hello, I am attempting to programmatically track the processes a linux user is currently running. Is it possible to be notified when a user has fork-ed or exec-ed a new process, or is the only solution to perpetually poll the process list for new processes. Thanks, Ken ...
Hi, I'm using the ShellExecuteEx function in a C++ program to launch an Uninstall.lnk file. In my program, I'd like to wait for the uninstaller to finish. My first attempt was to set the SEE_MASK_NOCLOSEPROCESS flag in the SHELLEXECUTEINFO structure and then call WaitForSingleObject on the hProcess handle available in the SHELLEXECUTEIN...
Hello, I'm starting in C++, reading a good book of it and i want to build a program that show to the user all the process that the Linux of he is doing, using C++, someone can help me please. Thanks! ...
I am talking about several thousands of flash animations etc. Naturally there is lot of file management. How do people manage these kind of assets like DAM, CMS? Best practices for swfs, images, fonts to keep the size to minimum. Compression scheme? What about delivery? What kind of servers are needed for this scale? ...
Right from Jeff's blog: Software Engineering: Dead? I was utterly floored when I read this new IEEE article by Tom DeMarco (pdf). See if you can tell why. He quotes DeMarco, "I'm gradually coming to the conclusion that software engineering is an idea whose time has come and gone". Further, "What DeMarco seems to be saying -- a...
When I use VSTS debugger to see the properties of instance of class Process, many of the properties are marked with InvalidOperationException. Why? Am I doing anything wrong? I am using VSTS 2008 + C# + .Net 2.0 to develop a console application. Here is my code: System.Diagnostics.Process myProcess = new System.Diagnostics.Pro...
HI, I have a .NET application which uses threads excessively. At the time of exit the process does not kill itself. Is there is any tool that can show what is causing the problem? although I have checked thoroughly but was unable to find the problem. Abdul Khaliq ...
I want to run blender from the command line through a ruby script, which will then process the output given by blender line by line to update a progress bar in a GUI. It's not really important that blender is the external process whose stdout I need to read. I can't seem to be able to catch the progress messages blender normally prints ...