
Unable to find an entry point named 'GetProcessID' in DLL 'kernel32.dll'

Hi im trying to get a processID out of a process handle using the WINAPI 'GetProcessID' but i am getting the following error... Unable to find an entry point named 'GetProcessID' in DLL 'kernel32.dll'. Checking MSDN i cant see where i have gone wrong.. ...

Programmatically (in C#) get java application name from javaw.exe process?

Is there a way to get name of the java app associated with a javaw.exe? Basically I need to write a tool, to check (daily) if a specific java app is running on our server (and if not the tool will email me). I would like to do this in C#...but if there isn't a way I would be open to other suggestions. I have read this question 265794 ...

On Terminal Server, how does a service start a process in a user's session?

From a Windows Service running on a Terminal Server (in global space), we would like to be able to start up a process running a windows application in a specific user's Terminal Server sessions. How does one go about doing this? The Scenerio: the windows service starts at boot time. After the user has logged into a Terminal Server user...

Run process with realtime output in PHP

Hi, I am trying to run a process on a web page that will return its output in realtime. For example if I run 'ping' process it should update my page every time it returns a new line (right now, when I use exec(command, output) I am forced to use -c option and wait until process finishes to see the output on my web page). Is it possible ...

7z and file flush. Its not compressing my file.

In encryptFile file if i change the if statement to true the code will work as expected. However i get console windows on screen which is ugly. When i make it false FileListName compress as empty archive. Why? using (TextWriter tw = (TextWriter)new StreamWriter( FileListName)) { writeFilename(tw, t, "."); ...

How can I run a piece of Script inside an already running Java Process

Today, I was using AdaptJ Stacktrace tool. I am wondered how can it run a BeanShell script inside an already running process! The process is not run in debug mode. Even, the JVM is run with attach mechanism disabled! After all, the class path does not contain the BeanShell jar files. But you can easily select a running java process, open...

Unable to extract processID from GetProcessId(.. hWnd) (pInvoke)

Hi, im using the following method [DllImport("kernel32.dll", SetLastError=true)] static extern int GetProcessId(IntPtr hWnd); to try and get the processId for a running process and the only information I have is the HWND. My problem is that it is always returning error code 6 which is ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE. I thought i might...

how to close all running applications safely with c#

how to close all running applications safely with c# without using windows logoff & shutdown API function. After closing all application i would like to show my application ...

air process adt flex

I have two air applications and installed them in desktop and executed them and two air processes are listed in taskbar manager.Now how can I execute some method of one air application from another air application? ...

C# - Execute a static method in a new process

Hi All, I wanted a help in executing a static method asynchronously as well as in it's own process so that even if the client application that kicked-off this execution is closed, the method will continue it's execution. One option to do this is create a console application and execute this console application as a new process. However...

Threading isolation in Java

Is there any sure-fire way to ensure Threads remain isolated from one-another, in Java? I've had an issue for a week and a half, where Threads implementing various 3rd party source code keep colliding due to static variables and other such things that are really beyond my control. I know a single system can run as many instances of the...

c# redirect (pipe) process output to another process

Hi I am trying to run a process in c# using the Process class. Process p1 = new process(); p1.startinfo.filename = "xyz.exe"; p1.startinfo.arguments = //i am building it based on user's input. p1.start(); So based on user input i am building the argument value. Now i have a case where i have to pipe the output of p1 to another proc...

Passing remote object from one App Domain across to another process

Hi, Basically I have 2 app domains in my first process (a service) this talks to another process (exe) that runs on the desktop using IPC remoting. In the second app domain of my service I load my plug ins and then interact with them them using an interface from the default app domain. This allows me to unload the plugins whenever I wan...

How to create binary/hex dump of another process's memory?

I am having trouble finding a reasonable way to dump another process's memory to a file. After extensive searching, I've been able to find a nice article at CodeProject that has *most* of the functionality I want: Performing a hex dump of another process's memory. This does a good job of addressing permission issues and sets a good fou...

YUI Compressor and .NET Apps

I want to use YUI Compressor (the original) and use it as part of typical MS build processes (Visual Studio 2008, MSBuild). Does anyone have any guidance or thoughts on this? For example, good ways for incorporating into project, what to do with existing CSS and JS references, and the like. I am happy to hear on the benefits of YUI Com...

Access Other Java Processes

Hi, I am writing a program that starts another java process which runs certain code. Is there any way I can "talk" to that process to call methods of the running class(es)? ...

Code Signing as part of the build process

I'd like to understand some of the best practices with respect to code signing. We have an Eclipse-based application and think it would be appropriate to sign our plug-ins. This raised a lot of questions: Can/Should the private key be in source control? Should we sign the code as part of our nightly build process or as part of our rele...

Is it possible to kill a C++ application on Windows XP without unwinding the call stack?

My understanding is that when you kill a C++ application through Task Manager in Windows XP, the application is still "cleanly" destructed - i.e. the call stack will unwind and all the relevant object destructors will be invoked. Not sure if my understanding is wrong here. Is it possible to kill such an application immediately, without...

Server keeps creating processes with my php script

Hello all, I am running a php script on a shared hosting server (hostgator). That PHP script is written with the codeigniter framework. Hostgator Shared hosting server only allows 25 processes to run. I have no idea why my script keeps creating the process on the server. The cpanel process server log looks like this: 2221 /usr/bin/p...

running rmi client server in a different process... unbound exception

i need to write a RMI client/server application that the server is running in a different process. when i am running my code in the same process everything is working fine, but when trying to run the server code in a new Process using ProcessBuilder pb = new ProcessBuilder( "java", "-cp",...