
Gathering Requirements with Scrum

My development team is working to the Scrum methodolody, pretty much. We have a prioritised product backlog, which we break down into sprints tracked by a burndown chart. Trouble is, the product managers (who gather requirements from the stakeholders) will give us an outline of the requirements, say a few days before the start of a spr...

How can I disconnect any process from the Internet using Delphi?

How can I disconnect any process from the Internet? PID process and IP (local / remote) are known. ...

What does .NET add to Windows/Linux processes and threads?

As far as I know, .NET uses Windows processes. What extra state information & functionality does it add to information contained in Windows thread/process descriptors? And what is different in Linux (on Mono)? ...

Import process from some other file to sql database in

I have a excel file format like first some rows shows address of company,after two row shows the column names.some rows data of corresponding column contains sub columns But want format of excel like first row considered column names,after that are consider data of relevant column names. so how can i convert this, ...

How to capture the PID of a process when launching it in DOS

Is there a way to do this purely in a .bat file? The purpose is to launch iexplore, then kill just that instance when it's finished.. ...

SQL Server: Kill Process using Stored Procedure

Hello all, I want to modify the following as it doesn't seem to kill processes - I think its supposed to disconnect users (is this the same?). I want to be able to kill all process for a particular database - how can I modify the below: create procedure [dbo].[sp_killusers](@database varchar(30)) as ------------------------------------...

How do i identify improvement areas for software development in my team?

hi guys, i just joined this new group and basically haven't even really done any heavy lifting development but just some basic web store migration stuff. and i've been given the challenge of coming up with improvement areas for the development process. I'm thinking of using Joel's list as the basis for determining what can be improved in...

Can I Attach to Process without it being already running?

Using Visual Studio 2005's Attach to Process, is it possible to select an application to run and then debug as opposed to an application that is already running? I am trying to debug a FileMaker Plugin and I can debug it fine if I open FileMaker then use attach to process, but I now want to debug the initialisation of the plugin so need...

VHDL - When does a process() run for the first time?

Hi ! Consider : process(a) According to the text i have : A process is first entered at the time of simulation, at which time it is executed until it suspends itself due to a wait statement or a sensitivity list. Am i right in inferring that a process WILL have to run once even without any events on the sensitivity list?...

os x process state UE

I've got process running that can't be killes. It's my EyeTV App and here is what 'ps aux' says: cb0 87583 1,0 3,4 812796 144236 ?? UE 21Nov09 2638:11.45 [.....]/EyeTV The process state is really strange cause I've never seen UE before. The manpage tells me U means Marks a process in uninterruptible wait, and E mea...

Process.Start("IEXPLORE.EXE") immediately fires the Exited event after launch.. why??

Hi, i have a strange problem with IE8 installed in xp. i was trying to launch IE using an System.Diagnostics.Process.Start method in c#. And i have a requirement to trap the exited event of the IE and do some operation. But i ended up in a rather strange problem where the IE immediately fires the exited event after launch. this is the ...

why Ghost Process appears after kill -9

Hi, In my Python script, I first launch a subprocess by subprocess.Popen(). Then later on, I want to kill that subprocess by kill -9 Pid. What I found is that after the kill is executed, the subprocess is "stopped" because the GUI window of that process disappeared immediately. But when I perform a "ps aux" right after the kill, the sa...

Is there a way to detect if/when a Process starts another Process in C# .Net 2.0?

I'm looking for a way to detect if a Process started by my application has in turn spawned additional Processes. The hope is that i can have a thread that starts and application, watches until it exits, and then triggers some other action when that application exits. The problem is that with some of the applications that i want to monito...

What's the difference between system() in C and Perl?

The system() function will launch a new process from C and a Perl script. What exactly are the differences between processes called by system() in C and from Perl scripts, in terms of representation of error codes? ...

Running a Windows program and detect when it ends with C++

Suppose I run an application, after some time this app will get closed by user. Is it possible to find out when the program exits? Can I get it's process id when I run that application? ...

Tie the life of a process to the shell that started it.

In a UNIX-y way, I'm trying to start a process, background it, and tie the lifetime of that process to my shell. What I'm talking about isn't simply backgrounding the process, I want the process to be sent SIGTERM, or for it to have an open file descriptor that is closed, or something when the shell exits, so that the user of the shell ...

Bash Daemon Named "sh" or "sleep" not the filename....

I have created a simple bash script, chmod +x, and successfully am running it as a background service. But, the script is called "sh" or "sleep" or whatever command seems to be running at the time, not my script name, when I view a process list. How do I name the process of my bash script so I can distinguish it? I want to be sure th...

.NET StandardInput Sending Modifiers

We have some legacy software which depends on sending keystrokes to a DOS window and then scraping the screen. I am trying to re-create the software by redirecting the input and output streams of the process directly to my application. This part I have managed fine using: _Process = new Process(); { _Process.StartInfo.FileName = APP...

when a process is killed is this information recorded anywhere?

Question: When a process is killed, is this information recorded anywhere (i.e., in kernel), such as syslog (or can be configured to be recorded syslog.conf) Is the information of the killer's PID, time and date when killed and reason update - you have all giving me some insight, thank you very much| ...

BlackBerry - Does TimerTask run in the background?

Hello, Does TimerTask work even if my exit my application and come to home screen or explore other apps? I have read the forum and find out the thread kind of easy mechanism is to use TimerTask in BB. I want to have thread running always even my app is not launched(after first time), so that when an particular interval arrives, i can sh...