
Open a folder and highlight a particular file with WPF

Is there a way to launch an Explorer window and highlight a file in that folder with WPF ? I've already tried the following : Process ExplorerWindowProcess = new Process(); ExplorerWindowProcess.StartInfo.FileName = "explorer.exe"; ExplorerWindowProcess.StartInfo.Arguments = ConfigFile.File.FullName; ExplorerWindowProcess.Start(); ....

Return value to browser but still process in PHP

I am using flash to call a PHP page that needs to do a bit of processing. Is it possible to let PHP continue processing but show a response anyway so flash doesn't stall waiting? ...

Sending data from parent to child process and vice versa in C

Hi I've made a program that create 5 pipes and fork 5 processes in a loop. I've managed to send data from the parent to each child processe, when each child processe is overlapped by another program. Each loop is done in the following manner (parent.c): // Child process - reads from pipe if (childpid == 0) { dup2(fd[0], 0); // re...

DuplicateHandle, why duplicate instead of just acquire?

Why would a process want to call DuplicateHandle from the Win32API, and get it from another process instead of just acquiring the handle on some object itself? Is there some advantage to calling DuplicateHandle or something? ...

create a child process

Hi You can create a thread given a delegate to method, can I create a process in the same way? I want to do that to be able to close the child process from task manger if something goes wrong. I expect the answer is no and the only typical way is windows service. Thanks ...

Inject managed DLL into native process problem

I need to subclass a richedit control in a chat program (I am trying to make a musicbot). I dont know how to code in c/c++ but i was able to use c++ to inject a managed code into the chat program using CLR Hosting. But couple problems occurs. Hopefully I can get some help from here. My managed code would exit after it finished the thre...

Android Process Synchronization

Are the processes in android asynchronous? If they are asynchronous then how can we conclude when the activity or process is finished or completed its execution. ...

C# and C++ Synchronize between processes

Hi guys, We have 2 applications. One written in C# and the other in C++. We need to maintain a counter (in memory) shared between these processes. Every time one of these applications start, it needs to check for this counter and increase it and every time the application shut-down it needs to decrease the counter. If the application has...

Getting a list of used libraries by a running process (unix)

I need to find out what libraries a unix process has loaded and might use throughout it's lifetime. Is this possible and how. Or better yet, i have a library name and i need to find out what processes are using it, is this possible. On the same note, is it possible to get notified some how when a unix process is launched and when it is ...

How to start process over ssh that doesn't terminate when session ends?

Is there a way to start a process using ssh that doesn't terminate when the ssh session terminates? I want the job to keep running on the computer I'm ssh-ing into without me having to keep the connection open. ...

Process flow - Is a flow chart still the best way to diagram it?

I'd be interested to know what techniques people use to diagram initial process flow when in the initial design phases of a fairly complicated web application? To be clear I am talking about the route through a process from the users perspective, and how that route branches based on decisions and conditions. I'm not trying to model und...

Unit testing with an external host process dependency

I'd like to run some NUnit unit tests against a class in a .Net class library assembly which is designed to be hosted by an external process (outside of my control) and loaded at runtime. The class I want to test derives from a class defined within the host exe that requires it to be instantiated within the host process. Any attempt to...

How to communicate with .net processes when there are multiple instances of them

I have multiple instances of the same Windows Forms .net 3.5 SP1 C# application running on the same machine. Now I'd like to be able to communicate with them from .net, one instance at a time. What's the most simplest way to do this? I read a bit about WCF, but I have only found examples working with one server and one client. But in ...

Fetch path for a text file

I have an application monitoring application in C# and I am trying to fetch the path of a file edited from notepad (or opened in notepad). I am able to fetch the title of the active window using the native functions but not sure how to fetch the complete path. Please let me know if anybody's knows how to accomplish this. Thanks, ...

How to add a timeout to a function in Python

Many attempts have been made in the past to add timeout functionality in Python such that when a specified time limit expired, waiting code could move on. Unfortunately, previous recipes either allowed the running function to continue running and consuming resources or else killed the function using a platform-specific method of thread t...

Does stdout have limitations

I had problems with imagemagik convert and unicode filenames. I then wrote a echo.bat which simply does echo %1. What came back in stdout via .NET wasnt my unicode characters. Is there some kind of character limitation? I havent tested length of characters i can pass as an argument is there a limit on that? ...

how to run process in background in .net using c#

i have to run process in background using thread and background worker. this process do the task of retrieve data from database,it retrieve successfully by i can not display that data into datagridview, there is give some data error event. so,pls help me for this. thanks . ...

Detecting debugger on Mac Os X

Hi, I am trying to detect whether my process is being run in a debugger or not and, while in Windows there are many solutions and in Linux i use ptrace(PTRACE_ME,0,0,0) and check its return value, i did not manage to perform the same basic check on Mac Os X. I tried to use the `ptrace(PT_TRACE_ME,0,0,0)` call but it always retu...

WIN32 identifying process

Hello, I have a process that is created on windows machine (Lets call it PRS). The amount can be different amount. The processes are created by a nother process (Manager) which is defined as a service. the Manager get instructions and reacts according to the request (for example creating a new PRS, stopping PRS etc'). When creating (usi...

Win32 determine process ID

I want to create a process in Win32 .NET can I determine FOR the OS which PID the application will get ? Update: 1) I am asking it because I have a problem in which I have 2 .NET application (the same ones) that I have each one of them got parameter ID and I want using a script (using the parameter) to decide which is the one and get ...