
Excel process not ending in Cluster environment

When we try to close excel object, it fails to close to cluster environment. The same is working fine in QA and UAT environment. public bool KillExcelProcess() { try { object misValue = System.Reflection.Missing.Value; wbObj.Save(); wbObj.Close(true, misValue, misValue); ...

Suppress command window from started command-line application with .NET

I have a module that needs to run a small .Net command-line program to check for updates. Everything is working great, however I am having trouble suppressing the Command Prompt output from being shown. The app has it's own Windows Form that it pops up if it detected an update. Updating needs to run as a seperate app due to the fact tha...

C# + telnet process w/ redirected standard streams quits immediately

I'm trying to do a 'scripted telnet' project in C# (something vaguely resembling the Tcl Expect package) for which I need to start a telnet process and redirect (and process) its stdin/stdout streams. The problem is, the spawned telnet process quits immediately after starting (it does start, however). If I try to do the same with -say-...

Most reliable way to identify the current user through a sudo

I have an application that may or may not be run while users are sudo'ed to a shared user account. I would like to reliably identify who the real user is for a sort of "honor-system" ACL. I think there's some way by tracing parent/group/session process ids the way that the pstree command does, but I'm not sure how to do that best or if...

Question About Microsoft Sharepoint and BPMS

Hi everybody. Can I use Microsoft Sharepoint for implementing business proceses without writing code and without any knowledge about web development and database design? ...

get process(e.g. TextEdit) as an object in cocoa

hi. I am a newbie and i want to get a process or a key window as an object as i need to send message to it.In fact , i need to get them so that i can manipulate them with my input method kid(IMKit). the corresponding method is -(BOOL)inputText:key:modifiers:client: i want the key window/process receive the event as client. I am appre...

FCFS algorithm for linux kernel process scheduler

In linux kenel process scheduler there is a priority type SCHED_FIFO. I want to change the scheduling policy. I have two questions: 1- Where, in the kernel source code, is it mentioned that after a tick the cpu should belong to the interrupted process(Because in FIFO the process should remain until it finishes)? 2- In SCHED_RR where th...

How to stop a external executable in VB.NET?

I am developping a Windows Service in Visual Basic, witch will start an *.exe when starting. It's working pretty fine. Now how can I stop this *.exe while stopping this windows service? My code is as below: Public Class MyWinService Dim RetVal Protected Overrides Sub OnStart(ByVal args() As String) EventLog.WriteEntry("MyService Sta...

Possible to use Impersonation when launching a non-exe process in C#?

I need to be able to run a process as a different user, and I've found plenty of resources and different methods to do this. The problem is, I need to run a non-exe process, e.g. a path with html extension, or in my case, "http://somewebserver/someApp.application". There's a known problem in which launched processes don't inherit imper...

C# Detecting Spawned Processes

I'm writing a piece of c# code that launches an installer and waits for it to return before continuing with other stuff. I'm having trouble with certain installers that spawn other processes with the original process returning before the install has actual finished. Is there some way that I can wait until all the processes have finished...

How to get process ID and deal with it using c#?

If one file is used by other process and you are trying to manipulate with gives an error:- The process cannot access the file 'abc.txt' because it is being used by another process. In C#, How can i come to know that 'abc.txt' file is used by the process Name "XYZ.exe" (or any other process)? ...

Process and AppDomain load/unload...

If I instance a new Process in which I then create a new AppDomain, I'm wondering what is the safest way to end the Process. Should I: AppDomain.Unload(myAppDomain) Process.Close() OR Process.Dispose(), then Process.Close() ...

C# Process Killing

i need to write a program in c# that would just start, kill one process\exe that it is supposed to kill and enditslef. The process i need to kill is another C# application so it is a local user process and i know the path to the exe HOW TO DO IT... F1! F1! ...

Embedded linux child process creation problem

Hi All, I am using linux kernel 2.6.30 on my board. It has 128MB of DDR2. My main application occupies almost 80MB of system memory. After executing all applications, only 25MB is left. I want to execute system commands from my main application (which uses 80MB). But it is not executed. As per my understanding, each child process requir...

What do you do if a feature is dropped at the last moment?

Let's say you work on a large project with multiple features targeted in each release. We may have different feature branches (in the VCS) for each feature development. But after all the feature branch is merged and integration is done say one of the feature is dropped (this happens more frequently in our organization than you would imag...

Can Invoke execute main UI thread code that throws exception?

In my code below, I am using Process objects to execute a series of DOS batch files. I'm shortening the list of scripts for example's sake. The subsequent (1+) scripts execute via an event handler (instead of a for loop). That way, each subsequent script runs ONLY when the previous one finishes. Now for some reason as I execute the 2nd ...

System.Diagnostics.Process issue with WorkingDirectory

I am using a thrid party software tool (command line tool) to merge PDF files together. Using C# I am attempting to use System.Diagnostics.Process to run the executable but I am coming up with a few errors depending on the parameter setup. If UseShellExecute = true and RedirectStandardOutput = true I get: The Process object must ...

In emacs, how do I customise which shell is used to start processes when using M-x comint-run

I run emacs on windows. I use cygwin and I have cygwin versions of ruby and rdebug installed as well. When I invoke M-x comint-run ENTER rdebug ENTER, I noticed that it is attempting to run rdebug.bat via the Microsoft Command prompt, instead of using bash to run rdebug (without the .bat). I'd like comint-run to use bash to invoke any pr...

Why is my Bamboo build blocked by a Java subprocess?

I am working on a legacy Java Enterprise server project, trying to set up nightly builds. We are using Java 5, Maven 2, JBoss 4.2 and Atlassian Bamboo 2.1.5. The idea is that we have a Bamboo agent on one of our dev servers, and the Maven build is configured to hard deploy the resulting .ear file, then restart the server. (We can't use s...

How do I call an executable from a C program (using winapi)?

CreateProcess() came up a few times searching google.... Is it OK to assume this is the safest and most efficient method? If so, I would like to use the output of the called process. How do I know it has completed before continuing on in the C program? Thanks. ...