
How to monitor process/program execution in windows?

We are trying to develop a small application that can monitor the programs/processes that are executing in a windows machine. If the program/process is not supposed to run, it should be blocked. It works similar to an antivirus. This is the basic idea. I want to know the ways to hook into the OS to get notified about every single prog...

Does anybody actually use the PSP (Personal Software Process)?

I've been reading a bit about this recently but it looks to be a bit heavy. Does anybody have real world experience using it? Are there any light weight alternatives? ...

intercepting stdout of a subprocess while it is running

if this is my subprocess: import time, sys for i in range(200): sys.stdout.write( 'reading %i\n'%i ) time.sleep(.02) And this is the script controlling and modifying the output of the subprocess: import subprocess, time, sys print 'starting' proc = subprocess.Popen( 'c:/test_apps/', shell=True, stdin=su...

How do you develop a website in a team?

We are building a website, which is serving only asmx-webservices. These webervices are consumed by Windows Mobile clients. Our developers write the code and test most of the functions on their development machines. Then they use the "Publish Website" function in Visual Studio to precompile the website and to copy it to a network share....

How do I dev test effectively?

At work, we have a pre-QA step where we (the developers) would test each other's work (broken up to individual bugs or enhancements). While this is useful to have (good to have a sort of 'double check' to make sure failures from QA are kept to a minimum; also useful to look at the stuff that other people have been doing); it has always ...

Check if pid is not in use in Python

Is there a way to check to see if a pid corrosponds to a valid process? I'm getting a pid from a different source other than from os.getpid() and I need to check to see if a process with that pid doesn't exist on the machine. Much thanks. Update: I need it to be available in Unix and Windows. Update #2: I should be more specific - I'm ...

Can I spawn a synchronous process in VB6 and retrieve its return value?

Is it possible to spawn a synchronous process in VB6 (i.e. calling an external .exe), wait for it to terminate, and grab the return value? We have legacy code (in VB6 obviously) that we need to call a .NET application to perform some complicated tasks, and based on the .NET app's return value, either proceed or fail. Is there a better ...

which one to use "OnthreadedException" or "ApplicationRecovery"

I need to restart and gracefully close my application in case of errors. Now i have two options one is using OnThreadedException handler and other is to use Application Recovery and Restart model. If anybody has worked in them , can he tell me that what is the major difference between both of them except the second one allow you to auto...

creating a server side time activated process

I am a newbie - would like to know the method for creating a process on the server that checks the date on a daily basis and will start another process when criteria is met. Thanks ...

Mac OS X: Can one process render to another process's window?

Greetings! I'm currently porting a web browser plugin from Win32 to MacOSX. One of the features of the plugin is that when the plugin is loaded, it spawns a separate process that serves as the "engine" of the plugin and executes drawing operations into the window of the plugin (specifically, by attaching an OpenGL context to the parent ...

A process command in top

The problem comes up when you run couple of python scripts. in top at command, it shows only 'python' with these scripts. How to rename a process or otherwise tag it so that I could tell them apart in top? ...

How should bug tracking and help tickets integrate?

I have a little experience with bug tracking systems such as FogBugz where help tickets are issues are (or can be) bugs, and I have some experience using a bug tracking system internally completely separate from a help center system. My question is, in a company with an existing (home-grown) help center system where replacing it is not...

Retrieve a complete processes list using C#

I am trying to write a C# program to retrieve a complete process list. However I find that an application open a window but I don't see it in the process tab of WinXP task manager, I see it in task tab. In addition, I also cannot get its information using my C# code. static void showProcesses() { Process[] procs = Process.GetProces...

CreateThread vs fork()

Do we have any sort of relationship between fork() and CreateThread? Is there anything that CreateThread internally calls fork()? ...

Chrome / IE8 multi-process design, is it possible in .NET?

Google Chrome and IE8 (among others) aim to provide greater reliability/stability by isolating each tab (web page) in a separate process (over-simplified, I know). This would seem to be much more heavyweight then multiple threads, but has the major benefit of a crash in one process not bringing down the whole application. It seems the ...

Java: Executing a Java application in a separate process

Can a Java application be loaded in a separate process using its name, as opposed to its location, in a platform independent manner? I know you can execute a program via ... Process process = Runtime.getRuntime().exec( COMMAND ); ... the main issue of this method is that such calls are then platform specific. Ideally, I'd wrap a m...

Calling CreateProcessAsUser from C#

I've been attempting to create a new process under the context of a specific user using the CreateProcessAsUser function of the Windows API, but seem to be running into a rather nasty security issue... Before I explain any further, here's the code I'm currently using to start the new process (a console process - PowerShell to be specifi...

Navigate from a process to it's parent

Hello, I'm stuck with the process model of IE8, where a GetWindowThreadProcessId() for my MFC embedded window will give me a child IE PID, as the GetWindowThreadProcessId() for my container page will give me the root IE PID. Which is bad, as I want to filter my container out, while enumerating windows. So I'm looking for a way to get...

Python 2.6 on Windows how to terminate subprocess.Popen with "shell=True" argument?

Is there a way to terminate a process started with the subprocess.Popen class with the "shell" argument set to "True"? In the working minimal example below (uses wxPython) you can open and terminate a Notepad process happily, however if you change the Popen "shell" argument to "True" then the Notepad process doesn't terminate. import w...

communication with long running tasks in python

I have a python GUI app that uses a long running function from a .so/.dll it calls through ctypes. I'm looking for a way to communicate with the function while it's running in a separate thread or process, so that I can request it to terminate early (which requires some work on the C side before returning a partial result). I suppose th...