
Why is StartInfo (ProcessStartInfo) always empty?

According to MSDN: If you did not use the Start method to start a process, the StartInfo property does not reflect the parameters used to start the process. For example, if you use GetProcesses to get an array of processes running on the computer, the StartInfo property of each Process does not contain the original file name or argument...

Can I create a child process using WMI VB scripting?

Using WMI VB scripting, I would like to create/attach multiple child processes to a parent process, such as the explorer process. Any ideas how this can be done? Below is my code that fails. Thanks! Chris Option Explicit dim wmi, rootProcessName, rootProcess, objStartup, objConfig, objProcess, strComputer, dropbox, itunes, skype strC...

Kill a process on a remote machine in C#

This only helps kills processes on the local machine. How do I kill processes on remote machines? ...

Pexpect, running ssh-copy-id is hanging when trying to spawn a second process

I'm doing a Python script where I need to spawn several ssh-copy-id processes, and they need for me to type in a password, so i'm using PExpect. I have basically this: child = pexpect.spawn('command') child.expect('password:') child.sendline('the password') and then I want to spawn another process, I don't care about this one anymore...

path name and arguments of running processes using java code

I want to get the path name and arguments of running processes using java code. Is there any solution? ...

Set the working folder for a remote process using WMI

I'm using this article to start a process on a remote machine using WMI. How can I control the working directory that process will start in? (No need to redirect me to psexec, I'm getting an error from it, currently trying the WMI approach). ...

Listing the processes running on one's computer in Python

Is there a cross-platform way to list the processes running on one's computer through a python script? For Unix based system "ps -ef" works, but I am new to Python and don't know a way to write something that would work across any platform. Thanks! ...

Tool to show processes writing to the hard drive?

Is there a tool that will show me what applications are writing to the hard drive in real time? I'm thinking something like Task Manager but for I/O. I've got a number of background processes running, and can never tell when Visual Studio is holding everything up, or some other process is hogging the disk (especially when the processor i...

Preventing a second instance from running except in a specific case

Okay, I have this program and I don't want more than one instance of it running. So what I have right now is it grabs all instances that match it's name, and if there are more than one it quits and lets the user know it's already running in another instance. However, there is a special case in which the new instance will want change wha...

Are child processes created with fork() automatically killed when the parent is killed?

I'm creating child processes with fork() in C/C++. When the parent process ends (or is killed for some reason) I want all child processes to be killed as well. Is that done automatically by the system? Or I have to do it myself? Thanks. Pre-existing similar questions:

How integration tests are performed on your company/job/project?

Hello, I want to improve integration tests methods where I work and I would like to know how this process happens in other places. Things like: - When test plans writing begin - Proportion between testers, developers and stuff (entire applications or modifications) to be tested - What kind of methods are used for integration testing....

File Watcher - get the process name that created a file in Windows?

Is there a good way to get the process name that created a file in Windows? I have a directory on a Windows 2000 Server C:\WINNT\Temp that is filling up with files named like: 70618199 21834082 They are always 121,201 KB in size. Programatically can I "capture" the program name or service name that is dropping files in this locati...

What can cause a .NET process/thread to terminate unexpectedly?

I'm trying to gather a complete listing of the reasons a .NET process or thread to terminate, even though the main() method is guarded by a try...catch clause. One such reason is Thread.Abort() (unless you call Thread.ResetAbort). Do you know of more reasons? ...

Getting process information in .NET

Duplicate of this question. update - This is not an exact duplicate. See my solution. I see a java.exe process in process explorer, and double clicking it gives me its working directory & starting command line arguments. From .NET, I run the following code and get a process with the same PID but the above fields are empty. Apparently,...

Can two processes render to one OpenGL canvas ?

Hi, I have three different processes running on the same machine. One of them owns an OpenGL window. I would like the other two to be able to render (quickly) to different rectangular portions of the OpenGL window. If I can guarantee that they will nicely take turns executing OpenGL commands, is this possible? Many thanks Hugo Elias...

Is there a way to detach matplotlib plots so that the computation can continue?

Dear all, After these instructions in the Python interpreter one gets a window with a plot from matplotlib.pyplot import * plot([1,2,3]) show() # other code Unfortunately, I don't know how to continue to interactively explore the figure created by show() while the program does further calculations. Is it possible at all? Sometimes c...

How do I control a process from a web app?

I want to interact with a running process (doing things like querying information and changing settings) through a web application. How would I accomplish this? ...

How do I reconcile 'top' and 'free -m''s memory usage reporting in linux?

From free -m i can see that there is 377MB of memory used and 1649MB free on the machine(Of which 1567 is cached by ubuntu). See below for the actual output: caz@riskvm:~$ free -m total used free shared buffers cached Mem: 2026 1975 51 0 30 1567 -/+ buffer...

How to read command line arguments of another process in C#?

How can I obtain the command line arguments of another process? Using static functions of the System.Diagnostics.Process class I can obtain a list of running processes, e.g. by name: Process[] processList = Process.GetProcessesByName(processName); However, there is no way to access the command line used to start this process. How wo...

How do I run a Perl script in background on Windows?

I have a Perl script that pops up a message box when its work is done. How can I run this in the background? I looked at Proc::Background but this requires launching a specific command. I'd like my code to run in the background with out spawning a new process if possible. ...