
how can reload the new data in the grid on clicking the buton?

The scenario is like this ...say i have a grid and on clicking that button it will send that data to the grid and it will refresh automatically with new data display in the data... $("#wics").click( function(){ var grid = jQuery("#list10"); var ids = grid.jqGrid('getGridParam','selarrrow'); if (ids.length>0) { var na...

Programatically Controlling a UIWebView with iOS 4

Hi I am creating an iPhone app for checking your school timetable. At the moment you have to manually enter your timetable, which is very very time consuming, and I don't think that anyone would even bother with it. However, my school has a V.L.E. on it's website and we can access our timetables online by entering our username and pas...

Programatically fill a nxn matrix with a gaussian filter in C++

I need to fill an nXn matrix with a Gaussian filter programatically. I've been trying to work this out for a graphics project, but i'm a little stuck. To clarify, an example 3x3 Gaussian filter matrix would be: [1, 2, 1] [2, 4, 2] / 16.0 [1, 2, 1] ...

Browse ADAM and retrive values from C#

This is my current PowerShell code: connect-QADService -service '' -Credential 'MyDomain\Administrator' $AllVMs= ( get-QADObject -SearchRoot '' -type pae-VM -IncludedProperties ipHostNumber,pae-SIDString ) How it can be rewrited in C# (.net 3.5) ? ...

Relativelayout programatically in android

I'm having trouble finding exactly the syntax I need to use to set the paramters on child views of a relative layout. I have a root relative layout that I want to set 2 child textviews next to each other like this ---------- --------- | Second | | First | ---------- --------- So I have public class RL extends RelativeLayout{ ...

Autosizing in iphone Progrmatically

Hi I have 6 buttons on the iphone - 4 on corners and 1 on right center and another on leftcenter - something like what this dude has it I want to do what he does, using IB, programatically. Anyone any help on autosizing. ...

Android RelativeLayout programatically set centerInParent

I have a relativelayout like this: <RelativeLayout xmlns:android="" android:orientation="horizontal" android:layout_width="fill_parent" android:layout_height="wrap_content" and...

Resize NSArray Programmatically

Hello, I have been trying to figure out if it is possible to programmatically resize an NSArray, by code similar to this: NSArray *resize = [NSArray arrayResized:oldarray size:10]; Which would a new NSArray (Not a NSMutableArray if it is possible) that has the elments after the end of oldarray padded with [NSNull null]. ...