
How can I use the progress bar in Shoes?

Ok, so I'm not real sure about lots of things in Shoes, but my trial and error approach has failed me so far on this one. I've got a class that does some sort of computation that takes a while, and I want to throw up a progress bar for the user to look at while it finishes. My computationally intensive method yields its percent complet...

Forms application "Not Responding" when copying large files?

Hey Folks, I've got a file organizer application I'm working on. The files are regularly 500MB to 2GB. Everything works fine, but it is extremely annoying that the application "Stops Responding." What I'd like to do is a byte by byte or meg by meg copy with some Application.DoEvents() in there after each read/write action. Something...

Upload Progress Bar in PHP

Does anyone know how to get a progress bar for an upload in php? I am trying writing code for a photo album uploader. I would like a progress bar to display while the photos are uploading. I am fairly new to php so I dont know everything about it. ...

Command line progress bar in Java

I have a Java program running in command line mode. I would like to display a progress bar, showing the percentage of job done. The same kind of progress bar you would see using wget under unix. Is there a library to make this possible ? ...

progress bars + MVC in Java = ???

So I have this nice spiffy MVC-architected application in Java Swing, and now I want to add a progress bar, and I'm confused about Good Design Methods to incorporate a JProgressBar into my view. Should I: add a DefaultBoundedRangeModel to my controller's state, and export it? class Model { final private DefaultBoundedRangeModel pr...

WPF ProgressBar for Webservice Call

Is it possible to show a ProgressBar to show the Progress of a Webservice Call? I'm using a webservice which calls a SQL Database and returns, on demand, a List of the requested data. Webservice Code public List<LocationUpdate> GetAllLocationsByUserID(int UserID) { MainframeConnectionDataContext db = new MainframeConnec...

Using Progress Bar Load new view

In my application one of my views takes longer than normal to load (it is a scroll view with many pictures) so I figured I would let the user know what was going on while the view was loading. So I put in a progress bar that uses a timer for how long it usually takes to load. The only problem is that when the button is touched the iPhone...

How to make a progress bar in Turbo Delphi using ONLY TLabel NOT TProgressBar

so here the logic for 1%="|" in the TLabel and for one "|" we need 10 times looping so to reach 100%= 100 times "|" we need 1000 times looping can you help me with the code? ...

How to make a splash screen with a progress bar on Turbo Delphi?

(Unit1.pas) unit Unit1; interface uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, StdCtrls, ExtCtrls,unit2; type TForm1 = class(TForm) Button1: TButton; Label1: TLabel; Timer1: TTimer; procedure Timer1Timer(Sender: TObject); ...

how to create a progress bar in asp .net c#

Duplicate of i want to create a progress bar to given number ...

How can I make the progress bar update fast enough?

I'm using a progress bar to show the user how far along the process is. It has 17 steps, and it can take anywhere from ~5 seconds to two or three minutes depending on the weather (well, database) I had no problem with this in XP, the progress bar went fine, but when testing it in vista I found that it is no longer the case. For example...

How can I upload a file via ASP.NET MVC and show a progress bar?

I'm looking to allow a user to browse and upload a file to the server in my ASP.NET MVC application. If it is possible, I'm interested in adding a progress bar to show how much of the file has been uploaded. Does anyone have any examples of something like this? Should I use jQuery to do this? ...

ASP.NET MVC: Upload XML string from browser memory with progressbar

Hello! I have a variable in javascript containing a string of XML data that I want to upload to a server running ASP.NET MVC. It works just fine using method. My problem is that the data weights about 5 megabytes so this process could be rather long depending on the bandwidth available between the client and the server. As...

Console based progress in Java

Is there are easy way to implement a rolling percentage for a process in Java, to be displayed in the console? I have a percentage data type (double) I generated during a particular process, but can I force it to the console window and have it refresh, instead of just printing a new line for each new update to the percentage? I was think...

Implementing Progress bar.

I am trying to mock a progress bar on my jsp. I have included a gif file in div tag which is not displayed when page loads initially. I want to show the gif file when user submits the page. On submit huge database activities run in background. The problem that I am facing the the gif file loses its animation affect. Please help me ou...

Flex progressbar controlled by forum entry

Lets say I have five text boxes and a dropdown box in my flex application, how can I make the progress bar fill up when there is text in each box, and the dropdown selected. For example, if there is input in three out of five of the boxes and there is a selection in the dropdown, then the progress bar would be 4/6 full. ...

PHP module uploadprogress installed but can't be detected

Hey all. I've successfully installed the php extension uploadprogress on my 1and1 acct. You can verify at Using code I got from this site, I get the following error: Fatal error: Call to undefined function uploadprogress_get_info() Basically, you can view my code at progress.txt and upload.txt. I've spent ...

Gradually posting data to view mvc

Hi, I am generating lets say a 1000 of records to a database. That means it takes some time. Now, a user can become impatient. So I want to show him a progress bar during the generation process, which happens in Controller. I have found pretty cool progress bars in jquery or flash, but I have no idea, how to use them, since after sending...

Why won't my progress bar work?

I can't get my progress bar to work. Any help is much appreciated! Here's the code: <Window x:Class="BulkSAConfigureControl.BulkSaProgressBar" xmlns="" xmlns:x="" Title="Please Wait.." Height="60" Width="300" WindowStyle="ToolWindow" Re...

jQuery: how to produce a ProgressBar from given markup

So I'm using the ProgressBar JQuery plugin ( to create some static progress bars. What I want to achieve is to from this markup: <span class="progress-bar">10 / 100</span> produce a progress bar with maximum value of 100 and current value of 10. I am using html() method to get the cont...