
How to answer customer's new feature request after project release

we have done a project, and we have finished the project and released, but after the release, the customer keep asking us to add new features, what should we do? how to handle this situation. say no to customer? ...

Suitable compiled language for new project

Hello, I'm about to develop some commercial software that will run on OSX and Linux. The program will be doing some heavy string manipulation, base64 encoding, zlib compression and may require http libraries in the future. Does anyone have a suggestion? Many thanks in advance, Toby. ...

Is there a way to fix the imported project error for Microsoft.CSharp.targets, other than changing the reserved property to $(MSBuildBinPath)?

So I am getting the error: The imported project "C:\Microsoft.CSharp.targets" was not found. Confirm that the path in the declaration is correct, and that the file exists on disk. When I run this command: %WINDIR%\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\msbuild.exe MyProject.csproj /target:publish I found others stating that...

XCode - Ruby on Rails Project Templates

Where can I find project templates for Ruby on Rails to use within projects? I am using Xcode version 3.2.2. From what I understand, Apple stopped shipping all project templates with xcode and made them available as optional downloads, yet I cannot find the templates for Ruby on Rails anywhere. Regards Mick ...

Eclipse always runs all projects - how can I only run one?

OK, I'm an Eclipse noob, just working through the first couple of Plug-In creation tutorials and I have this really annoying problem: I can't figure out how to stop Eclipse from always building all projects when I only want to run one of them. Let me elaborate: I have project A (Java), B (Java) and C (Python). They're completely unrela...

Best place to find coding partners for open-source projects?

I find myself wanting to develop certain projects, but most of the time I lack motivation because I develop by myself. What I usually do is look for similar existing projects, and ask the developers if they like to collaborate, but it's rather hard. Is there a good place (a website maybe) to find people that are interested in the same ...

XML Project Ideas

Hello, I am a Graduate student and I have a subject on XML this semester (everything about XML using SAX and JAXB). I need to come up with an interesting/innovative project for this and consult with the prof. Since I am a newbie in XML stuff, I am really confused. Some of my ideas are: Some kind of iPhone/Android app using XML (but wi...

iPhone App Submission Question

In my Xcode project I put all my images, audio files, ect... in the resources folder. When I opened the project folder in finder all of my "resources" are not in a resources folder instead they are just scattered in the main folder (I have a good number of files). I already submitted the binary to Apple on Friday so will they care if t...

Did you ever finish your favorite hobby projects?

During the years of learning programming and all, I was very enthusiastic and started lots of hobby projects. Among them are a Direct3D game, a synchronization framework, a music player and organizer, an Irrlicht racing game, and so on. But now that I'm a student there's hardly any time left for working on them (working on both a studen...

Non-Technical.. just seeking some advice on pursuing MS in CS from stanford or Cargnie Mellon or Caltech...

Hi all, I am glad that there's a beautiful virtual world created by where we have so many brilliant minds to help. I am new here, in fact very new and so far my experience here has been very beautiful. Once again I would like to use this stage to get some more help but this time it's non-technical. I want to know, what...

plt-scheme : catching mouse click event on canvas

I am writing a tic-tac-toe game in plt-scheme as my AI course project. The idea for gui is a grid with 9 boxes, each with a canvas, using panes ... When the user click on a canvas, 'X' or 'O' will be drawn accordingly ... The question is how can I catch mouse click event on canvas? I found out I need to use on-event, but still don't kno...

How to configure maven multi-module project in Eclipse or Netbeans to reduce deploy time

I have the following project structure project-parent: All the parent configuration is here project-ear: Assemblying the ear file from the ejb, war and core projects project-ejb: EJB module depends on core project-war: Web module depends on EJB and core project-core: no dependencies I was able to use able to use Eclipse or Netbeans a...

which software projects have quality online documentation

I love the site's documentation for the php language. Its my favourite documentation for any project i have come across. Its really easy to jump to functions and quickly understand how to use them (or navigate to a better alternative solution). US: UK:

Proper Git workflow for combined OS and Private code?

I have a closed source project that is built on my open source framework. I want to know how I should structure my workflow. Below is my best guess using git with submodules. I create a public framework repo on github with submodules that are separate git repos. I purchase a "micro" account on github ($7) so I can have a private repo....

How to create an Ivy dependency for local jars inside your project/lib?

I have a couple of jar files, (some of which depend on each other), and I'm trying to have ivy manage them for my project. I do not want to create a "local" (user dir based) repository, because I want other users to be able to check out my svn project and run it without local/shared repository setup. For a variety of reasons, I cannot ...

What side project/research should be chosen to increase my Marketability

I am a Junior CS Major at a Javaschool and I find myself having an easy time and thought there may be some good project or a language to learn or research in this newfound free time. What would you recommend so as to increase my ability to find a good job(somewhere that allows for continuous learning and treats its programmers well)after...

Selecting xcode project template

Hi I am new to iphone development. I have to develop an iphone application which is basically a questionare. When user runs the application he has to answer around 30 questions, each one at a time. I am planning to use the Navigation template project for this application. Where i can create a view with question and optional answers (in ...

PHP and MySQL Project Pay

Someone asked me to design a database and implement it using MySQL. Additionally, I am also asked to write PHP scripts so that one can do some "simple" data analysis with the data inside MySQL. It is not very complicated. It is like a school database and I will have to write programs that will retrieve all the classes that a student has ...

Software engineering student project-get into finance

I have to propose a topic for a software engineering project. I really would like this project to help me to get a job in financial/banking domain. I’m interested in three areas: Access Control Mechanisms, Data Security or Investment Banking/Trading. I’m also open to other ideas. I will have about 6 months to complete the project. At th...

I'm programming an Android application. I want to use XPath to parse XML.

How do I include this in my Android package? When I do: import javax.xml.parsers.*; import javax.xml.xpath.*; It simply doesn't work? Do I have to put files into my JAVA project? Where? ...