
The All famous SA login in SQLSERVER : Can it be enabled differently ?

Hey Guys :D For my final year project, I'm making what I call - SeeQuaL and it's a one stop interface for accessing 3 of the most famous database types - SQLite, SQL Server and MySql. I'm Pretty sure that I can get things done with the SQLite and MySql. But SQL Server, meh! will surely give me problems. Now lets take the case that I ha...

What do you use as a project management software?

On MSDN magazine there is axosoft OnTime ad and the Express edition should be enough! Any other solution? What about Visual Studio Team Foundation Server 2010? ...

How to import existing project into Workplace in Eclipse?

I am trying to follow Eclipse instructions to create a Hello World SWT application. I have the following instruction: Import the SWT project from the main menu via File > Import..., and select Existing Projects into Workspace. Specify the archive file you downloaded and click Finish. This will create the org.eclipse.swt pro...

Exemplary open-source C# / WPF apps

I'm looking for a high-quality open-source C# / WPF app to dissect and learn from. I have about 5 years of C# and WinForms and almost zero WPF experience. I'm not terribly fussed about the functionality of the app; the WPF paradigm seems markedly different from Winforms and I want to look at an example of how it "should" be done. Thanks,...

components of an SPSS project

I have given some data in an excel sheet to a 3rd party for SPSS data processing. After completion of the processing, what are the files that I should get back from them. I have received one file with a ".sav" extension. I presume this file contains the imported data (from my excel file). I have received documents (.rtf - rich text f...

Web Application (Django) typical project folder structure

I am very new to web development, just wanted to figure out if there is a recommended(preferred) project folder structure to use (may be even specific to Django based projects). Thank you. ...

VS2008 - F5 or "Ctrl + F5" activates "Test"

In Visual Studio 2008, when i click on Debug > Start Without Debugging (or CTRL + F5) happens the same thing as if I clicked on Test > Run > Tests in Current Context / All Tests in Solution After few attempts of fixing, now every time I run project I get this warning: "Executing the current test run will produce a new test run res...

How do you keep Xcode project source files in sync with your file system directories?

I'm new to XCode and I find the file management a huge pain. In most IDEs, you can simply have the project source tree reference a directory structure on disk. This makes it easy to add new files to your project - you simply put them on disk, and they will get compiled automatically. With XCode, it appears I have to both create the fi...

How can I refer to a project from another one in c#?

I added a project, Project2, to my solution. It already had another project lets say Project 1. How can I call classes and methods from project2 into project1? What I did: I have Project 1 and its solution. I added Project 2 to Project 1's solution. Project 1 and Project 2 both have a namespace named Correction. Now, I called using Cor...

Converting sequential Java to concurrent java code

Hi Everybody, I am planning to do a project in Java in which I want to transform a sequential Java code to a concurrent Java code and measure the efficiency .Any suggestions on which free source java application would be best for my project.Any other suggestions on how to go about it? Thanks in advance Deed ...

Auto compile sub project of a website solution.

Is to possible to make a configuration entry (web.config). That automatically compiles a referenced project(for example a class library) when the site runs? This would be easier for me to maintain on my hosting server. Otherwise i have to always recompile the files and upload them again for every small change. So is this possible? ...

GWT Maven and Eclipse

Hi, A plea for help! Can anyone share a simple GWT2.0 project that uses the gwt-maven-plugin with Eclipse and demonstrates some simple RPC server calls. I've tried to follow examples, use archetypes, read badly documented websites, and follow threads on stackoverflow but all to no avail. I simply cannot get RPC to work. I'm going to g...

creating addin setup project for all users VS 2008

I developed addin for VS 2008 which is used by many users. I have to deploy it this address "C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Microsoft\MSEnvShared\Addins". Although I changed parameters for setup properties, wizard deploy binaries to Program Files[Manufacturer][Product Name]. How can I do it? ...

Can/Should I name a Java project with an ampersand?

I'm creating a new Java project for a concept/construct that's usually referred to with an ampersand (e.g. PB&J). Is it ok to name the project that? Should I avoid it? Are there any symbols that are not allowed in Java project names? Are there any symbols that are generally avoided? Where do symbols come in with regard to Java project na...

How do I use the features of 2.01, yet still support 1.5 with one apk?

I would like my activity to use some features of 2.01, but i need it to be able to run on 1.5 devices. I understand that the 1.5 devices will not be able to run the 2.01 features and thats fine. But i still want them to be able to use the rest of the activity. I am using Eclipse as my IDE, how do i setup my project correctly? what am i ...

Software Project Rating?

Sometime within the past month, I came across an informal rating system for software projects. Some of the criteria were: Are daily builds made Is the project under version control Does anyone know what I'm talking about? ...

Eclipse can't find project source after tomcat restart.

I posted this on the eclipse forum in November and didn't get an answer. It seems that someone must have experienced this problem before, so I thought I'd post it here as well. General Description: Every time I restart my local tomcat web server, the next time I hit a breakpoint, eclipse can't find the project source. Background: I hav...

Emacs recursive project search

I am switching to Emacs from TextMate. One feature of TextMate that I would really like to have in Emacs is the "Find in Project" search box that uses fuzzy matching. Emacs sort of has this with ido, but ido does not search recursively through child directories. It searches only within one directory. Is there a way to give ido a root...

TFS 2010 - how to re-add MS Project, Excel, etc

I installed TFS 2010 (RC) on my servers then installed VS2008 Team Explorer and SPs on my client. Next, I installed VS2010 Team Explorer (VS Shell). I've been using it for a few days now and I've been able to right-click/open in Project with no problem. Today, I am getting: Unable to cast COM object of type 'Microsoft.Office.Inter...

c++ visual studio 2008 issue with two projects in one solution

I have a solution created using visual studio 2008 named, "Solution", and i have two projects in that solution, project "A" and project "B". when i do a thing like below it shows fatal errors in the bottom. I have given in project A->properties->Additional include Directries as ../B project B B.h #include <iostream> using namespace s...