
What file do you edit the most within your project?

Lately I have been editing a single CSS file over and over, and it got me to thinking what files do you touch most within your project? For me it would be the environment.rb, or the en.yml file if I was coding in Rails. I would like to update a list here with the most frequent files over time. Rails environment.rb en.yml ...

How to deal with mutil-cross static library in one iPhone project

Hi folks, I got a prob that, I have a base static library "Base", then other 2 libs("A" & "B") depend on it. So then I have a project "P", I add the 3 libs to "P", I get an error: ld: duplicate symbol .objc_category_name_NSObject_IMIBase in /Users/Travis/Documents/Home/IMI/IMIKit/build/Debug-iphonesimulator/libIMIUI-iphonesimulator.a(...

How do I create a WT project in MSVC ?

Hi, if anyone has used WT successfully with MSVC (mine is 2005), could you please provide some details on how this can be done? I have installed WT fine , then ran some examples. The problems begin when I try to create a project of my own, as simple as hello.C. I get a thousand compiler errors like this one : C:\Program Files\Microsoft...

Should I build a Windows Service in order to run my C# code on a schedule?

Hi ! I've written a console app that sends MS Reports to emails.. (the reason was that i could check it easily if it works) I want this to run daily at 6 am. My idea was to write a service (so nooone will need to be logged in and the service will run). So I'd like to call the static Method directly in a WebService. I've a solution wit...

Visual studio project/solution compilation with only .net SDK (without installed VS)

Is it possible? And if possible, is it possible to compile created in VS azure cloud project, having only .net35 and azure SDKs installed, also without VS? ...

Can Anybody tell How to make finger print recognition system?

Hello, an just anybody tell me how to make finger print recognition system? In which language it is possible? Is it possible with C,C++ or Java? ...

R and Daily Projects

I'm now reading some books of R, but I want to know if I can use this language as I use Perl or Ruby. Things like: Image Processing File Compression Use APIs Interact With Internet But it's usual and simple(as in Perl or Ruby) to do things like this? PS: I liked this language very much, because of this I want to use it on my persona...

System for organizing multi-file Ruby programs?

Is there a standard or conventional system for organizing multi-file Ruby programs? I have embarked on my first large "project" in Ruby, a search program which is logically organized into multiple files and directories. I've outlined below my potential structure: The main file. This file implements the search class and general searchin...

Best practices when importing class files in xcode

I'm working with xcode and I have classes associated with other projects that I want to be included in new projects. I realize that the #import will do the job technically (although what should i do if it's out of the project root folder). But what do I do if I want to include the class "properly" --basically so i can double click and ed...

Cannot get android project into Eclipse

I have been developing my program on my desktop, and now want to continue to work on my program on my laptop. I copied (via SFTP - using filezilla) the folder of the project (in the workspace) to the workspace on my laptop. When I open eclipse, it did not show up. I am developing for androind 1.5. I have copied over the android SDK f...

VS.NET: Project Refs vs. Assembly Refs

There's some debate here over which is better for referencing our common code base from other projects: by project or by assembly. I'm in favor of referencing the project, especially since we have automated unit tests that prove that the common code does what it needs to. The thought from the other camp is to lock down those projects...

What AI topic should i pick for my class project??

I'm taking my first AI course this semester at uni and we were asked to do a project on any AI topic that we find interesting and to impliment the code in "Prolog". One example is Implementing 4 or 5 search algorithms and comparing the effeciency in different selected special cases. I just need a topic in the same level. plz HELP! ps. A...

VB .frm files, can they be imported into a C# project?

Hi, I am supposed to be updating a piece of software for someone. Originally written in VB 6 I want to import it into a .net c# project. My question is, I don't want to have to lay out all the forms again and I am wondering if, or how, I could import them into c# project. They originally come with the .frm extension and c# forms are ...

Visual Studio 2008 Create new Smart Device project option not available

I have installed Visual Studio 2008 (also tried with 2010 beta) and cannot see the option to start a new smart device project (for windows mobile) I have tried multiple websites - I appears I have to install windows mobile 6 SDK but when I try to install that it says I need to have visual studio 2005 installed. Am I missing something r...

Need some advice about Web Development Project

Hi, For our Intro to Web Development class, my team (4 students in total) was thinking of building a site like stackoverflow for our term project. What we envision is that everyone in our CS program including students from higher levels can have a common place to communicate and help each other. I know that this sounds really big but ...

Neural Networks Project?

I'm looking for ideas for a Neural Networks project that I could complete in about a month or so. I'm doing it for the National Science Fair, so I need something that has some curb appeal as well since it's being judged. It doesn't necessarily have to be completely new and unique, I'm just looking for ideas, but it should be complex eno...

A good practice/project for PHP programmer

I know OOP (but not skilled) in PHP. Nowadays I want to build something, since it is the beginning of semester holiday (3 weeks). Do you have good suggestions for me? (note: I'm Statistician, and I know C, C++, Minitab, MATLAB, SPSS, SAS, R and database design) It does not need to be something related with statistics. Thanks in advance...

Installshield basic msi 64 bit setup access 32 bit registry, why?

in the basic msi project of InstallShield2009Premier, I set the General Information->Summary Information Stream->Template Summary = x64;1033 to make the setup 64 bit. Now I want to set a vale to registry(by importing a registry), but it goes to HKLM\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Microsoft rather than HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft. How to access the 6...

Best practice for a Sitecore project

I am rather new to Sitecore and would like to know a bit more about the regular approach to a new project. I'm therefore willing to listen and try out some of the experienced Sitecore developers solutions. I have alot of questions, i won't ask them all. I am just very curious to the approach other people have. What would be the best app...

Capstone project help

I really need to think of a good final project (one that I like, and one that doesn't make me look stupid). For the project, I need to find an advisor, I'm supposed to do research, and it's supposed to solve a substantial problem in Computer Science. I asked a few potential advisors for ideas, one said I could do something about data mi...