
BeanUtils.copyProperties missing deeply nested variables?

Hi everyone, I'm using BeanUtils.copyProperties to copy the entire content of one object into another that inherit from it. Here is the context, the domain object from which the values are copied contains a Set of objects of custom type Xref. That custom type has an embedded class with various fields of various class types. For some...

How to customize Auto Properties in C# 3.0

Before C# 3.0 we done like this: class SampleClass { private int field; public int Property { get { return this.field } set { this.field = value } } } Now we do this: class SampleClass { public int Property { get; set; } } (Look ma! no fields!) Now if I want to customize the Getter or the Setter, the field must be explicit...

MVC View Textbox string input to TimeSpan to Time in Seconds Integer

I have got a LINQ to SQL entity class with an nullable int property called sTime which I am using to record number of seconds scheduled in for a task. e.g. database field 120000 I tried adding a property to the Task class but how do I initially set this property when I am using a LINQ to SQL entity. public TimeSpan ScheduledTimeSpan {g...

Handling properties in Scala

I'd like to know what is the most efficient way of handling properties in Scala. I'm tired of having gazillion property files, xml files and other type of configuration files in Java and wonder if there's "best practice" to handle those someway more efficient in Scala? ...

What's better? INotifyPropertyChanged or having separate *Changed events?

I'm designing a new class in C# which has a few properties. My users will want to know when each of them changes. What's a better choice? INotifyPropertyChanged style of implementation, or just having separate events corresponding to my properties? Or both? ...

Property or Method?

Possible Duplicate: Properties vs Methods When is it best to use a property or a method? I have a class which is a logger. When I create this class I pass in a file name. My file name for the log is fairly simple, basically it just gets the application path and then combines it with myapp.log. Now instead of having the log fi...

Access .properties file at same level as working directory

I am working on a Java project that I want to deliver to my client as a .jar file. However, I want to allow the client to be able to change the parameters of the program without having to recompile or recreate the .jar. Basically, I want to be able to load .properties files from classes inside the .jar but locate those .properties file...

Current directory in java properties file

Is there any way of specifying the current directory in a java properties file? i.e. something like: fileLocation={currentDir}/fileName.txt ...

C# How can I get the value of a string property via Reflection?

public class Foo { public string Bar {get; set;} } How do I get the value of Bar, a string property, via reflection? The following code will throw an exception if the PropertyInfo type is a System.String Foo f = new Foo(); f.Bar = "Jon Skeet is god."; foreach(var property in f.GetType().GetProperties()) { object o...

Writing third-party controls for Office 2007 so properties are visible in Office Design View mode

I have a MS Word document in which are inserted a series of custom controls that maintain their own state and behaviors. I want the document designer to be able to set properties on these controls in design mode in Word (the designer doesn't have and shouldn't be required to have Visual Studio or be trusted with a compiler). When I use...

Replace the property value using RegEx

I have file containing properties in Java Properties format. I need to replace the value of a property with a known name with a new value. The comments and formatting of the file should be preserved. My current approach is to use RegEx to match the property name and then replace its value. However, Java Properties supp...

C# properties: How are they instantiated?

Hi! This might be a pretty straightforward question, but I'm trying to understand some of the internal workings of the compilation. Very simply put, imagine an arbitrary object being instantiated. This object is then allocated on the heap. The object has a property of type PointF (which is value type), with a get and a set method. Ima...

Maven2 property that indicates the parent directory

I have a multi-modules project, like this one: main-project/ module1/ module2/ sub-module1/ sub-module2/ sub-module3/ ... module3/ module4/ ... I need to define a set of properties (that are dependent of the environment on which I want to release my project) in Maven2. I will not use...

Converting GUID to String via Reflection

Hi There, I'm using Reflection to set a property value via PropertyInfo.SetValue(); The property in question is a string, and the object from which I'm getting the value is actually a GUID. I'd like to convert from a GUID to a string in the process - is there any way of defining some kind of implicit cast which will enable this? At the ...

Access ExtJS grid's column model from other file

I have an ExtJS grid that has a button set up in it. The button triggers a function that's defined into other JS file that's included in the grid page. The function triggers ok but in that function I want to get the columns count like this: grid.getColumnModel().getColumnCount() The problem is that I get an error like: grid.getColumnM...

Correct use of Properties to maintain a HUD in a nested Form?

Edit 1 Is it possible to do this with get/set? Something like the below? This works for me but I am worried I am missing something not to mention all the staticness. ///<summary> /// Class to track and maintain Heads Up Display information ///</summary> public static class HUD { ///<summary> ///Declare variables to store HUD ...

How to create relational object in Objective-c for iPhone

Here is the interface of my object: @interface MyItem : NSObject { sqlite3 *database; NSInteger *primaryKey; NSInteger *accountKey; NSInteger *categoryKey; NSString *title; BOOL hydrated; BOOL dirty; NSData *data; // Why do I need this? } The primary key will be auto generated in Sqlite and I am storing the integers, foreign k...

Why do we use .NET properties instead of plain old get/set functions?

I understand the many benefits of providing an interface to access the members of a class indirectly. My question is: isn't that already something you can accomplish in just about any OO language using (something along the lines of) public int NormalClass::getQuality() { return this->quality; } and protected void NormalClass::set...

Python: how to call a property of the base class if this property is being overwritten in the derived class?

I'm changing some classes of mine from an extensive use of getters and setters to a more pythonic use of properties. But now I'm stuck because some of my previous getters or setters would call the corresponding method of the base class, and then perform something else. But how can this be accomplished with properties? How to call the pr...

How to change an executable's properties? (Windows)

When I creat a .exe, I can right click it and go to properties->details. Then I get a list like: File Description | Type | Application File Version | Product Name | Product Version | Copyright | Size | 18.0 KB Date Modified | 6/16/2009 8:23 PM Language | How do I change these prop...