
How to override css property?

I have tried to use jquery, but could not override the width property of the .gridHeader class. I'd like to fix (let's say 100px) the width of the first column in the table. <html> <head> <style> html, body { font-family:Tahoma; font-size:11px; } .grid { ...

Resource Bundle

Hello, I am just starting with this, and with this code: public static void main(String[] args) { Locale[] supportedLocales = { new Locale("en", "CA"), new Locale("es", "ES") }; ResourceBundle labels = ResourceBundle.getBundle("Messages", supportedLocales[0]); System.out.println(supportedLocales[0].getDisplayVariant...

Bean Properties Editor/Sheet like Netbeans'

I want to develop a GUI-based java bean property editor(like the one used to edit bean properties in netbeans). Is there any open source java implementation of this? ...

jqGrid - how to add custom properties to a grid

How can you add custom properties to a grid? The properties would not be used by jqGrid itself. It's more of meta data which would be used by our custom code. For example, we want a custom property to identify if the grid appears on our 'main page'. This property would be read by some of our common functions which would handle certai...

Java equivalent to C# dynamic class type?

I'm coming from the world of c#. in C# i am able to use the class dynamic This allows me to not have to use templated/generic classes but achieve a simliar feel for certian situations. I'm have been unsuccessfull in internet searchs as unfortunately 'dynamic' and 'java' keywords tu...

Compatibility settings

Hi there, I'm working on a troubleshooting program, which will help users to fix certain errors caused by.. all sorts of things. Anyway, one of the features I want it to have, is change a program's compatibility mode to windows XP mode without Visual Theme's. But I couldn't find anything. So I'm just wondering if this is possible? Th...

How to set a python property in __init__

Hi, I have a class with an attribute I wish to turn into a property, but this attribute is set within __init__. Not sure how this should be done. Without setting the propert in __init__ this is easy and works well import datetime class STransaction(object): """A statement transaction""" def __init__(self): self._date =...

C#: override a property of the parent class

I have a class that inherits from X509Certificate2. I want the NotAfter property to be in UTC rather than local time. I'm pretty new to C# and was wondering if what I have below is the best way of doing it? internal class Certificate : X509Certificate2 { public new DateTime NotAfter { get { return base.NotAfter.ToUnive...

How to set a Int property of a control on ASCX?

I have an ASCX that contains <my:Foo ID="Bar" runat="server" Value='' /> I want to set Value with textbox1.Text, but Value is an Int32. I am looking for something like this: <my:Foo ID="Bar" runat="server" Value='<%= Int32.Parse(textbox1.Text) %>' /> But I get Parser Error Message: Cannot create an object of type 'System.Int32' fr...

Hibernate Transaction information

Given that you have a lot of domain objects, that all interact with one another, it would be very useful to know which objects have changed in a particular transaction. Is this possible ? I would like to essentially do this : public void someBusinessLogicMethod(someparams) { Session s = getSession(); Transaction tr = s.beginTransac...

Add text to a combobox's items property

After typing text into a combobox during run time, how do I add it to the combobox's items property? This is in C# 2010. ...

JavaScript's equivalent to PHP's __get() magic method

Possible Duplicate: JavaScript getter for all properties Does JavaScript provide a method to access undefined object properties? In PHP the solution is to declare and implement __get() method in class. Solutions using try { .. } catch { .. } are not sufficient for me, because I already have very large amount of code which actu...

getting the property names of stdClass to be listed on a page.

I have the following query: SELECT t1.extension NULLIF(t2.msetupfee,0) AS anual, NULLIF(t2.qsetupfee,0) AS bienal, NULLIF(t2.ssetupfee,0) AS trienal, NULLIF(t2.asetupfee,0) AS quadrienal, NULLIF(t2.bsetupfee,0) AS quinquenal FROM `tbldomainpricing` AS t1 INNER JOIN `tblpricing` AS t2 ON = t2.relid WHERE t2.type = 'domainre...

Could this code kill my server ?

Hello Im having an ongoing issue with my site, it basically times out and dies. I have gotten to the point now where I have had to set the application pool to auto recycle every 5 minutes, but even that has failed as I’ve just got back from work and my email inbox is full of 4000 emails all with the same error. System.Data.SqlClient.Sq...

usage of property vs getters/setters in business classes

When dealing with buisness classes, like the typical Customer and Employee classes, is it better to use getters and setters only or to use properties? I am translating to Delphi (for self learning) some OO examples from java books, in those examples there is always GetName() and SetName(), properties are not used. Now, I can see that i...

How to have access to outter class variable inside an inner class

Ok, I am making a wrapper of a class that has very long path to get variables. By example, it has the following: Class1.Location.Point.X Class1.Location.Point.Y Class1.Location.Point.Z Class1.Location.Curve.get_EndPoint(0).X Class1.Location.Curve.get_EndPoint(0).Y Class1.Location.Curve.get_EndPoint(0).Z Class1.Location.Curve.get_EndPoin...

inheriting the user.home property within my custom .properties file

Can I do something like working-dir="file:${user.home}/some-directory" within my .properties file? I am using ResourceBundle to load configuration from a .properties file and I would to inherit a system property key such as user.home for my working-dir property. It would be nice to be able to do this since I can have different versions o...

Simple way to use parameterised UI messages in Wicket?

Wicket has a flexible internationalisation system that also supports parameterising UI messages in many ways. There are examples e.g. in StringResourceModel javadocs, such as this: WeatherStation ws = new WeatherStation(); add(new Label("weatherMessage", new StringResourceModel( "weather.${currentStatus}", this, new Model<String>(ws...

Make the file author property readonly - MS-Word 2007

Hi All, I just want to know is there a way of locking a MS-Word files author, while keeping the document editable. in MS-Word 2007 currently you crate a document save the document right click on the document and go to properties go to summary tab it shows the 'author' of the file and it can be editable. what I want to do is, lock ...

How to show a form's custom property at design time?

I have a form where I have created a custom property, DataEntryRole, and set its Browsable attribute to True, as shown: <Browsable(True)> _ Public Property DataEntryRole() As UserRole.PossibleRoles Get Return mDataEntryRole End Get Set(ByVal value As UserRole.PossibleRoles) mDataEntryRole = value End Set ...