
How to change the dependency property in nested widget?

I use (WPF) synchronized scroll viewer: The main point, I have two datagrids for which I would like to set synchronized scroll viewers. XAML code: <DataGrid AutoGenerateColumns="false" HorizontalAlignment="Stretch" VerticalAlignment="Stretch" ...

Access property list...

Hi, i´ve created a plist with three rows like this: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" ""&gt; <plist version="1.0"> <dict> <key>intro_buttons</key> <dict> <key>button1</key> <string>1.1</string> <key>bu...

How to update a part of a WPF custom style

Hi all, I have created a custom window control (inherited from Window), all is fine except the text of my status bar. I have added a new property to my control called "StatusText" and this text is shown inside a TextBlock in my control's style. But when I change the StatusText property of my window the text doesn't change, it's not upd...

.Net Get Property Values of Object by Key, to any depth ...

I would like to be able to access the value of an object property to any depth having only the string-key of the property. Also, if possible, using collection indexing on List properties. So, If I have the string "Person.Surname" then I could get the value "Smith" from and instanciated CaseConductor object. So given some setup code like...

weighted RDF predicate (owl:ObjectProperty)

in RDF a statement is represented with S,P and O; In OWL the owl:ObjectProperty represents the predicate logic. (S) (P) (O) I like dog <owl:Class rdf:about="Person" /> <owl:NamedIndividual rdf:about="I"> <rdf:type rdf:resource="Person"/> <like rdf:resource="Dog"/> </owl:NamedIndividual> <owl:Class rdf:about="Pet" /> <ow...

Add Property to javax.peristence Entity

I right click into the editor of the Entity class. then select Insert Code but do not see the Add Property box. I want to add a birthday property which must be annotated with the javax.persistence.Temporal annotation to mark the property as date field to the underlying database table. I am unsure how to use the Netbeans 6.8 IDE to add ...

Is it possible to create private property in Objective-C?

Is it possible to create private property in Objective-C? I do know that a kind of private property functionality could be implemented in another way but I'm interested in particular question. Thanks. ...

C# Reflection on Nested Properties of a Class

I wanted to know how can I get the Value of Property in C#, but this property is of another Type. public class Customer { public string Name {get; set;} public string Lastname {get; set;} public CustomerAddress Address {get; set;} } So I'm able to get the property values of Name and LastName but I quite don't get how to get t...

Class that implements an interface with IList of another interface to?

I have two interfaces like these: public interface IMyInterface1 { string prop1 { get; set; } string prop2 { get; set; } } public interface IMyInterface2 { string prop1 { get; set; } IList<IMyInterface1> prop2 { get; set; } } I have defined two classes that implement the interfaces: public class MyClass1 : IMyInterfa...

RDF/OWL/Protege: let a subclass be a union of some disjoint super classes?

I have following classes: Classes B, C and D are the subclasses of A. A ----+----------> B | +----------> C | +----------> D Besides, I have an object property, hasObjectProperty, and some other classes X, Y, Z, where X, Y, Z are disjoint classes. Then I set restrictions to classes B, C and D as following: (He...

Handling property dependencies

When developing a class (in C# but I suppose this question is somewhat language independent) what is the correct way to deal with dependencies between properties? For example where I want to create a property B whose value is derived in some way from the value of property A. Property B is undefined and should not be called if property A...

binding textbox with trackbar and with field in class

Hi I have problem with binding textbox with trackbar and with a property in class. I bind a textbox.text property to field `Progress` in my object. Next I managed to bound property Value from trackbar to TextBox Text property. If I change value in trackbar the textbox Text property also changes. However if I change textbox.text prope...

Can I get a reference to a Python property?

If I have this: class foo(object): @property def bar(self): return 0 f = foo() How do I get a reference to without actually invoking the method, if this is even possible? Edited to add: What I want to do is write a function that iterates over the members of f and does something with them (what is not important)...

How to use a javascript value inside html style property value

Hi, I have created some div(s) on a page. Depending on the browser (or may be any other settings) I want to change the width of these div(s). Now, if I embed style=" blah blah blah...; width:200px" inside div tag, its ok. But I want this 200px to be, say, 220 sometime or 230 or 240 other times. So what I want now to calculate my requir...

add datagridviewcolumn property designtime

hi all! I have this problem, I created my own datagridviewcolumn and I wish add some properties that you can change in designtime editing... here is my code: private int nMaxLength; [Description("Fondoscala valore"), Category("Sea")] public int MaxLength { get { return nMaxLength; } set { nMaxLength = value; } } and in fact is...

What is a good strategy to load a Poco referenced entity when disconected from context in EF4?

i started an web project app to learn how EF4 can be used. In my project i have defined 3 layers(DAL => Entity Framework 4, BLL => Business Logic Layer, UI). The BLL and DAL share POCOs generated using the template feature of EF4. For example i have "User" Poco class that looks like this: public partial class User { #regio...

SharePoint - Dynamically Setting a property on a webpart. Possible with inline C# code block ? or Javascript?

I want to dynamically set the FilterValue1 property of a Content by Query to the querystring IDs value. I tried to do it with an inline embed FilterValue1="<%= Reponse.Write .. but no luck Without having to code my own webpart, any way to change the property value with a small C# code block on the aspx page? How about with javascript?...

Setting Java VM line.separator

Hi, has anybody found a way how to specify the Java line.separator property on VM startup? I was thinking of something like this: java -Dline.separator="\n" But this doesn't interprete the "\n" as linefeed character. Any ideas? Regards, Martin. ...

java bean property editor "Image chooser"

Hello, I am creating a java bean that extends JPanel. I have created a new property called 'backgroundImage'. I would like it to have an 'Image chooser' popup like the JLabel 'icon' property. a) My basic (possibly erroneous) understanding is that I need to define the Property Editor Class of 'backgroundImage' in the BeanInfo file. Is ...

Accessing contained class' properties in Gridviews boundfield.

I wonder why wont allow accessing property of contained class on Gridview's Boundfields while it work in ItemTemplates.. Class User { Diagnosis diagnosis { get; set; } // Contained class } Class Diagnosis { string DiagnosisCode { get; set; } } gridview.datasource = new List<User>() { new User() { diagnosis = n...