
How to associate a URL to an application using Cocoa

From the command prompt it's possible to run for example "open" and have that homepage displayed in the default browser. Similarly you can run "open callto:xyz123" to open up a skype-call to user xyz123. I'd like to do the same with a customized web browser without replacing the default web browser. My idea is t...

Create binary data using Ruby ??

i was palying with the ruby sockets, so i ended up trying to put an IP packet togather, then i took an ip packet and try to make a new one just like it. now my problem is: if the packet is: 45 00 00 54 00 00 40 00 40 01 06 e0 7f 00 00 01 7f 00 00 01, and this is obviously hexadecimal, so i converted it into a decimal, then into a binary...

What is the best way to define string constants in an objective-c protocol?

I have defined a protocol that all my plug-ins must implement. I would also like the plug-ins to all use certain strings, like MyPluginErrorDomain. With integers this is quite easily achieved in an enum, but I can't figure out how to do the same with strings. Normally, in classes I would define extern NSString * const MyPluginErrorDoma...

error detection/correction/recovery in serial protocols

I have some designing to do for a serial protocol and am running into some questions that I figure must have been considered elsewhere. So I'm wondering if there are some recommendations for best practices in designing serial protocols. (Please either state a fact that is easily verifiable, or cite a reputable source if you make a claim...

Which is a general protocol used to communicate with all IM server?

I m planing to develop IM client application using this application we can able to communicate with all IM server like google,yahoo,aim,jabber... while surfing net i have seen that lippurble is general library to communicate with all server but it has been developed by C.Is there is lippurble j2me version available or some other library...

My protocol method is not triggered, and no errors while trying...

Hello, First time working with protocols and it is not working but no errors either... I have defined and implemented a protocoll in a delegate (BlockPopViewController). Then I try to access it from a UIViewController (BoardViewController) whose view has been added to the delegate as a subview. The result is that my request to the pro...

Should I create a own .h file for my protocol and are there naming conventions for them?

When I create a protocol, I was used to put it right into the .h from a class that this protocol belongs to. But what when I want a pretty "general" protocol that a lot of classes might use? Would I make a .h file for this protocol only? And if so, are there special naming conventions to distinguish it from a class header file? ...

NSNotificationCenter vs delegation( using protocols )?

What are the pros and cons of each of them? Where should I use them specifically? ...

Determine Remote Desktop Protocol version programatically?

Remote Desktop Protocol version 6.1 changed the way RDP sessions are handled (making session 0, which previously meant "console session", into a non-interactive session). I need to be able to figure out from within my program how to determine just what version of the RD protocol is being used on the current RDP session. Nothing I can f...

Network Protocols

I know that a protocol is a set of rules that governs communication between two computers on a network, but how are thoses rules implemented for the computer? Is a protocol basically a piece of code or, in other words, software? ...

arguments for stateless protocols (context: simple point-to-point communication)

(So this question has been asked before, but in a general sense, and most of the responses were in the context of general network communications with multiple servers/clients/etc.) In the context of a simple point-to-point communications protocol, what are the advantages/disadvantages of stateful and stateless protocols? My instinct is ...

Is there a Published Reusable Object Model of the web - The Correct 'Domain Language' / Terminology for an http request

I have a website which hosts web documents & web applications and also acts as an origin server for documents and applications that are served to a client via a proxy web site. I'm finding it quite difficult to find the correct names to model the players in the http request in my server-side application. For example, Hypertext Transfe...

How to write a simple text based protocol, preferably in C

I'm interested in writing a small piece of sample code that communications via standard TCP/IP means to an application server. The idea here is that the client can speak to the application server and be authenticated by simply speaking in a specific text based protocol. The traffic will be encrypted, no username/password. If another app ...

How to I send data from JavaScript to PHP and vice versa?

How do I go about passing data from JavaScript code to PHP and back. Right now, I do this is a round about way: PHP to JavaScript: I would simply use the inline echo to send the data: <script type="text/javascript"> var data = <? echo $target_variable ?> </script> OR <script type="text/javascript"> var data = <?= $target_vari...

IMAP4 Protocol with verndor specific data.

Hi All, Does IMAP4 Protocol supportto include some verndor specific data or custom data. Thanks. ...

RS-232C and Email in 7bit char set

The book "Designing Embedded Hardware" in the chapter "9.3. Old Faithful: RS-232C" mentions that emails are still sent in 7bit char set because of RS-232C: It's also not unheard of to see RS-232C systems still using 7-bit data frames (another leftover from the '60s), rather than the more common 8-bit. In fact, this is one of ...

mysql *server* protocol implementation for PHP

hello, there are already some applications available which "understand" the mysql protocol and to which it's possible to connect using a mysql client -- for example: you can connect to the sphinx search engine using the (an) mysql client, mysql-proxy understands the mysql-protocol, too. etc. now i wonder if there is an implementation a...

USB software loopback device on Linux

I have a need to write an client-server application where a tiny server rests on a USB gadget and communicates with a client application on the host. I've not done this sort of thing before but I have done webapps and usually, they're all developed and debugged on the local machine using the lo loopback network interface. This has perh...

Why wait SIFS time before sending ACK?

Question about the MAC-protocol of 802.11 Wifi. We have learned that when a station has received the data it waits for SIFS time. Then it sends the packet. When searching online the reason that is always mentioned is to give ACK packets a higher priority. This is understandable since a station first has to wait DIFS time when it wants t...

Best way to document a packet protocol

I often find myself in the situation of wanting to write a breakdown of the protocol that some program (either my own or some other by reading its code or RCE) uses for its network communication, but there is just no standard on how to document the structure of packets in those. What I usually do is to write the protocol documentation w...