
Can you use the :after pseudo element to add html?

I want to append a <br /> to a particular class. Using the :after pseudo class simply displays <br /> as text. Is there a way to make this work? Edit: It's internal for IE8 so browser issues aren't a problem... if I do <span class="linebreakclass">cats are</span> brilliant I want brilliant to appear on a new line... ...

"unknown pseudo-class or pseudo-element 'radio' "

There are many input radio elements on a web page and each radio element has several options. I want a function to be fired whenever one option of a radio element is checked. How to write the code using Jquery? One input element looks as follows: <div class="below"> <input type="radio" value="information" name="option0"/> information <i...

How can I get IE8 to accept a css :before tag?

I have the following CSS code .editable:before { content: url(../images/icons/icon1.png); padding-right:5px; } this is used in conjuntion with the following markup: <span class="editable"></span> In every other blessed browser in the world my icon is appearing, but IE8 seems to have a problem with this. Isn't the :before ps...

How to Prevent IE and Opera from copying pseudo-elements to clipboard?

Playing around with shjs in order to display line numbers, line breaks and spaces, i came across this: Using Pseudo-Elements for the ›hidden‹ characters it behaves just as expected (in Firefox): no line numbers, spaces or line endings get copied to clipboard. As IE8 displays everything well, I was surprised it behaves different with cop...

how can i select first second or third element with given class name using CSS?

ie. i have the following: <div class="myclass">my text1</div> some other code+containers... <div class="myclass">my text2</div> some other code+containers... <div class="myclass">my text3</div> some other code+containers... i have the css class div.myclass {doing things} that applies to all obviously but i also wanted to be able to ...

Unknown pseudo-element or pseudo-class :hover

I've never really paid this close attention but I'm getting the following error: Unknown pseudo-element or pseudo-class :hover on the following code A:hover { COLOR: #F56655; text-decoration: underline; } Since when has :hover not been valid css and what is the alternative? I have seen this used everywhere... ...

CSS Problem with Chrome and first-letter pseudo-element

I have a problem where Google Chrome on Windows places the first letter of the paragraph differently compared to all the other browsers such as IE, Firefox, Safari. The difference is in the vertical placement - the letter appears higher in all other browsers (the same way in every one of them) but lower in Google Chrome, making styling t...

Which elements support the ::before and ::after pseudo-elements?

I'm trying to come up with some good default styling for <input>s in HTML5 and tried the following: input::after { display: inline; } input:valid::after { content: ' ✓ '; color: #ddf0dd; } input:invalid::after { content: ' ✗ '; color: #f0dddd; } Alas, the ::after content never shows up. It's not a problem with double- versus...

Placing HTML Pseudo elements.

My css looks like this; p:not(.dummy):after { content: url(../../irhiddenchars/img/afterimage_9x9.gif); } I wish to take a taller (height) gif, but my lineheigth is increased when the css gets applied (even though there seems to be enough space for a bigger picture, line-height for a p-tag is 18px). Is it possible to place the pse...

How do I access style properties of pseudo-elements with jQuery?

For context, this is a followup to an earlier question. Rather than digging through cssRules, I'd like to base the logic on jQuery selectors that search for the effects of those rules. Given default properties of .commentarea .author:before { background-image: url(http://...); background-position: -9999px -9999px; /* ... */...

How to enable -webkit-animation/transition-property for :before and :after pseudo elements?

How to enable -webkit-animation for :before and :after pseudo elements? You can see in that it is not working for :before and :after. And here I am trying to enable this feature with Mootools Mozilla - will support it in Firefox 4