
Pulling HTML from a Webpage in Java

I want to pull the entire HTML source code file from a website in Java (or Python or PHP if it is easier in those languages to display). I wish only to view the HTML and scan through it with a few methods- not edit or manipulate it in any way, and I really wish that I do not write it to a new file unless there is no other way. Are there ...

How do I pull a remote branch in git without conflicts?

There is a branch on remote I would like to work on. It is old and I no longer have an old copy of it on my local machine. It is really far behind master. Whenever I attempt to pull it I get conflicts. I just want to create an exact duplicate of the remote branch on my local system. Why would that lead to conflicts? I tried: git pull o...

Git-pull problem

Hi, I made a new branch "counterflow" on my local machine and edited my .git/config file to look like: [core] repositoryformatversion = 0 filemode = true bare = false logallrefupdates = true [remote "origin"] url = ssh://host/~/Repositories/CFFC.git fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/* [branch "master"] ...

Git: How to move back and forth between commits

Hi, I have a newbie question about Git: I need to move back and forth in a history of a branch. That means, I need to get all the files to the state they were in in some old revision, and then I need to get back to the latest state in the repository. I don't need to commit. With SVN, it would be svn up -r800 to get to revision 800, ...

Opposite of `git push --mirror`? How do I get my repo back?

I am having great success with git push --mirror to make backup copies to a bare repo. But after search on SO and elsewhere, I cannot find a way to clone the thing locally with all branches. I do not want to use git clone since I don't want my local repo to know about the bare repo. If I use git pull it only brings down the HEAD branch. ...

is there a simple way to know which files will be updated in the next 'git pull' ?

i would like to know which files would be updated (and hopefully the changes that would occur) if i'd do a 'git pull'... is git stash git fetch git diff origin/master git stash apply the answer ? ...

push and pull for offline reps + Mercurial.

Hi friends, I'm a new Mercurial user, I keep reps offline, and work offline. when everything is done at local, I do upload to server. is this right way? I dont have any rep at server, because of i couldnot setup mercurial to server [bluehost]. so I have nothing to do with push or pull. am I wrong? regards... ...

How to tell Git to always pull the master branch?

Find find git docs very cryptic regarding this issue. I want to do a simple thing, but it seems doing it is not simple at all. I have the following situation: $ git remote -v origin git:// stick /mnt/titanium/podaci/repos I can use git pull to fetch and merge from origin, and that works fine: $ git pull Alr...

Automatically pulling on remote server with Git push?

Here's what I'm trying to do: I have a GitHub repository, a portion of which I'd like to make web viewable. Right now I've cloned the repository on my own server and it works well, but in order to keep it up to date, I have to manually login and pull the latest changes. I'm not sure if this is the best idea (or the best approach), but ...

How to pull specific directory with git

hello, I have a project with git, and I just want to clone or pull a specific directory, like myproject/javascript just like subversion does. make some changes, commit and push back again. It's possible? ...

When should I use git pull --rebase?

I know of some people who use git pull --rebase by default and others who insist never to use it. I believe I understand the difference between merging and rebasing, but I'm trying to put this in the context of git pull. Is it just about not wanting to see lots of merge commit messages? Or are there other issues? ...

Mercurial Pull Error

I am new to the dvcs world. My company uses perforce and I'm not a fan so I thought I'd try to use mercurial as a front end. I set it up on a windows machine with TortiseHG, enabled the Perfarce extension, did a small checkout (limiting the target revision) and pulled for the rest. This seemed to be more robust than clone alone. This...

What is the advantage of the rebase command in Mercurial?

Compare to standard push/pull, what is the advantages of using the rebase command in Mercurial? ...

How do I create a pull-down/up window in Android GUI?

For Android GUI: I would like to create a window that I can pull up from the bottom of another window, kind of like the Notification bar or the tab in the bottom on Spotify for Android. I want to be able to grab a small piece of the window and pull it up. Or just click it and it will "pop up". And afterwards be able to pull or click it ...

When will `git pull --rebase` get me in to trouble?

I understand that when I use git pull --rebase, git will re-write history and move my local commits to occur after all of the commits in the branch I just pulled from. What I don't understand is how this would ever be a bad thing. People talk about getting in to trouble with git pull --rebase where you can end up with a branch that o...

How do I do git pull so that it will update the files in the working

When I do git pull origin master, it does not seem to update the files in the folder of the git repository. ...

Sliding "pull-down" navigation - what do I use? How do I implement? jQuery?

I'm new to Javascript and jQuery, but I'm learning. Here is what I'd like to accomplish: I have a row of navigation "pull-down" tabs that I'd like to animate. Some sliders will have text links to sub-pages and some will not. The bottom portion of the tab should be clickable to go to the main page. Then the sub-page, text links should al...

Git already up to date unless I reset

I have a cloned repo I use for the live site and I have it pull from a bare repo. For some reason every time I execute "git pull" I get the already up to date message. But it's not up to date and not updated. If I do a git reset --hard HEAD^ and then git pull again, the changes come in. What's the problem here and how do I fix it so tha...

Track someone's GitHub repo in a branch

I'm pretty new to Git, and like it a lot so far, but am not sure what do do here. I've forked a github project, and am currently in the process of porting it to another language. For reference, I've created a branch of the code as it was when I made the fork. My problem now is that the original project has been updated, and I can't figu...

How can I pull an existing heroku app to new location for development?

I currently have the latest version of my code on another computer that I want to develop from (Home computer and laptop for when I'm out and about) I set up heroku for my app on my laptop. Now I need to associate my code on my desktop so that I can push to heroku from there as well. This is what I get from my desktop: desktop:~/NetBea...