
Notification Architecture

Hi everyone, With the arrival of WP7, I developed a solution to business appointments. And I wonder about the architecture. My Silverlight application needs to communicate with web services, no problem here. By cons, I have another need that is a push to notify phones with the Microsoft Notification Push Service. My problem is how to h...

Git push to live server

Hi We have a website that has all its PHP/HTML/JS/CSS/etc files stored in a Git repository. We currently have 3 types of computers (or use cases) for the repository. Local developer: pull latest changes, make changes, commit to local repo, push to master server Master server: central repository, all changes get pushed to the master s...

Blackberry Push support in India

I have successfully pushed notifications to BB mobile phones based on the BB push SDK provided by RIM. I have currently tested this in Israel where our R&D is located. Part of our team is in India, but for some reason they are not able to receive any notifications although they are using exactly the same client code, all credentials are...

why I can receive the old app's push notification when the iphone app reinstall?

uninstall the app first, then reinstall, I can receive the push notification normally. here is my analysis: client uninstalls app, but my provider server has the devicetoken. then reinstall,APNS delivers the same devicetoken to iphone,so when a new push item comes to APNS,it successly delivers the item to the client. my app has syn...

heroku db:push failing (randomly?) w/ "duplicate key value violates unique constraint"

I'm trying to push a large database (1.6 GB over 8 tables) to Heroku via db:push and having strange issues. It keeps failing, at different points in the transfer process, with: HTTP CODE: 500 Taps Server Error: PGError: ERROR: duplicate key value violates unique constraint "letters_pkey" letters is a large table (1.3 M records) b...

Javascript - Pop a value from array, but not at the end of array

Hi. I have for example this array (each number is singolar, no one duplicate) called pvalue : 1 2 3 15 20 12 14 18 7 8 (sizeof 10). I need for example to pop the value "15", and after this pvalue should be 1 2 3 20 12 14 18 7 8 (sizeof 9). How can do it? the pop() function take the value at the end of the array. I don't want this :) ch...

Making two android emulators talk through a servlet

I am trying to create a tic - tac - toe type of game where two androids can play with each other. I am trying to build this game using eclipse SDK and a servlet written in PHP (or I can use Java if needed). The diagram is attached ( http://www.scorechase.com/tictactoe.PNG ) which depicts one side of the data flow. Here is the problem 1]...

Why isn't my script processing all the elements in the array?

The following code is a test to test what I have already done with my new found knoledge of threads. #!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; use threads; use threads::shared; use URI; use URI::http; use File::Basename; use DBI; use HTML::Parser; use LWP::Simple; require LWP::UserAgent; my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new; $ua->timeout(10); $...

Enforce mercurial commit message policies via pretxnchangegroup?

As described in: http://hgbook.red-bean.com/read/handling-repository-events-with-hooks.html I thought I could write a small hook which rejects checkins with malformed commit messages. Thats no problem, the issue I encounter is the following work flow: If a developer makes let's say 10 local commits, some of them are malformed, and then ...

Push API using C2DM

I have been working on c2dm for push API application. I am new to android and I dont understand the tut given at http://code.google.com/android/c2dm/index.html. Can anyone please guide me here? How would I start making an application that sends and receive the messages on emulator( I am working on emulator first and then want to test it ...

can we do push notification in iphone using phonegap fremwork?

hi, i need basic idea about how to implement push notification using phonegap fremwork. ...

What do Push and Pop mean for Stacks?

long story short my lecturer is crap, and was showing us infix to prefix stacks via an overhead projector and his bigass shadow was blocking everything so i missed the important stuff he was referring to push and pop, push = 0 pop = x he gave an example but i cant see how he gets his answer at all, 2*3/(2-1)+5*(4-1) step 1 Reverse...

pyapns - hexlified_token_str

Hi, i try to test pyapns. There is a mention of the hexlified_token_str in the documentation. My token is stored in base64 format. I try to do this >>> notify('myapp', base64.decodestring('Sl96FJtZbZDZECSP3EedQJbsXdtlV+LXWd4+jbzvbHM='), {'aps':{'alert': 'Hello!'}}) But I'm wrong. Traceback (most recent call last): File "<stdin>",...

How Does XMPP Push Data To a Client?

Can anyone explain how an XMPP server pushes data to an XMPP client? This client will most likely be behind a firewall and will not have its own IP on the Internet so how can the client be notified? Does the client leave a connection open with the server at all times? ...

Apple Push Notification Service with PHP Script

Hi guys. I'm trying so send push notifications ton my iPhone (APNS). I read this post and try to implement it. So all my certificates are good (normaly). Now I have this php script : $device = '4f30e047 c8c05db9 3fa87e7d ca5325f7 738cb2c0 0b4a02d4 d4329a42 a7128173'; // My iphone deviceToken $payload['aps'] = array('alert' => 'This is...

Push messages on the iPhone

Ok, this is a hard one. I have three things: An iPhone app PHP-mySQL database on a server Google App Engine (?) The iPhone app is working fine storing data in the database. I'd like to notify some subscribers when the database changes (i.e. someone uploads something). I assume the app is running, so I just want the view up to date....

ERROR cant push first repo/tried everything/help

As in tittle, i cant push my first repo to github... tried everything, but all i get is just same errors alternately again and again firstly i got: Permission denied (publickey). fatal: The remote end hung up unexpectedly i fixed it somehow than i got: error: src refspec master does not match any. fatal: The remote end hung up unexpe...

Perl - Push into arrays using variable references versus using variable copies

Question: Why can't I push elements into a 2d array that's inside of a while loop that parses through a SQL result set? I need some help here as to why this happens. The way data is stored into a 2d array can be done several ways, but for my purposes, I need to use the push method. Here's some code that works: my @tt = (0,1,2,3); my...

Can an iphone application recieve push notifications from a custom server?

This is a very basic question on push notifications. I need to know whether an iPhone application can receive push notifications. I want them to operate as follows. User installs the application. When the application is not running, the user notices that something has changed with the application. This is indicated by the application i...

Is Fisual FoxPro/FoxWeb Compatible with Ajax Push Engine (APE) ?

I'm researching how to setup an Ajax Push Engine (APE) but my first question is if Visual FoxPro9/FoxWeb Server environment will work with an APE. Does anyone know? ...