
ActionScript: How to push to multidimensional arrays and later retrieve just one 'row'

I am reading a set of latitude & Longitude Coordinates that define a polygone area. They are keyed to an area ID and I retrieve them from a SQL database. So for example, Area ID 153 might have 20 coordinates and area ID 77 might have 11 coordinates. I wish to save these in a 2-D array indexed by the area ID, and where each coordinate pa...

Is it possible to run q Qt Symbian application in the background and interact with the homescreen?

I'm writing a Symbian application using Qt for Symbian that is supposed to run on S60 3rd edition FP1, FP2 and 5th edition phones. In my application, I will need to implement push notification functionality that will notify the user of changes on the server. Basically, it is a pending tasks application. When a new task is assigned to th...

Uploading/Pushing Data To A Website

I need to let a company push information up to my site. The best way to explain what I am talking about is to explain how it is currently done with their previous website: This company uploads a CSV file to an FTP set up by the website. The website then processes the CSV file and puts it into an SQL database so that it can be used by ...

How to push both value and key into array with php

$GET = array(); $key = 'one=1'; $rule = explode('=',$key); /* array_push($GET,$rule[0]=>$rule[1]); */ I'm looking for something like this so that: print_r($GET); /*output:*/ $GET[one=>1,two=>2,...] is there a function to do this (because array_push won't work this way). thanks! ...

Question about "push" and the stack

If you push something into the stack multiple times (in a loop for example), does the stack keep growing or is the previous value replaced? For example, repeating push EDI 5 times. Would the stack have 5 EDIs? ...

Git - push to a remote-tracking branch in the remote repository

When simply doing git push to a remote repository, its master branch gets updated. This is undesirable in the case of non-bare repositories, and the warning message displayed by recent Git versions makes that clear. I'd like to be able to push to a remote repository, and have one of its remote tracking branches be updated. Later, when I...

Git push to Assembla repository from multiple machines

I'm just getting to know git and I really can't find a documented solution to the following problem. Assembla.com allows only one public SSH key per user. The question is, is there a way to "push" from 2 different PCs? For example, creating a separate private/public key pair and sharing it between the 2 machines just for this use would h...

git push origin master , invalid port number

when i do git push origin master i get an alert message "invalid port number" and on the console i can see "fatal: The remote end hung up unexpectedly" Please could someone help me what i am doing wrong? Thank you ...

Great difficulty setting up Ajax Push Engine(APE) in my Virtual Box

Is there any kind fellow windows user who had faced similar problems that can provide me some concrete ways in setting up the APE? ...

Prevent local changes to get pushed in Git

Hi Git masters! This one is for you! I have cloned a repository and the master branch in my repo is tracking origin/master. I created a work branch and changed some config files specific to my dev machine to make the app work. My normal workflow will be to switch to master branch, merge changes made in work branch and push those change...

Preview a git push

How can I see which commits are actually going to be pushed to a remote repository? As far as I know, whenever I pull master from the remote repository, commits are likely to be generated, even if they're empty. This causes the local master to be 'forward' even if there is really nothing to push. Now, if I try (from master): git cher...

When should I use the addSubview method of a view controller?

I'm programming for the iPhone and I'm wondering when to use the addSubview method of a view and when to present to use the modal view controller (presentModalViewController). What complicates this even more is if you are using a navigation controller (I'm not) and you can use the pushViewController method? When would you use each and w...

Open source "push" messaging

I'm looking for something open source that can "push" messages to connected clients based on their subscription, for example "User 1" might be subscribed to "feed1" and "feed3" and "User 2" might be subscribed to "feed2" and "feed3" etc. I've got something working using ejabberd but it requires that the server send a message individual...

How to implement websockets on an embedded device server?

Hello all, I am working with an electronics appliance manufacturer to embed LAN based control systems into the products. The idea is to serve up a system configuration/control interface through a web browser so clients never need to install software. We can communicate with the appliance by sending and receiving serial data through the ...

How to stop streamed Comet communications being buffered in the browser

I'm trying to push packets of data from my HTTP server to a browser, using a Comet "forever iframe" and feeding it script tags from the server using the Transfer-Encoding: chunked header. What I'm finding is that my script tags aren't being interpreted right away, and I have to send a number of chunks before the browser starts to respon...

push and pull for offline reps + Mercurial.

Hi friends, I'm a new Mercurial user, I keep reps offline, and work offline. when everything is done at local, I do upload to server. is this right way? I dont have any rep at server, because of i couldnot setup mercurial to server [bluehost]. so I have nothing to do with push or pull. am I wrong? regards... ...

What is the difference between push and unshift in Perl?

Can someone please explain why push behaves the way as shown below? Basically I am trying to print values of an array populated by push as well unshift. When I try to print array contents populated by push using array indexes, It always prints the element at the top of the array, whereas array populated by unshift prints contents of a...

hg push with credentials for HTTP server

Hello. I have a HTTP server with some Mercurial repositories; in which I handle digest authentication, and I found myself pushing changes to the server too often, so, I wanna know If is there any way to send the credentials (user and password) along with the hg push command? Thanks ...

What is the easiest way to implement a Comet serverside backend?

PHP as an Apache module or otherwise, would start one thread per pending request so it doesn't scale well. Are Java and Python my only other options? As a complete newbie to Python, is Twisted easy to use? ...

Can't connect to production Apple Push Notification server

We had no problem sending notifications to provisioned devices using the development certification and gateway.sandbox.push.apple.com. But now now that our app is in the store, it appears we can't even connect to the production apn server (gateway.push.apple.com) to send pushes, even when we're using the machines that created the certifi...