
Programmatic interface to Quartz CronExpression?

Is there something in the Quartz libraries that provides programmatic access to the fields in a CronExpression? It seems odd (and rather error-prone) if I can only create a CronExpression with a string to parse instead of with getters and setters ...

Cron expression for particular date

I want a cron expression that represents 6th September 2010 6:00 am ...

Which is the recommended way as a client to get handle to the scheduler?

I'm using Quartz Scheduler v1.8.3 and is integrated into Apache Tomcat v6.0.10, and hence scheduler is initialized from within servlet container. Jobs are also added/scheduled to scheduler from within Apache Tomcat. I'm designing a JSP web front end page (quartzAdmin.jsp) from where I only want to see scheduler information like meta-da...

Help and advice needed working with Quartz.NET NthIncludedDayTrigger

I've started using Quartz.NET recently, and so far, it's been really helpful. Now, I'm trying to use it to create a job that runs once a month using a NthIncludedDayTrigger (I want to use the NthIncludedDayTrigger as eventually I will be specifying a calendar to exclude weekends/holidays). To familiarise myself with the code, I've ...

Is it possible to configure non-global listeners declaratively?

Is it possible to configure (registering with scheduler) non-global job listeners declaratively in properties file (rather than programmatically) similar to configuring global listeners? Check here for: Programmatically adding a global job listener Programmatically adding a non-global job listener EDIT: Example for configuring a Glo...

Quartz Listeners and cron questions

Hello all, I am developing a program that needs to have calendar like triggered actions, this means that I would like to schedule my program to execute a sertain action for sertain days and hours in the month. As part of a research I have been suggested to use Quartz wich is really awsoume. I currently have a cron trigger that calls a jo...

Quartz.net - Trigger not firing when scheduler runs inside a Windows Service

I've got a class library (c#, .net 4.0) implementing a wrapper class for a Quartz.net Scheduler and a bunch of Triggers and Jobs which I'd like to have executed. This wrapper class has a simple Start() and Stop() mathod to start or shutdown the Scheduler. When I instanciate my wrapper from a console application, it registers my Jobs + ...

Scheduled Retrying for an associated JMS Message

I have a single threaded message listener that listens for the incoming messages.The received messages are persisted in a database as they are recieved. There is a message A and associated message B follows it with a reference it.In Some Odd occurences, B arrives before A. Now in this case, There has to be 3retries after some 'x' equal...

Are Quartz scheduler instances thread safe?

Can more than one thread safely call methods on an instance of Scheduler returned by the StdSchedulerFactory concurrently? ...

how get a list of Triggers registered to a Quartz scheduler

I need to build a gui showing some kind of 'job queue'. I create triggers dynamically and schedule them with jobScheduler.scheduleJob(trigger);. I pass also some data via the trigger's dataMap. How can I get back the list of triggers which didn't yet fire? I found a way to get the currently running jobs, but no way to get the list of...

Beginner to Quartz.NET and need some guidance

Hi all, I posted last night stating that I was creating a Windows Service with the task of moving various files around, by being given specified paths (network shares, ftp servers, http servers) and a regex of the fles to be moved. These tasks will be added via an ASP.NET interface, and the actual service will be in C#. After some sugg...

how implement method Scheduler.interrupt to stop a Job

Hi , i've no idea how implement this method of the interface InterruptableJob i don't know if the best way to stop a job is with this method or using deleteJob is better, the problem is that with deleteJob the job stops completely and i just need that only that execution stops. ...

Quartz find triggers or jobs with same fire time

Hello, currently I am using quartz to fire jobs that occur only one time. Such as deleting a group etc. at a specific time. Now sometime I want to delete several groups at the same time, and then I want to deploy the changes from my admin database to my runtime database. The deploy will fail everytime until the last schedule is fired th...

Scheduling in my web apps

Hi there, i'm writing a web app in C# in which i need to implement a scheduling function which has to be fired every day at the same time, i already used quartz to do something similar in an JEE application and it works perfectly; reading some post and docs about using quartz.net gave me some doubts how to implement it. How can i inte...

Shutdown Quartz sheduler

I have Quartz scheduler in my web application with Guice. I followed code found here. Everything works fine, but I can't figure out how to shutdown scheduler. My context listener looks like this: public class MyAppContextListener extends GuiceServletContextListener{ @Override protected Injector getInjector() { return Gu...

Task scheduling with Spring with cron data stored in entities

I would like to run cron tasks based on an entity, lets call that entity TaskEntity The TaskEntity can have info about what needs to be done (domain specific) and when. The when part can be specified in cron based manner Initially I thought of looking into Quartz but I could not find clear examples I am not sure how to proceed from he...

Oracle quartz selectWithLockSQL value?

I have this in my spring config for quartz.... <prop key="org.quartz.jobStore.selectWithLockSQL">SELECT * FROM {0} LOCKS WITH (UPDLOCK ROWLOCK) WHERE LOCK_NAME = ?</prop>` That works fine for MS SQL Server, but I don't know what to...

Message when running web application in Tomcat from NetBeans?

Hello Is anyone able to shed any light on the message 'SEVERE: A web application appears to have started a thread named [DefaultQuartzScheduler_Worker-5] but has failed to stop it. This is very likely to create a memory leak.'? The message is generated a number of times when a web application is launched from NetBeand 6.9.1 using Tomca...

How can I use a property on my Job instead of JobDataMap dictionary in Quartz.NET?

Hi there, I am working on a Windows service which needs to schedule tasks whenever one of it's web services is called. This could happen hundreds of times per second in a worst case scenario. The task needs to wait a period of time, typically a minute or two, then call a method passing a parameter. We tried to build our own scheduler c...

Updating Schedules programmatically table-based Quartz Scheduler

In one of my Java projects with jdbc-based Quartz scheduler I am in need to update the schedule of a preconfigured job frequently. i.e. using the JobID as the handle I would like to update the schedule in the tables. Is this possible? ...