
No query plan for procedure in SQL Server 2005

We have a SQL Server DB with 150-200 stored procs, all of which produce a viewable query plan in sys.dm_exec_query_plan except for one. According to http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms189747.aspx: Under the following conditions, no Showplan output is returned in the query_plan column of the returned table for sys.dm_exec_quer...

Oracle SQL query - unexpected query plan

I have a very simple query that's giving me unexpected results. Hints on where to troubleshoot it would be welcome. Simplified, the query is: SELECT Obs.obsDate, Obs.obsValue, ObsHead.name FROM ml.Obs Obs JOIN ml.ObsHead ObsHead ON ObsHead.hdId = Obs.hdId WHERE obs.hdId IN (53, 54) This gives me a query cost of:...

Is there a way to programmatically convert a SQL Server query plan to an image?

I'd like to be able to convert SQL Server query plans from XML to images. Ideally a vector format, but a bitmap would do. Is there an open source library to do this? Or can I use one of the SQL Server Management Studio DLLs? Thanks. ...

Physical operators in SQL Server execution plans: what are rebinds, rewinds and number of executions?

I'm trying to understand physical operators in SQL Server execution plans. This page is quite helpful: http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms191158.aspx SSMS 2008 shows some physical operator properties that are not displayed in SSMS 2005: Estimated Number of Executions and Number of Executions. But what do these actually mean, ...

What does SQL Server trace flag 253 do?

In another question I was trying to research how to control SQL Server's query plan caches: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2593749/is-there-an-equivalent-of-optionrecompile-or-with-recompile-for-an-entire-c ...and I found trace flag 253 via this article: http://www.sqlservercentral.com/Forums/Topic837613-146-1.aspx The article is...

How does DateTime.Now affect query plan caching in SQL Server?

Question: Does passing DateTime.Now as a parameter to a proc prevent SQL Server from caching the query plan? If so, then is the web app missing out on huge performance gains? Possible Solution: I thought DateTime.Today.AddDays(1) would be a possible solution. It would pass the same end-date to the sql proc (per day). And the user wou...

Postgres EXPLAIN ANALYZE is much faster than running the query normally

I'm trying to optimise a PostgreSQL 8.4 query. After greatly simplifying the original query, trying to figure out what's making it choose a bad query plan, I got to the point where running the query under EXPLAIN ANALYZE takes only 0.5s, while running it normally takes 2.8s. It seems obvious then, that what EXPLAIN ANALYZE is showing me ...

Query performance for criteria against date ranges

Here's a table: CREATE TABLE Meetings ( ID int PRIMRY KEY IDENTITY(1,1) StartDate DateTime NOT NULL, EndDate DateTime NULL, Field1 varchar(50), Field2 varchar(50), Field3 varchar(50), Field4 varchar(50) ) There's several thousand rows. The data ranges can be varying sizes (from a couple days up to 50 years). Here's a q...

query plan shows cost of 54% for an insert when no rows actually involved

In one of my queries there's an insert of data into a temp table. Looking at the query plan, it shows the the actual insert into temp table took 54% (just inserting data into temp table). However, no rows are being inserted into the temp table. Why does the plan show a non zero value when no rows are being inserted? ...

CTE query plan for complex query - triple run of the same init query - why?

It's difficult to explain, but I'll try. As you see on query_plan picture attached (It is query plan for "All in one place" query described below), there are 3 almost the same "blocks" - my question is WHY? It seems to me that when I have "all in one" (see below) query the "Init" block (that is rather heavy) is run three times with di...

SQL Server 2008: Join VIEW with other VIEW: precalculate without resorting to temp tables

To perform transformations in my database, I frequently use a chained set of views. Within the views will be common table expressions. For example I would have the following: CREATE VIEW TransformationStep1 AS WITH Transformation1A AS ( SELECT Field1, Field2, Field3, Bla(Field1) AS Calc FROM Table1 ), Transformation1...