
Browsers, do they treat a random query string as a different file?

If I set a far future expire header for this file (take note of the query string): /css/getCSS.php?v=1284532156.css Will it treat the entire URL (including the query string) as a single file and respect the expire deceleration, but request the next version of the file... /css/getCSS.php?v=1284599999.css ...from the server as it won...

Using List as query string parameter using MVC

Hi. I have an action method that looks like this: public ActionResult DoSomething(string par, IEnumerable<string> mystrings) I wanted to map this to a URL using Url.Action, passing mystrings in the RouteValueDictionary. However, this only yields a query string that only corresponds to mystrings.ToString(). How could I pass a list in ...

When is a postback not a postback? (according to ASP.net)

Is there a difference between me using Javascript to redirect to URL + "?Querystring=value" versus using whatever mechanism ASP.NET uses? If there is a difference, how can I make the rendered ASP.NET page be submitted to the same URL with a different query string by javascript? ...

Why pass a query parameter to an image file (/img/button.png?123456789) from inside a HTML page?

I saw this in a HTML template for a web app: <img alt="mybutton" src="/img/button.png?123456789" /> What I didn't understand was why the ?123456789 would be passed to the image file? (in the actual app, the number that was actually passed seemed to be customized to the user's session or unique id perhaps) ...

What are my options for changing the querystring on a URL, and updating browser history?

Is there any way I can change the URL or add more history to the "back button" without having to refresh the entire page? My application is AJAX based and I'd like to add some "undo" events to history so that the user can simply hit back and retain the old values. What's possible today? I hear some of this may be in HTML5 but haven't ...

Trying to get basic Http URL with querystring parameters processed in WCF service

I'm trying to process a post by a third party server (Paypal) processed by my server through a WCF (.Net 3.5 SP1) service. All I need is to get and process the values with the query string. This sounds incredibly easy, but after a weekend, I'm still stumped. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Passing the following URL from my brows...

Build querystring for javascript?

How do I build a querystring for javascript with several parameters that I can pass along when calling an action method in MVC 2? This is what I tried: var queryString = "?fileName=" + file + "&filePath=" + filePath; document.location.href = '/Customers/Download/' + queryString; Action method signature: public ActionResult Download(s...

NSURL doesn't seem to want to accept my querystring...

Hi there I have this code NSLog(@"%@",URLRequestQueryString); NSString *sendToServerString = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"http://mydomain.co.uk/req.php%@",URLRequestQueryString]; NSURL *sendToServer = [[NSURL alloc] initWithString:sendToServerString]; NSLog(@"%@",sendToServer); NSLog(@"%@",sendToServerString); URLRequestQueryString is...

Why do my Rails 2 routes have query strings?

I sometimes need to pass additional parameters to a page via the URL. I did this in the past with a couple of generic placeholders in the routes file, which I call "genus" and "species". This used to work, but now it has started producing URLs with query strings. The Rails version is 2.3.8. The routes file is: ActionController::Routin...

Silverlight and QueryStrings

What is the correct way to pick up a querystring variable that is passed to the page that the Silverlight Control is being hosted on? ...

ASP.net Authenticate with URL params in addition to Membership Provider

My current ASP.net 3.5 site uses a Membership Provider to manage authentication for the entire site defined in the web.config. I want to provide an additional method to authenticate by passing user params in the URL ex. http://site.com?user=foo&amp;pass=bar What is the best method to achieve this, also this must be able to be invoked ...

can a forms action url contain querystring values?

can a forms action url contain querystring values? ...

javascript regex - remove a querystring variable if present

I need to rewrite a querysting using javascript. First I check to see if the variable is present, if it is I want to replace it with a new search term. If it is not present then I just add the new variable I'm able to get it to work with simple terms like hat, ufc hat whitespaces are %20, so ufc hat is really ufc%20hat I run into probl...

SQL conditional where Clause executing using querystring parameters - If function needed?

Hello all, me again! I have the following sp that uses a condtional where clause - ish! @MemberId varchar(7), @LocationId varchar(8), @UUF1 varchar(150), @UUF2 varchar(50), @UUF4 varchar(50), @IDDesc varchar(255), @OwnBrand nvarchar(50), @WeightStatus varchar(50), @MaterialLevel varchar(10), @BaseMaterialName varchar(15), @ExtendedMa...

iframe containing querystring causes problems in JSF

I am trying to insert a Yahoo weather widget in a JSF page. The code generated by Yahoo is: <!-- Yahoo! Weather Badge --><iframe allowtransparency="true" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" hspace="0" vspace="0" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="http://weather.yahoo.com/badge/?id=12753136&amp;u=c&amp;t=trans&amp;l=vertical" height="255px...

C# ASP.NET HttpWebRequest automatically decodes ampersand (&) values from query string?

Assume the following Url: "http://server/application1/TestFile.aspx?Library=Testing&amp;Filename=Documents & Functions + Properties.docx&Save=true" I use HttpUtility.UrlEncode() to encode the value of the Filename parameter and I create the following Url: "http://server/application1/TestFile.aspx?Library=Testing&amp;Filename=Document...

Adding variables to a Data View's RootFolder QueryStringParameter (Sharepoint WSS3.0)

I currently have pages on my site with several xsl dataview webparts. Each dataview webpart shows the contents of a different folder in the same list. I've accomplished this by changing the querystringparameter name for each list view to its own unique name (ie. "R1", "R2", "R3", rather than all being "RootFolder"). The querystring in th...

SharePoint doc with linked column - Cannot complete this action &RootFolder=* bug?

Stock Sharepoint 2007 I created a Doc lib and added a new lookup colum to a list. when I click on the linked column in the document allitems view of the Doc Lib I get a url that ends with &RootFolder=* and error page that says Cannot Complete this action. If I remove the &RootFolder from the url the page opens the expected item on th...

How to convert a string into a map in javascript?

Say, we have a query string that looks like this: "param1:'test1' && param2:'test2'" I would like to turn it into an object map, like this: {param:test1, param2:test2} How could that be done? This seems like a very common use case. ...

Parsing the url querystring using jquery and inserting the value in a textbox?

post.php?replyto=username&othervariable=value For example, if I click a link with this url, then I want to take the replyto=username value and insert the value in a textbox using jquery. function insertParamIntoField(url, param, field) { var anchor = document.createElement('a'), query; anchor.value = url; query =...