
wanted to get all dates in mysql result

I have mysql table called user(id, name, join_on) join on is a date field what I want is to show in each day how many uses has been created I can use group by but it will only give me the dates when users get added like if date 4/12/10 5 users added 4/13/10 2 users added 4/15/10 7 users added here date 4/14/10 is missing and I wa...

Binary string search on one field.

I have 300 boolean fields in one table, and im trying to do somithing like that: One string field: 10000010000100100100100100010001 Ha a simple way to do a simple search os this field like: select * from table where field xor "10000010000100100100000000010001" Im tring this but is to long: select * from teste where mid(info,2,1...

Postcode and radius lookup recommendations

I look after a number of divisional websites for a uk based membership organisation and what we want to do is provide, as well as other address functions, is a closest member lookup to a web user from the websites themselves. A few use cases that I want to fill: Case 1: The user puts in their post code and wants to see all the members ...

sqlite COUNT in flex returning [object Object]

I'm sure this is an easy questions and I'm just doing something stupid but I'm really new to all this code. I'm trying to run a sqlite query in flex to count the total number of records I believe its working fine but I just can't figure out how to display the results - all I get back is [object Object]. private function overviewOne():...

build SQL query string using user input

i have to make a string by using the values which the user selects on the webpage suppose i need to display files for multiple machines with differnt search criteria.. i currently use this code: DataTable dt = new DataTable(); SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(); connection.ConnectionString = ConfigurationMa...

Jquery animation query bubbling how to handle it properly when using ex. slideToggle???

Hello, I need an answer to the following question... I have the problem when I use slideToggle I can't handle it's animation query with .stop(), i can handle it with .stop(true,true) though but it cuts my animation. I want to handle it smoothly without any plugins for example : I want it to wait till the animation finishes. Thanks ...

Insert Query for table

How to add data from one table to another table with new data in sql ...

How to search phrase queries in inverted index structure?

If we want to search a query like this "t1 t2 t3" (t1,t2 ,t3 must be queued) in an inverted index structure , which ways should we do ? 1-First we search the "t1" term and find all documents that contains "t1" , then do this work for "t2" and then "t3" . Then find documents that positions of "t1" , "t2" and "t3" are next to each other ...

Combine query results from one table with the defaults from another

This is a dumbed down version of the real table data, so may look bit silly. Table 1 (users): id INT username TEXT favourite_food TEXT food_pref_id INT Table 2 (food_preferences): id INT food_type TEXT The logic is as follows: Let's say I have this in my food preference table: 1, 'VEGETARIAN' and this in the users table: 1, '...

Best way to construct this query?

I have two tables set up similar to this (simplified for the quest): actions- id - user_id - action - time users - id - name I want to output the latest action for each user. I have no idea how to go about it. I'm not great with SQL, but from what I've looked up, it should look something like the following. not sure though. SEL...

SQL Server Database query help

Hi, I have a Database (SQL Server) with table named 'ProcessData' and columns named 'Process_Name' (Data Type: nvarchar(50)), 'Start_At' (DataType: DateTime) and 'End_At' (Data Type: DateTime). I need to know for each 'Time-Interval' (let's say 1 second) how many processes (Process_Name = PN) was open (after or equal to the 'Start_...

Lucene: How to have more than 100 results?

Hi all, my question is simple but i cant fin de answer. Is there a way to set in Lucene to retrieve an amount of results higher than 100 in a query? Im using lucene 2.4.0 now. Thanks all. ...

Help with this query in Access

ID- DATE- NAME 10100- 2010/04/17- Name1 10100- 2010/04/14- Name2 10200- 2010/04/17- Name3 10200- 2010/04/16- Name4 10200- 2010/04/15- Name5 10400- 2010/04/01- Name6 I have this fields(and others too) in one table. I need to do a query which return the ID with your respective name where more recently date for example th...

Criteria query returns hydrated object in SQLite but not SqlServer

I have a method that returns a resource fully hydrated when the db is SQLite but when the identical code is used by SqlServer the object is not fully hydrated. I'll explain that with the code after some brief background. I my domain various otherwise unrelated things like an Employee or a Machine can be used as a Resource that can be al...

Copy recordset data into multiple sheets to avoid problem of maximum rows limit in Excel VBA

I am developing reporting application in Excel/vba 2003. VBA code sends search query to database and gets the data through recordset. It will then be copied to one of excel sheet. The retrieved data looks like as shown below. ProductID--------|---DateProcessed---------|----State----- 1................|.. 1/1/2010..............|.....P...

iPhone Core Data - Access deep attributes with to many relationships

Hi everyone, Let say I have an entity user which has a one to many relationship with the entity menu which has a one to many relationship with the entity meal which has a many to one relationship with the entity recipe which has a one to many relationship with the entity element. What I would like to do is to select the elements which be...

table lock while creating table using select

Using mysql version 5.0.18 I am creating a table TT, Client 1 set autocommit = false; start transaction Create table TT select * from PT; PT has tow columns pk bigint not null,name varchar(20) Client 2 set autocommit = false start transaction insert into PT values(123,'text'); While inserting a row in PT , it is waiting for the table ...

MySQL date query only returns one year, when multiple exist

I'm a part-time designer/developer with a part-time photography business. I've got a database of photos with various bits of metadata attached. I want to query the database and return a list of the years that photos were taken, and the quantity of photos that were taken in that year. In short, I want a list that looks like this: 2010 (...

Refreshing data in a java.sql.ResultSet

I have a java.sql.ResultSet object containg data from a query that was run. How do I refresh the data in the ResultSet to reflect the current data in the database? Thanks! ...

SQL - How can I apply a "semi-unique" constraint?

Hi, I have a (simplified) table consisting of three columns: id INT PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, foreignID INT NOT NULL, name VARCHAR NOT NULL Basically, I would like to add a constraint (at the database level rather than at the application level) where it only possible for one unique 'name' to exist per foreignID. For exampl...