select DISTINCT table0.person_name, table5.animal_name
from table1
INNER JOIN table0, table5
on table1.person_id=table0.person_id
where table1.aa=input1
and table1.dd=input4
2 base tables, 1...
I have a common problem to be sure. I'd like to make a query that finds an entity that has "n" tags. So in the simplest case, we find all the entities that have the tag "hey". In a more complex case, we find all the entities that have all the tags "hey", "hi" and "howdy".
It seems that I have to join to the tag table 3 times, and and th...
For query data like this:
Name , Details
How do I query so that a numerical sequence (1,2,3...) can be added that resets back to 1 each time the name changes (ie from JEFF to BOB)?
Is it possible to use the DCOUNT function?
What ...
I am building a GIS application for some organisation and was thinking of using Open Source Software MapWindowGIS....and .Net Framework
Can anyone tell me how good it is and will i be able to perform Spatial Query using this ....?
How is the help amnd Support if i get stuck in any problem...
Thanks & Regards,
Im getting error whenever i fetch like this
Feature f = o.Features.SingleOrDefault(e => e.vcr_LinkName == PageLink && e.bit_Activate == true);
because this can return one or more than one element. so what is the alternative approach that i can use to solve this issue
I have a simple stored procedure like so:
ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[spList_Report]
@id INT
tblProducts as products
product.intID = @id
I have 2 user tables: MainUser and SubUser
Both tables have a foreign key column productID which is related to the primary key int...
I have a database with many-to-many relations on tag and person. I am in trouble when tried to search a person with multiple tags. I tried this but its fail:
$person = Doctrine_Query::create()
->from("Model_Person p")
->innerJoin("p.tags t")
The above statement ...
How to modidy entity in query?
I have code like this:
var res = from p in dc.Folders
group p by p.FolderId into gr
let DDate = gr.Where(a =>a.status ==5).Max(g=>g.MDate)
from c in gr
select c;
Folder class has extra member not mapped to db called DDDate, just for example.
How I can set this memb...
I am using Oracle ADF for one of my project and i am using Query component of ADF. For given tables the query component creates view objects and maps the relations. ADF uses its own custom model class for this component and it should understand the DB tables. But for my project i have no access to database. All i can do pass a string or ...
I have a class model designed for a person class in python. where a person is a student and can have 0,1 or many advisors.A person can also have other attributes like name,school,year of graduation,classification he worked on,degree he obtained and so on.
I have set and get methods for each of these attributes in the class.
Ex. ...
Hi, I'm modifying a wordpress plugin (Related Posts by Category) to make it instead "Related Posts by Taxonomy". I've created multiple taxonomies (elements, colors, and mood) that I'd like to include in this query, but can only seem to make it work with one taxonomy (elements). The code below only returns related posts that have the same...
If some one does right click on a given Table in a Database using SQL Server management Studio from Microsoft and create script table to query window, it displays the create table code in the window. I notice something like the following
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Login](
[UserId] [int] NOT NULL,
[LoginName] nvarchar COLLATE SQL_Latin...
I want to create simple application using Java Jena and DL Query,that query the OWL/RDF data I worked on protege to create the ontology. I want to use DL Query using java and jena ...
there is an JAVA-API for DL Query? or included in Protege API?
what is the advantage of "DL Query" to "SPARQL"?
Hi, first time here, so please treat me like a fool who knows nothing about anything. I have a very specific problem that i'm trying to find an answer to, and i'm hoping you might find this quite easy...
I'm working on a project where we need to create very long boolean queries from lists of keywords (up to 500), and i'm looking for a s...
I have a products table, with the fields product, category and cost, of type varchar, varchar and decimal.
I then have a sales table, with the fields client, productname, quantity, cost, and saledate, of type varchar, varchar, int, decimal and date.
I also have a purchases table, with the fields purchasedate, cost, quantity and purchas...
Can i do something like that: I got some entity Customer with Id, Name, Comment
Now i want to get this entity from context with filled id and Name and Comment must be empty. I don't want to query it from database.
in T-SQL it simply:
Select Id, Name from Customers where id=4
Can i do that trick with Entity SQL something like th...
I have user and group tables set up as the following.
id int
id int
user_id int
group_id int
Example data:
| user_id | group_id |
| 1 | 1 |
| 1 | 2 |
| 2 | 1 |
| 3 | 2 |
| 3 | 3 |
| 4 ...
I have to run a very simple query like this in SQLite3.
INSERT OR REPLACE INTO tblPhoneList(Phone, PeopleId, StorageType) VALUES('+91912345789', '1','1');
But whatever I do, the number is stored as 91912345789. The + prefix is ignored.
The field Phone is a String. Why does it ignore the + prefix?
Is there anyway to avoid this?
P.S. T...
I want to return the 10 most common words from a query in SQL server, so running against a set of rows such as this:
quick brown fox
slow yellow fox
slow green fox
would return
I have two separate jQuery functions that allow a user to toggle a div's visibility. By defualt, the divs will be in their closed state. I'm trying to figure out a way to set up links to this page that will open a specific div based on an ID passed to the query string. My jQuery looks like this: