
queue.remove() in Java not working

hello...I'm having problems removing an element from the queue. through extensive debugging I found that all the elements are being added, but when I try to remove one, it gives me the same element over and over. here is the code: private synchronized String accessMyQueue(char[] myInput) { String myOutput=""; myOutput=convertToSt...

Message Queue VS Thread Pool

Hello to all, i wonder what the difference between these two ? Thanks. ...

Multiple Azure queues

Hi I am trying to workout the best implementation/approach to the following problem I have customers using our win forms application which has a plugin which will connect to the Azure Queue to check if there are awaiting invoices for the connecting customer at pre conf intervals. If there is then the plugin will download the invoices in...

Is there any way of forcing a set of jquery ajax calls into a queue?

I have an array of data (arrData) which I loop around (10 elements), calling an ajax request on each. As it stands at the moment each ajax call is made in parallel. This means the server receives 10 calls all at once and sends back the data in whatever order it calculates each in. To relieve the server slightly I want to now queue my cal...

python - multiprocessing queue put nowait blocking question

hi.. got a test function, used by a worker process. the nextqueue has been set to have a size of 1, for a single element.. foo1 can be invoked mutiple times on the 1st time through, the queue gets set correctly all other times.. it appears that the function blacks/gets stuck on the put_nowait the queue is created by importing the m...

Queued message sending with Prototype.AJAX

Hi there, is there any best-practice-pattern for implementing a queue for sending ordered requests? I know this hits the logic behind ansynchronous requests, but in special cases one needs queued sending :) Here is my first attempt: this.queue = [], this.sending = false, send: function(message) { if (this.sending) { this...

Tasks queue process in python

Task is: I have task queue stored in db. It grows. I need to solve tasks by python script then i have resources for it. I see two ways: python script working all the time. But i don't like it (reason posible memory leak). puthon script called by cron and do a little part of task. But i need to solve problem of one working active sript ...

Peeking an MSMQ Outgoing Queue with JScript

I created a script to monitor a set of queues, and, while it works perfectly with Remote Private Queues, it doesn't work with Outgoing Queues. I made an experiment by removing everything but the essential from the script, and I created the following test script: var info = new ActiveXObject("MSMQ.MSMQQueueInfo"); info.FormatName = /*<Qu...

Why should I use JMS and not RMI+Queue?

At the moment I am using RMI or hessian library to communicate between my server and clients (via a LinkedBlockingQueue). Now I read about JMS which could be used in this area too. Is this correct? If yes, would you mind to give me a simple list of advantages/disadvantages, because it seems to be a pretty complicated and 'fullblown-enter...

Rails user queue system?

I would like to create a Rails app that would allow users to control the serial port of the host server. To keep some order to the serial commands, I would like to have some sort of queue system that would only allow one user at a time to issue commands, with a time limit. When their time expires, the next user in the queue is given cont...

How do I transactionally poll a database queue table with rollback?

I wish to setup a database table that will be used as a message queue. The table will have messages inserted into it with a unique id and a timestamp and a status of 'PENDING'. Assuming that the insertion into this table is properly handled, I wish to know what is the best way to transactionally process messages from this table using a ...

RabbitMQ Message Queue Exists or Not

How Can i check whether a message Queue already exists or not.. Reason for this is i have 2 different applications one creating a queue and other reading from that queue..So if i run the Client which reads from the queue first than it crashes. So to avoid that i would like to check first whether the queue exists or not ...

What all functionality are there in queue which can't be achieved by topic??

What all functionality are there in queue which can't be achieved by topic?? ...

How to record and Play back from Memory using Audio Queue Services

Hello all. I've been trying lately to make a game that allows the user to talk and afterwards play what he talked back in a funny voice. The catch is that the recording is done only when somebody talks near the iphone (I've managed this part I have a recorder active all the time and get it's average and peak values). The problem is wh...

xml from a message Queue serialise with WPF/c# interface

Hi guys, I am new to this technology so this might have been asked before and I do not know - so sorry to start with. I have a message Queue and I am designing a WPF interface for it. The actual message queue(MSMQ) contains information to do with trains(model trains) so i need to show their exact location in real time. From section t...

How do I ensure with jQuery that a function will finish before executing the same function again?

So, I have a function that executes on a .click() event. I want to know how I can ensure that the function won't run again before the first run is complete? So, if a user clicks 3 times, the function will run 3 times, but run1 will finish before run2 starts. I was thinking something like .queue(), but am unsure how to implement it. $(d...

Are there any simple and effective Open Source Java database-backed queue libraries?

I have a few different apps which need robust database-backed job/task queues, and so far I've had trouble identifying any promising candidates. I'd love some suggestions! BTW, by database-backed I intend something which persists job data and status to a JDBC DB for reliability purposes. Oh, I'm specifically looking for a library. I'm ...

Collection Queue

If I wanted to make a custom implementation of a Queue is correct to say that I can choose whatever order I want (not FIFO) but I must always respect the fact that the element to remove is that positioned as "head"? but for insertion operation I'm not obliged to put the element to the tail (like into FIFO)? ...

JMS QueueRequestor and deleted Destination

I'm using Activem MQ 5.3.1 My configuration is good for classical async messaging I try to use a QueueRequestor The message is effectively sended, recieved. But when it's time to answer on the temp queue i've got this exception raised javax.jms.InvalidDestinationException: Cannot publish to a deleted Destination: temp-queue://ID:...... ...

If-else problem

I'm learning queues and I came across this piece of code. It's from a book, so I can't post the whole code here but what I'm posting will be sufficient. More than a problem, I just want to confirm that whether my understanding of this code is correct or not. In the function, delete_ap(), the 'if' statement calls qretrieve() function and...