
Limit size of Queue<T> in .NET?

I have a Queue<T> object that I have initialised to a capacity of 2, but obviously that is just the capacity and it keeps expanding as I add items. Is there already an object that automatically dequeues an item when the limit is reached, or is the best solution to create my own inherited class?...

Email queueing in php

What is the most proper way to sending email of minimal 1000 or more in php? Any reliable email queueing technique that is capable to handle that? ...

Good Open Source Queuing Platform?

Anybody know of a good and reliable open source queuing server/ platform? I'm working on a project which we need to process millions of items from a queue per day. My challenge is that the queue is not a FIFO, meaning that new items are prioritized and can be inserted somewhere in the middle of the queue. Also, to process these items ...

Why is there no generic synchronized queue in .NET?

I noticed that you can call Queue.Synchronize to get a thread-safe queue object, but the same method isn't available on Queue<T>. Does anyone know why? Seems kind of weird. ...

How to check if a php script is still running

I have a PHP script that listens on a queue. Theoretically, it's never supposed to die. Is there something to check if it's still running? Something like Ruby's God ( http://god.rubyforge.org/ ) for PHP? God is language agnostic but it would be nice to have a solution that works on windows as well. ...

How deep is the Win32 message queue?

How many messages does the queue for a standard window hold? What happens when the queue overflows? The documentation for GetMessage and relatives doesn't say anything about this, and PeekMessage only gives you a yes/no for certain classes of messages, not a message count. This page says that the queues are implemented using memory-map...

Is there a good lightweight multiplatform C++ timer queue?

What I'm looking for is a simple timer queue possibly with an external timing source and a poll method (in this way it will be multi-platform). Each enqueued message could be an object implementing a simple interface with a virtual onTimer() method. ...

JMS message receiver filtering by JMSCorrelationID

How can I instantiate a JMS queue listener in java (JRE /JDK / J2EE 1.4) that only receives messages that match a given JMSCorrelationID? The messages that I'm looking to pick up have been published to a queue and not a topic, although that can change if needed. Here's the code that I'm currently using to put the message in the queue: ...

Get all items from thread Queue

Hello, I have one thread that writes results into a Queue. In another thread (GUI), I periodically (in the IDLE event) check if there are results in the queue, like this: def queue_get_all(q): items = [] while 1: try: items.append(q.get_nowait()) except Empty, e: break return items ...

How do I set up a mock queue using mockrunner to test an xml filter?

I'm using the mockrunner package from http://mockrunner.sourceforge.net/ to set up a mock queue for JUnit testing an XML filter which operates like this: sets recognized properties for an ftp server to put and get xml input and a jms queue server that keeps track of jobs. Remotely there waits a server that actually parses the xml once ...

Counting items of each priority level in an IBM MQ Series Queue

I have an IBM MQ series queue (running on Windows) containing many items of varying priority. I currently get a total depth count using mqQueue.CurrentDepth but I'd like to get a count of the number of items of each priority level within the queue. Any idea how to achieve this? ...

How do I use the Queue library in SML/NJ

I see that the SML/NJ includes a queue structure. I can't figure out how to use it. How do I use the additional libraries provided by SML/NJ? ...

Architectural comments for queueing with RabbitMQ ?

I basically need a queueing technology that will enable to queue messages. These messages will then later be transmitted as SMS texts. RabbitMQ seems to be quite a good fit after I glossed over the apis. My current architecture plans: clients queue messages in RabbitMQ. Another daemon will reads messages off RabbitMQ and sends those ...

Java BlockingQueue of Size=1?

Essentially what I want is a BlockingQueue of size=1. I have a "listener" thread that simply waits, blocking until an object is put into the queue, and then retrieves it--and a "producer" thread that actually puts the object into the queue. I can implement this with some synchronized blocks and a BlockingQueue implementation, but that s...

Most elegant way to implement a circular list (FIFO)

What is the most elegant and simple way to implement a circular list, FIFO style? I'm looking for a solution that doesn't resort to hacks like catching exceptions. No, this is not for homework. For a little background, I want to use a circular list within GWT; so using a 3rd party lib is not what I want. Edit: In order to clarify, I r...

cron script to act as a queue OR a queue for cron ?

I'm betting that someone has already solved this and maybe I'm using the wrong search terms for google to tell me the answer, but here is my situation. I have a script that I want to run, but I want it to run only when scheduled and only one at a time. (can't run the script simultaneously) Now the sticky part is that say I have a ta...

Replacing a message in a jms queue

I am using activemq to pass requests between different processes. In some cases, I have multiple, duplicate message (which are requests) in the queue. I would like to have only one. Is there a way to send a message in a way that it will replace an older message with similar attributes? If there isn't, is there a way to inspect the queue ...

Queues against Tables in messaging systems

I've been experiencing the good and the bad sides of messaging systems in real production environments, and I must admit that a well organized table or schema of tables simply beats every time any other form of messaging queue, because: Data are permanently stored on a table. I've seen so many java (jms) applications that lose or vanis...

JMS queue logging/browsing for all messages (invisible consumer for queue) (OpenJMS)

Hi, do you have idea, if there would be some nice way to browse/log JMS queues? (I'm using OpenJMS) For topics I can just add one consumer more and that's about it but with queues I haven't finished with a solution yet. I would like to log all the messages in certain queues and topics without "popping" them from the queue (so that the ...

Queue using table

Hi, I need to implement a queue using table. The business requirement is to have a single queue which will be accessed by 5-10 boxes to get the next job/jobs. There will not be more than 5000 jobs per day. Also, a batch of jobs should be "dequeued" at one time. Just wondering what are the problem areas and issues I might run into as I ...