
AMQP/RabbitMQ or Node.js for live web applications?

I want to build a live application that supports server-push (chat, feeds, live notification and collaboration etc). I have looked into Node.js and found it quite interesting and appropriate for such things. I have also looked into AMQP/RabbitMQ, but I don't get these quite. My questions: How does AMQP/RabbitMQ compare to Node.js? C...

How will Heroku's AMQP work?

I saw that they soon will have an addon for AMQP. I'm about to learn how to use AMQP with RabbitMQ. I suppose that that addon doesn't deal with RabbitMQ. Isn't AMQP just a protocol. Are they using any AMQP broker like RabbitMQ or ActiveMQ? ...

RabbitMQ consumer question

I have a Windows Service that retrieves messages from a RabbitMQ queue. The service works locally on a Windows 7 machine. When I install the service on a Windows 2008 server it does not work (and does not throw any errors). My ASP.net MVC app can publish messages to the same queue. Could there be a firewall or security issue here? ...

problem to return value from response queue

Hi, i am using Rabbitmq Java client API.i am sending two number from GUI to producer and producer put into queue another side consumer can listen the queue and read it and perform the addition of two number and put result on queue then again my producer will listen the my response queue and retrieve the result. code: while (runInfinit...

Why do I have to put the project name when importing tasks when using Django with Celery?

I just installed and configured Celery with RabbitMQ for a Django project and I was having an issue running tasks when I imported them like so: from someapp.tasks import SomeTask It worked when I added the project name: from myproject.someapp.tasks import SomeTask I tried adding this into the settings.py file but it doesn't change ...

RabbitMQ database files

I'm running RabbitMQ V.2.0.0. on a Linux machine. The mnesia base is current the default, but the within that directory Rabbit creates directories, eg. [email protected]. The ip in the directory name is based on the inet addr of the machine. This directories hold information about user, exchanges, vhost (I think). My question is,...

Low latency messaging software

Hi, I have worked with TIBCO RV on applications that require low latency messaging. I have heard of projects where the team had to roll out their own socket code to get messages faster than the speed offered by RV. Are there any tools out there, probably open source that can come close to or better than TIBCO RV? Thanks Hari ...

Guaranteed delivery with rabbitmq client Java API

I'd like to know what is the best way to deal with communication errors (rabbitmq crash or network problems for example), with java API. We use the Channel.basicPublish(...) method and we would like to guaranty delivery for each message we send to the broker. To be more specific, is there a mecanism in the java client publish API (befo...

Using RabbitMQ with nServiceBus (for C#) vs using Amazon SQS

If I understand correctly, I can use nServiceBus as a "framework" and / or a wrapper around RabbitMQ My preference of RabbitMQ is being able to use it on linux machines Background I have an application that enables people to upload images. These images will require thumbnails. Our application is predominantly asp.net (c#) My idea is ...

RabbitMQ subscriber notification in .NET

We are using MSMQ right now with WCF activation feature, it enables us not to pull queue to read messages. It like push message to application. As we are looking at porting from MSMQ to RabbitMQ going through what we need from message queue. I can't anything regarding RabbitMQ .net client support for receiving message notification fro...

Can you publish a message while processing a queue in RabbitMQ .Net Client?

Hello, I have a couple messaging scenarios I need help with using RabbitMQ 2.1.0 in c#... 1) I would like to have a subscriber listening to "raw" queue; then do some preprocessing and publish a new message, such as "preprocessed" to the same exchange. 2) similar to 1 but publish to a different exchange I noticed in the .Net Client User ...

Celery Queue doesn't seem to register my tasks

I'm using Django and Celery to communicate with RabbitMQ. I've registered all of the tasks, and put them in the CELERY_IMPORTS tuple in my settings file. When I run a task, I get the "not registered" error message. # tail -f /var/log/celeryd.log . logfile -> /var/log/celeryd.log@INFO . events -> OFF . beat -> OFF . task...

What is message-oriented middleware?

I've been trying to figure out exactly what message-oriented middleware is, but haven't been able to find any non-enterprise real world examples that make sense to me. Can anyone give me a clear and easily understandable explanation of what MOM is, and possibly some simple examples of how it's used outside of enterprise? ...

Does anyone use a CLOUD Message queue service?

I am looking for a case study of companies that use Cloud message queueing. What are the benefits of such a service over rabbitmq (if any) I know there are several mature services like SQS of amazon, OnlineMQ and Linxter. ...

Has anyone succeeded in using celery with pylons

Hi, I have a pylons based webapp and i'd love to use celery + rabbitmq for some time taking tasks. I've taken a look at the celery-pylons project but I haven't succeeded in using it. My main problem with celery is: where do i put the celeryconfig.py file or is there any other way to specify the celery options eg. BROKER_HOST and the lik...

RabbitMQ Queue Persistance in a Cluster

I have a question that I cant seem to find an answer on. This is my first time using RabbitMQ in a "big" application and am wondering how the queues work in a cluster. I understand that the routing information (queues, exchanges, bindings) is on all nodes in the cluster, but the queue its self resides on the machine that it was created o...

Is RabbitMQ more scalable than JMS outbound queue?

I want to know whether RabbitMQ is more scalable than other brokers or not? If yes what are the specific reasons? If not how can we scale it up? I am using rabbitmq for the first time with Spring framework. ...

Which db is more scalable mnesia or external db like SQL Server for RabbitMQ

If I want to use multiple rabbitmq with their own database mnesia. Is mnesia good or any external database like SQL Server for holding bulk of data. ...

interested in zeroMQ but client binding options prove limiting

Hi, This is related to an earlier question I had asked about what sort of middleware one can use for developing a client/server app. Among the options suggested, I was intrigued by zeroMQ and its capabilities. Since morning, I have been researching on using zeroMQ for my application. However, since my client is a Adobe AIR/FLEX, I see...