
Stable and simple ampq server for ubuntu

I am using rabbitmq-server as a ampq server with python client on Ubuntu 10.04 64 bit OS. Rabbitmq-server now fails to start. I uninstalled and installed the latest rabbitmq-server 1.8.0 but still I could not make rabbitmq to work. I want to other alternative with less learning curve to use the ampq on ubuntu system. Can you recommend...

AMQP vs Websphere MQ

We're working on an application that supports AMQP for queuing. Some of our clients are using Websphere MQ. I'm just wondering at a high level how interchangeable these two protocols are in terms of functionality. I'm using celery, which should allow me to abstract out the lower-level stuff as long as I can write a Websphere MQ backen...

How to broadcast to ALL subscribers w/identical queue name/routing key vals on a direct exchange

Consider a tier of N-many subscribers, all connected to a direct exchange using identical queue name and routing key values. This creates a load-balanced system where an inbound message is send round-robin to 1 of the subscribers. This works very well for dealing with scale-out issues as more subscribers can be added as load increases ...

amqp or xmpp for real time online games

Which of these technology suite for Multi user online game project.. Project requirements: 1. Able to handle 2k-5k user at any given time. 2. client library for iphone and android (native, no javascript). 3. client library for Microsoft Windows (most important), also for mac os x and linux. 4. Good documentation specially for mod develo...

Does the content type header in RabbitMQ have any special meaning?

Does the content type header in RabbitMQ have any special meaning, or is it only a standardized way for my producers and consumers to signal what kind of data they are sending? In other words: will messages with certain content types get any special treatment, or is it just bytes, either way? ...

How does RabbitMQ compare to Mule

How does RabbitMQ compare to Mule, I am going to build an application using message oriented architecture and AMQP (RabbitMQ) provides everything i want, but i am perplexed with so many related technology choice and similar concepts like ESB. I am having a doubt if i am making a choice without considering other alternatives. I am mostly...

Content-based routing with RabbitMQ and Python

Is it possible with RabbitMQ and Python to do content-based routing? The AMQP standard and RabbitMQ claims to support content-based routing, but are there any libraries for Python which support specifying content-based bindings etc.? The library I am currently using (py-amqplib http://barryp.org/software/py-amqplib/) seems to only supp...

RabbitMQ message consumers stop consuming messages

Hi stackoverflowers, Our team is in a spike sprint to choose between ActiveMQ or RabbitMQ. We made 2 little producer/consumer spikes sending an object message with an array of 16 strings, a timestamp, and 2 integers. The spikes are ok on our devs machines (messages are well consumed). Then came the benchs. We first noticed that somtime...

RabbitMQ/AMQP unhandled channel error - NOT_FOUND

I'm trying to publish messages to RabbitMQ, from a Ruby script (using Bunny) and consume them from a node.js server (using node-amqp). The first message arrives successfully, but then an error is logged inside node.js, and the connection closes, and no further messages are received: mu:charlie-node tom$ node charlie.js 22 Jul 09:11:04...

Pre-built AMQP and STOMP client (as in GUI client)

Hi, I'm looking for a client (as in GUI client, not client library) to play with our MQ server and familiarize myself with its semantics. Something that will send and receive messages at the press of a button (or a text command) and maybe even update me about the status of the server queues and messages. Administration would be a bonus....

How would services like yammer be using xmpp? does xmpp cross paths with a queue?

How would services like yammer be using xmpp? does xmpp cross paths with a queue? i.e. could one use rabbitmp instead of xmpp or are they completely different things? ...

Workaround for celery task priority on RabbitMQ?

Hi, I am running Django with Celery on top of RabbitMQ as a queue to handle some data processing tasks. I am kicking off celery tasks when a user first signs up, as well as periodically to update their data. However, I'd like to of course give priority to the tasks running users who are currently online. I noticed there was a priority se...

How to make RabbitMQ queues failover?

RabbitMQ supports clustering by default, but queues aren't replicated and are bound to the node on which they're created. I'm now looking for ways to make RabbitMQ highly available other than the DRBD solution that they've documented, because it seems like a waste of resources to reserve an entire server that's doing nothing but waiting ...

RabbitMQ Message Exchange

I have Created a RabbitMQ Producer and a RabbitMQ Consumer.... suppose my producer produces 10 messages. How can i get a particular message from those 10 messages. I want to know how can i uniquely identify a message and read that or consume that message. ...

How to selectively delete messages from an AMQP (RabbitMQ) queue?

I'd like to selectively delete messages from an AMQP queue without even reading them. The scenario is as follows: Sending side wants to expire messages of type X based on a fact that new information of type X arrived. Because it's very probable that the subscriber didn't consume latest message of type X yet, publisher should just delet...

RabbitMQ C# API Event based Message Consumption

while (true) { BasicDeliverEventArgs e = (BasicDeliverEventArgs)Consumer.Queue.Dequeue(); IBasicProperties properties = e.BasicProperties; byte[] body = e.Body; Console.WriteLine("Recieved Message : " + Encoding.UTF8.GetString(body)); ch.BasicAck(e.DeliveryTag, ...

RabbitMQ Message Queue Exists or Not

How Can i check whether a message Queue already exists or not.. Reason for this is i have 2 different applications one creating a queue and other reading from that queue..So if i run the Client which reads from the queue first than it crashes. So to avoid that i would like to check first whether the queue exists or not ...

RabbitMQ Message Consumption ID based (c# API)

i would like to publish/produce a message with some message id, like each message has a particular id.. And at the consumer end i would like to retrieve the messages by prividing the ID. suppose we have multiple consumers than each one should get only those messages which they requested through the message ids. (i hope i am clear enough...

Is message priority inherently unimportant in message queue systems?

It seems like most of the messaging systems I've looked at have basic, if any, support for priority message queues. For example, the AMQP only specifies a minimum of 2 priorities. RabbitMQ, an AMQP implementation, doesn't support any priorities. ActiveMQ will be getting support for 10 message priorities in version 5.4 in a couple days. 1...

Nanite and NodeJS

I'm working on a code that requires to send Nanite requests to actors. Was it possible to publish requests from another amqp client? I'm using http://github.com/ry/node-amqp So basically I wanted to publish nanite commands from a NodeJS app, Here's some code: connection.addListener('ready', function () { puts("connected to " + conne...