
Problem with activesupport ruby 1.91 and rake

I have an installation of ruby 1.9.1 ruby 1.9.1p378 (2010-01-10 revision 26273) [i386-mingw32] when I try and run a rake task I am getting an error: rake aborted! no such file to load -- ftools C:/Ruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/activesupport-2.3.5/lib/active_support/dependencies.rb:156:in `require' C:/Ruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/act...

Adding Mysql Columns in Rails Rake

I have a rake file that does a series of calculations on a database. Basically it adds usage on equipment regularly. At the end of the day it needs to add that days total to a monthly total table and update that same table. i use the following simple concepts: To get data from the database is pretty simple: @usages = Usage.find(:all)...

How to thoroughly clean up a ruby on rails project?

Hi, I am very new to ruby on rails. I've installed a complicated ruby on rails project via github clone and bundle install, and I was making minor changes to it until it reaches a point whereby it is not stable anymore, sass was throwing strange exceptions, so did other ruby gems. For a rails project, is there a way to clean up the proje...

Generate .sql files using rake task

Hi, I have a table called 'choices' in this table i am storing static data for my site like Blood Groups , qualification, job types etc., I have to create rake tasks one is for to create backup choices.sql file from choices table data, second one is dump the data from .sql file to choice table. How can I create the rake tasks. Any ot...

rspec needs to be installed in base app

I am having trouble building a gem. When I run rake it gives the the following error message: You need to install rspec in your base app I'm not completely certain what I should be doing to fix this. I have double checked that rspec is, in fact installed. Any help would be appreciated. ...

SQL housekeeping tasks on Herkoku

Hi, I'm not sure how to do this... I have a database which contains a messages and categories tables. The categories table has a field which has a count of the number of messages related to it. Sometimes however I need to deactivate (active = 0) a message, at the moment this doesn't then update the category table... I will implement ...

Vlad the deployer on Dreamhost - initial script

Hi, I'm trying to deploy an app with SVN and Vlad the deployer. Vlad and its dependencies are installed and seem OK. I'm trying the following: rake prod vlad:update Being my config/deploy.rb file: task :prod do set :application, "xxx" set :deploy_timestamped, "false" set :user, "username" set :scm_user, "scmusername" set :re...

Distribute CouchDB as part of a Rails app?

I am working on a Rails project and the Architect has asked me to investigate bundling CouchDB into to application so that it can be deployed by Capistrano across multiple platforms and managed by Rake. My expectation was that I could set up the Erlang VM on the various environments and then distribute the CouchDB application with Cap...

Is there any way to disable Erubis from printing "** Erubis 2.6.5" when starting the Rails environment?

I have several frequent Cron jobs that are run via Rake and the output of those jobs are e-mailed (via a MAILTO). Due to the fact that these tasks load the Rails environment (which includes Erubis) they always prints out "** Erubis 2.6.5" on startup. This means that an e-mail is always generated since Cron receives output. Is there an...

rake db:migrate fails when trying to do inserts

I'm trying to get a database populate so I can begin working on a project. This project is already built and I'm being brought in to help with front-end work. Problem is I can't get rake db:migrate to do any inserts. Every time I run rake db:migrate I get this: == 20081220084043 CreateTimeDimension: migrating ========================...

Rails 2.3.5 table populated by fixtures at end of test run rather than at start

I start with a test database containing the schema but with no data in the tables. I run a test like so cd test/ ruby unit/directive_test.rb I get failures indicating that the code found no data in the data tables. However, I look at the tables after running that test and the data is now in the the table. In fact, if I immediately ru...

How to know if model is used from Rake ?

Hi In a model, I include a module used by a Rake task. I would like to do this include only for rake and not for Rails. I didn't find any method to know if the model is used by Rails or Rake. I use Rails3.0.beta3. If you have any idea i would be glad to hear them :) Thanks ...

rake test and test_structure.sql

First of all, I have to run "rake RAILS_ENV=test ..." to get the test suites to hit my test DB. Annoying but ok to live with. However when I do so, I get a long stream of errors like so: > rake RAILS_ENV=test -I test test:units psql:/path/to/project/db/test_structure.sql:33: ERROR: function "armor" already exists with same argument ty...

rake task can't access rails.cache

Hi I want to call a rake task from a cron job that stores remote weather data in the rails cache. However, I must be doing something pretty wrong here because I cannot find any solution through countless fruitless searches. Say I define and call this task namespace :weather do desc "Store weather from remote source to cache" task ...

What does this rake db:seed error mean?

I've been trying to solve this problem for a couple of hours but I can't seem to understand what's going on. I'm using Rails 3 beta, and want to seed some data to the database. However, when I try to seed some values through db:seed, I get this error: rake aborted! Attribute(#81402440) expected, got Array(#69024170) The see...

Albacore msbuild task problem

Just updated albacore to version 0.14 and ran into a major problem. My current environment is: Ruby 1.9.1 Rake 0.8.7 Albacore 0.1.4 The problem is that as of now all my rake build throw a funny little exception: undefined method 'push' for #<Enumerator:0x???????> So far I have traced the problem to albacore msbuild.rb line 38 and...

Can a rake task know about the other tasks in the invocation chain?

Rake (like make) is able to have many targets/tasks specified on invocation. Is it possible for a rake task to access the list of tasks the user invoked, in order to do its job? Scenario: Consider a Rake-based build tool. A help task would like to know what tasks were also specified in order to print their usage and halt the build proc...

Is it possible to run a SQL-only file from a "rake db:create"?

I'm trying to install a software called Teambox in my Dreamhost shared account, following these instructions. I have no experience with Rails. I just want to install the software in the shared hosting. In this shared hosting, all dependencies are ok, but I have to create the dabatase from their panel. I can't create in command line (ss...

How do you change the default collation of MySql for rake db:create:all in rails?

In my rails app I am running rake db:create:all in order to create the databases and I am prompted that the collations do not match. Is there a way to change the default MySQL collation? If not what is the best way around this? Thanks ...

Rakefile rule output generation problem.

Hi all, i have a Rakefile with a rule like this : rule '.so' => '.cc' do |t| puts "@ Compiling #{t.source}" output = t.source.ext("so") output['stdlib'] = 'build' sh "mkdir -p #{File.dirname(output)}" sh "#{CXX} #{t.source} -o#{output} #{STDLIB_CFLAGS} #{STDLIB_LFLAGS}" end As you can see, it generates many .so lib...