
HELP!! Delayed-job: Rake aborted! Can't modify frozen hash

Too bad even the trace doesn't say which hash is involved. Sorry this post is long: am trying to provide enough context to be meaningful. Occurs intermittently when rake jobs:work is pulling a command out of delayed_jobs while my status observer is in the process of parsing a log file for detailed results of the previous delayed_job de...

Passing Parameters to Child Tasks from a Parent Task in Rake

I am new to the world of Rake and currently writing a Rake Script which consists of various tasks depending on the arguments passed to it on runtime. From some Tutorials over the web, I figured out how to pass parameters to the Script as well how to make a task which is dependent on other subtasks. For reference, I have mentioned a sam...

Build Environment setup - Using .net, java, hudson, and ruby - Could really use a critique

I'm trying to figure out the best way to stitch together a fast, repeatable, unbreakable build process for the following environment. I've got a plan for how to do it, but I'd really appreciate a critique. (I'd also appreciate some sample code, but more on that later) Ecosystem - Logical: Website - asp.net MVC 2, .net 3.5, Visual St...

Call nested rake file from the root directory

How can I run rake file for a nested project from the root directory? (2 cases: from console and from the root rakefile). Assume that I cannot modify the nested rakefile and that it must have 'libs/someproject' as the working directory. Here is my project structure: -root --rakefile.rb --libs ---someproject ----rakefile.rb ...

rake task via cron problem loading rubygems

I have managed to get a cron job to run a rake task by doing the following: cd /home/myusername/approotlocation/ && /usr/bin/rake sendnewsletter RAILS_ENV=development i have checked with which ruby and which rake to make sure the paths are correct (from bash) the job looks like it wants to run as i get the following email from the cr...

"cucumber: command not found" error on command line; "rake cucumber" works fine though

Just updated my cucumber gems on my system and have run into an issue with running my tagged cucumber features. The "cucumber" command no longer works on my command line. -bash: cucumber: command not found Initial thought was that my $PATH wasn't set up in my bash_login properly. All seems correct here though, i think: echo $PATH /op...

Problem with rake db:migrate

When I try rake db:migrate, I get the following error: !!! The bundled mysql.rb driver has been removed from Rails 2.2. Please install the mysql gem and try again: gem install mysql. rake aborted! no such file to load -- mysql And when I try to "gem install mysql" Building native extensions. This could take a while... ERROR: Error in...

How to call model /action mailer methods from a rake task in rails 2.2.2

I want to call few model methods and send emails through my rake task. Any help would be apreciated ...

Testing a rake task in rspec (and cucumber)

I'm new to Ruby, and I've been trying to learn Rake, RSpec, and Cucumber. I found some code that will help me test my Rake tasks, but I'm having trouble getting it to work. I was told here: http://blog.codahale.com/2007/12/20/rake-vs-rspec-fight/to drop this: def describe_rake_task(task_name, filename, &block) require "rake" des...

render_to_string from a rake task

I want to use a Rake task to cache my sitemap so that requests for sitemap.xml won't take forever. Here's what I have so far: @posts = Post.all sitemap = render_to_string :template => 'sitemap/sitemap', :locals => {:posts => @posts}, :layout => false Rails.cache.write('sitemap', sitemap) But when I try to run this, I get an err...

Rails - Populate test database with development data

Is there any trivial way to copy the data from developmenet database into the test one? I know theres a way to copy schema and recreate database, but is there any rake task to populate test database with development one? ...

Monkeypatch a model in a rake task to use a method provided by a plugin?

During some recent refactoring we changed how our user avatars are stored not realizing that once deployed it would affect all the existing users. So now I'm trying to write a rake task to fix this by doing something like this. namespace :fix do desc "Create associated ImageAttachment using data in the Users photo fields" task :us...

rake test:units fails with status ()

New user, haven't been building tests as I go, so I'm an idiot. The application is running, but the tests fail. Here is what appears to be relevant: .... ** Execute test:units /usr/local/bin/ruby -I"lib:test" "/usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/rake-0.8.7/lib/rake/rake_test_loader.rb" "test/unit/event_test.rb" "test/unit/helpers/calen...

Error creating Rails DB using rake db:create

Hi- I'm attempting to get my first "hello world" rails example going using the rails' getting started guide on my OSX 10.6.3 box. When I go to execute the first rake db:create command (I'm using mysql) I get: simon@/Users/simon/source/rails/blog/config: rake db:create (in /Users/simon/source/rails/blog) Couldn't create database for ...

How do I start IRB console from a rake task?

I'm trying to write a rake task that will set up an environment mirroring my project. task :environment do require 'rubygems' require 'sequel' # require 'my_projects_special_files' end task :foo => [:environment] do require 'irb' IRB.start end Leads to irb complaining that "foo" doesn't exist (the name of the task) 10:28...

Ruby on Rail using MYSQL database

Hey guys, New to rails, trying to figure out something simple. Seems as though I cannot migrate a very simple mysql database using "rake db:migrate" command. Here is the issue: I know rails defaults to sqllite right now, but I need to use mysql for a series of reasons. Use the following commands rails -d mysql MyMoviesSQL cd MyMovies...

How do I use Ruby metaprogramming to refactor this common code?

I inherited a project with a lot of badly-written Rake tasks that I need to clean up a bit. Because the Rakefiles are enormous and often prone to bizarre nonsensical dependencies, I'm simplifying and isolating things a bit by refactoring everything to classes. Specifically, that pattern is the following: namespace :foobar do desc "Fr...

Is there a "method_missing" for rake tasks?

If my Rakefile does not find a task with a particular name, I'd like rake to instead create a new task by that name according to certain rules, if a file with the missing task name exists. But if it doesn't, I want to fall back to the default ("Don't know how to build task 'foo'!"). In short, is there a method_missing for Rake? ...

How do I temporarily change the require path in Ruby ($:)?

I'm doing some trickery with a bunch of Rake tasks for a complex project, gradually refactoring away some of the complexity in chunks at a time. This has exposed the bizarre web of dependencies left behind by the previous project maintainer. What I'd like to be able to do is to add a specific path in the project to require's list of pat...

Help w/ Sluggish "rake cucumber"

I've been trying to debug some super slow performance in running my cucumber features. I've run various calls through ruby-prof and think I see the bottlenecks (not too familiar with using ruby-prof) but do not know the cause or more important the solution. I've include below the output from running rake cucumber. http://dl.dropbox.co...