
Reading file using fscanf() in C

I need to read and print data from a file. I wrote the program like below, #include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> int main(void) { char item[9], status; FILE *fp; if( (fp = fopen("D:\\Sample\\database.txt", "r+")) == NULL) { printf("No such file\n"); exit(1); } if (fp == NULL) { printf("Error Reading File\n"); } while(...

Creating website with skins - What's the best way to serve up proper image from my view?

I'm re-writing a website that will support multiple skins. Currently, I'm just planning on allowing images and CSS to be modified, but the underlying HTML will not change. And if the skin does not modify an image or CSS file, it inherits that file from the base skin. With that in mind, here are the 3 ways I've considered so far for se...

How to read from a file except the last line in C?

I am having a file where i need to read the data and store it into a structure. 10001 john 10002 david 10003 randy 10/10/2010 15:50:55 Updated by : Name now for the above file i need to read the data from '10001' & 'john' till '10003' & 'randy' except the last line(End of the file). How to do it in C? Update : last line will be dy...

Calls to ReadFile return ERROR_WORKING_SET_QUOTA

The program runs fine for a few minutes and then ReadFile starts failing with error code ERROR_WORKING_SET_QUOTA. I'm using ReadFile with overlapped I/O like so: while (continueReading) { BOOL bSuccess = ReadFile(deviceHandle, pReadBuf, length, &bytesRead, readOverlappedPtr); waitVal = WaitForMulti...

Can we know the contents of NSBundle in Xode project?

Hello, How to know the contents of NSbundle in XCode Porject?? bcoz issue is, I have placed a config.doc file in resource folder of my XCode project and i want to read the contents of that config.doc file, but it says that config.doc file is not found. How to solve this problem?? This is how my code looks like: -(void)applicationDid...

Win32 ReadFile() refuses to read more than 16Mb at once?!

I've got very strange problem on my Windows XP in VirtualBox. ReadFile() function refuses to read more than 16Mb of data in single call. It returns error code 87 (ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT). Looks like data length is limited to 24 bits. Here is the example code allowed me to find out exact limit. #include <conio.h> #include <stdio.h> #in...

CreateProcess for android adb start-server?

When I use CreateProcess to create process adb.exe, It will Block in ReadFile. void KillAdbProcess() { DWORD aProcesses[1024], cbNeeded, cProcesses; unsigned int i; if ( !EnumProcesses( aProcesses, sizeof(aProcesses), &cbNeeded ) ) return; cProcesses = cbNeeded / sizeof(DWORD); for ( i = 0; i < cProcesses;...

WinAPI File In-/Output with std::strings instead of char arrays?

Hi, due to performance reasons I didn't feel like using fstream for just one time. Seems like a very bad idea to use WinAPI functions with a std::string instead of a plain char array. All in all I would like you to tell me why the following snippet just won't work (empty stBuffer stays empty) and what I'd need to do to get it fixed. Th...

loading the cached file takes longer than not caching - and reading the cache file isn't the problem, its outputting it

hi, i have a site with a few db queries, and lots of visitors, so i thought id cache it. this is in php, so i use ob_start() etc to get the contents and save the file. this is fast. it takes 0.05 secs. (tbh i don't even need to cache). the problem is with loading the file. if i do this: readfile($cache_file) it takes 0.43 secs. ...

How to read data using ReadFile when file has disabled sharing on read.

Hello, I have a problem, i have a file who opened other process and this process defined in CreateFile non file sharing, then i have other application and i want read data from this file in same time, but how to do. I can't change file sharing in first application. I can reach computer administrator right's, i can do changes in system,...

reading large file from remote server using php script

I am trying to read large files lets say illustrator file or photoshop file using cron job in my system. Files size varies from 20 mb - 300 mb I have been using some function but it break in middle while reading. So i wanted to have a fresh opinion. Amount these function file_get_contents readfile curl which is most effective in te...

USB traffic analyzer can get HID usage information, how come I can't get ReadFile to do the same?

I'm trying to use the Windows Driver Kit HID functions to get the state of a Saitek X52 joystick on x86 Windows 7. I can get ReadFile to return some of the button presses, but not all. When I use a USB traffic analyzer (specifically USB Monitor), I can see all of the button presses. Additionally, when I hook the joystick up to a Windo...

How do I force-download a dynamic image that requires arguments?

I have a dynamic image which uses GD to throw in some overlay images/text. This would be dynamicImage.php?firstName=Bob&lastName=Sacamano. I want to be prompted to download that file, so I created a download.php file to act as the middle-man: //Get the Arguments $file .= "firstName=".filter_var($_GET['firstName'], FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING...

Readfile issue PHP

Hey, I'm using the following : @header("Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate"); @header("Content-Type: application/octet-stream"); @header("Expires: Sat, 26 Jul 1997 05:00:00 GMT"); @header("Content-Length: ".$row['file_size']); @header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=\"".$row['artist'] . " - " .$row['title']."\""); @hea...

in PHP, which is faster - reading a file or a database call?

I've a web app built in PHP with Zend on a LAMP stack. I have a list of 4000 words I need to load into memory. The words have categories and other attributes, and I need to load the whole collection every time. Think of a dictionary object. What's the best way to store it for quick recall? A flat file with something like XML, JSON or a ...

C++ Read file line by line then split each line using the delimiter

I want to read a txt file line by line and after reading each line, I want to split the line according to the tab "\t" and add each part to an element in a struct. my struct is 1*char and 2*int struct myStruct { char chr; int v1; int v2; } where chr can contain more than one character. A line should be something like: ...

How to wait forever for at least one byte using COMMTIMEOUTS?

How can I configure COMMTIMEOUTS to wait forever for at least one byte to be read? ...