
reCAPTCHA-like Web Service in other Languages

Is there a CAPTCHA web service like reCAPTCHA that supports languages other than English? It would be nice to have localized CAPTCHAs for non-English users. ...

Testing ReCaptcha Dynamically?

I've got recaptcha working in it's fundamental form - requiring a captcha code and displaying a basic error when it's wrong. But I want to make it more usable, and I'd really appreciate your help. Is there any way to ajaxically send a test/request to see if the captcha code is correct, and if it's not, pre-emptively prompt the user for ...

reCAPTCHA AJAX API not working consistently in modal dialog box in Safari

Hi all, I'm using reCAPTCHA via its AJAX API to display the captcha in a modal dialog box. I'm using jqModal to display the boxes, and I'm using the AJAX version of reCAPTCHA because the PHP version is already buggy with jqModal (a known bug: Now, the reCAPTCHA works fine in Firefox. But i...

Recaptcha ErrorMessage Property Not Working

I am using recaptcha in an ASP.NET 3.5 application and for some odd reason the ErrorMessage property is not working. Below is my code <recaptcha:RecaptchaControl ID="recaptcha" runat="server" PublicKey="*******************************" PrivateKey="*******************" Theme="white" ErrorMessage="This is an typo error" /> When the ty...

Recaptcha ErrorMessage Property in ASP.NET

I am using recaptcha in an ASP.NET 3.5 application and for some odd reason the ErrorMessage property is not working. Below is my code <recaptcha:RecaptchaControl ID="recaptcha" runat="server" PublicKey="*******************************" PrivateKey="*******************" Theme="white" ErrorMessage="This is an typo error" /> When the ty...

Do I need captcha public key and/or private key for localhost?

I am developing locally with PHP on Xampp. I am trying to use recaptcha. Do I need public and/or private key? Thanks in advance. ...

recaptcha validation not being thrown with codeigniter - however only when uploaded to webhost

Using the following guide online (and the 1.7x fix at the bottom) Recaptcha validation works well when working locally (tested on both my windows machine and a friends OSX machine) however when uploaded too both my server and his web host the validation routine for the recaptch appears not...

django : recaptcha : Error in firefox works in IE & chrome : RecaptchaState error

I have integrated Recaptcha with dJango. dJango Snippet - Recaptcha The view which is showing the page is - from baseapp.recaptcha import captcha def showHome(request): if(request.user.is_authenticated()): tempEmail = request.session.get('id') return render_to_response('logreg/login-register.html', ...

remove circle recaptcha

Hi, I am using recaptcha for the registration page in my website got from I feel difficult to read the two word that is generating automatically. I want to remove the dark circl at the back ground of the text or else single word to type easily. Thanks. ...

Rails Functional Test using Recaptcha

My UsersControllerTest currently fails because I use verify_recaptcha in UsersController#create. How can I write my tests such that a known good CAPTCHA response is passed with params[:user]? I am using reCAPTCHA, but I suppose the question would apply to any CAPTCHA implementation. Here is my UsersController#create def create @user ...

What should considered to prevent Injection in request forms ?

What should considered to prevent Injection in request forms ? e.g : using Recaptcha, preventing SQL Injections, etc ... what other item should be consider ? ...

Bug with audio reCaptcha in safari

Hi all, Can other Safari users please test for me, to see if the audio reCaptcha plays properly? On my machine, I can only hear the audio if I click the Download sound as MP3 link. I also don't get the spoken introduction at all. It works OK in Firefox and Chrome. I was alerted to this bug on my own...

recaptcha still submits form when one word invalid

Um so I was in for a little bit of a surprise tonight. I spent a good 20 mins trying to figure out why I was able to submit a form knowing that what I entered into the recaptcha field was invalid. Is it true that you don't need to input the exact words it displays? If it shows me two words and I misspelled one of the words, I still pass ...

reCaptcha on iPhone App using SDK

Has anyone used reCaptcha on their iPhone application? I am trying to figure out how to embed it in my App... ...

Recaptcha with Authlogic and OpenID problem

Hi all, I have a fully functioning rails app with authlogic and openid as per railscasts episode 170 ( The problem comes when I want to add recaptcha and a user signs up with openid. Apparently the verify_recaptcha method overrides the openid parameters. There must be a way to g...

reCAPTCHA Ajax API + custom theme not working

I can't see where I'm going wrong. I've tried everything I could think of, reCAPTCHA is just not working with the Ajax API. Here's what my code looks like: <!-- this is in <head> --> <script type="text/javascript" src=""&gt;&lt;/script&gt; <script type="text/javascript" src="http://api.recaptcha...

How to Style Custom Recaptcha Widget Using Ambethia Ruby Gem?

I'm not sure how to go about styling a custom theme Recaptcha widget using I want to resize the widget to fit in a form in a sidebar. If I do <%= recaptcha_tags :display => {:theme => 'custom', :custom_theme_widget => 'recaptcha_widget'} %> and add <div id="recaptcha_widget"> <div id="reca...

reCaptcha Zend Framework Ajax

Hello having some issues with the recaptcha service in Zend framework , when loading some form that contains recaptcha dynamically (trough .load()) any body knows how to pass the issue? ...

How do I correctly Re-render a Recaptcha in ASP.NET MVC 2 after an AJAX POST

Ok... I've downloaded and implemented this Recaptcha implementation for MVC which uses the ModelState to confirm the validity of the captcha control. It works brilliantly... except when I start to use it in an AJAX Form. In a nutshell, when a div is re-rendered with AJAX, the ReCaptcha that it should contain does not appear, even tho...

recaptcha always returns invalid

The reCaptcha example for ASP.NET does not seem to work. I followed the instructions but it always returns false, "The verification words are incorrect.". The entries are good. I'm using localhost as the site but am not getting any public/private key errors which I did get when adding a bad key (as a test). I've seen this error report...